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About Murey2

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  1. Guided missiles launcher must sound a lock-on tone when locked on target, Because In hardcore you can not know what the hell is happening, is target acquired by missile or not!!
  2. Great news dude, thanks for shareing, I hope it will be in the near future.
  3. I agree with you RO2 is awesome, I hope that awesomeness of RO2 will be in ARMA3 or better !, other wise devs most not attach bipod to any gun if it's useless (for good looking only) XD, I don't like dead good looking things. I hope if bipod was included in ARMA3, it will be deployable.
  4. Hello guys, I am just wondering if there is an action for deploying Bipod while prone like in BF3 (in BF3 when you deploy your weapons bipod on any object or on the ground, the weapon become like stationary weapon, same as in the real life), to increase the accuracy. Is there any similar action in ARMA3. Because I was looking every where in the web to confirm that, but no luck on that. tell me please !? I know that if you change your condition like standing or crouching, it will change your accuracy. I'm waiting your reply, cheers.
  5. Hey guys when I'm flying UH-1 in multiplayer, when some one sits in the UH-1 chief's chair if he fired the guns (that will be the left gun) I as a pilot loss aim when firing the guns (gun manual fire), is there a possible way or key to re-aim the gun for pilot's HUD zero point ?! thanks for your help. Regards.