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Everything posted by dreadpirate

  1. Thanks for releasing this, I can see myself using it a great deal. I was just playing around with it in the editor and noticed a few things: The first time I tried to preview, I got an error: No entry 'config.bin/CfgWeapons' But after opening and closing the Config Viewer it worked, so it might be an A3 bug as opposed to something you've done. Next, the British units in vehicles were not redressed for me. Maybe a timing issue? Your script is running before the units are created or something? Lastly, the Helicopter Crew & Pilot uniforms have a USA flag on the sleeve. Maybe give them the civilian Worker Coveralls (similar design) or just CTRG?
  2. dreadpirate

    Information about ARMA3 MODULES

    You don't need a functions module in A3, it's included by default. As for setup, there are some good tutorials on YouTube. Search for "pickinthatbanjo" for starters.
  3. dreadpirate

    Nevbox's Texture Resources

    Great idea, I'll be following with interest...
  4. dreadpirate

    Easy British unit script

    I really like this script, it effectively adds a whole faction without a single addon. I notice in this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150633-How-to-make-civilians-as-enemies-and-equip-them-with-weapons-some-of-the-gear that you have redressing scripts for FIA and "MFA". How would I go about using multiple redressing scripts in the one mission? ie How do I edit the description.ext? I'd like to add other redressing scripts when I get a chance: Cops & Robbers - Pistols, SMGs and light vests only... Islamic State - Shemags, Katibas & CSAT voices... Mercenaries - Wide variety of equipment, American, British and Greek voices mixed...
  5. dreadpirate

    Need a voice actor for a small role

    Tried to add you and Steam couldn't find you...
  6. I've started making a script to auto-furnish buildings, starting with the military offices: Place a Game Logic over the building you want to furnish with the init line: nul = [this] execVM "furnish.sqf"; furnish.sqf: if !(isServer) exitWith {}; _building = nearestBuilding (_this select 0); _tmp = "Land_TableDesk_F" createVehicle position _building; [_building, _tmp, [2.7, -4.7, 0.5], 270] call BIS_fnc_relPosObject; _tmp = "Land_TableDesk_F" createVehicle position _building; [_building, _tmp, [-0.7, -1.7, 0.5], 90] call BIS_fnc_relPosObject; _tmp = "Land_TableDesk_F" createVehicle position _building; [_building, _tmp, [-5.1, -4.7, 0.5], 90] call BIS_fnc_relPosObject; _tmp = "Land_TableDesk_F" createVehicle position _building; [_building, _tmp, [-2.4, -1.1, 0.5], 180] call BIS_fnc_relPosObject; Eventually, I'll use attachTo to place chairs, computers and random small objects on the desks. But it's pretty tedious work shifting each desk around and previewing in the editor. I tried using Zeus, but the desks bounced around and fell over too often. I can use attachTo to pick up a desk and place it where I want, but how would I get a relative position and orientation to the building to plug into BIS_fnc_relPosObject?
  7. dreadpirate

    Easy British unit script

    (typo in the example above for a single unit) Works great! Even easier to use now with autodetect
  8. As a workaround, you could make the vehicle invincible until it arrives at its destination...
  9. dreadpirate

    Easy British unit script

    Great idea, I'll definitely be using this...
  10. OK, I found myself putting the Muslim prayer sound on every minaret in every mission that I made. So I decided to work out how to automate the process and here's what I came up with: Place a Game Logic in the centre of the map and name it "centre". Place the Functions Module on the map. Add the following to your init.sqf: [true]execVM "scripts\initMinarets.sqf"; //use [false] if you don't want debug markers on the minarets Create a file in your scripts folder called initMinarets.sqf and paste the following: if (!isServer) exitWith {}; waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"}; _debug = _this select 0; possibleMinarets = ["Land_A_Minaret_Porto_EP1","Land_A_Mosque_big_minaret_2_EP1","Land_A_Minaret_EP1"]; includedMinarets = []; { includedMinarets = includedMinarets + (getPos centre nearObjects[_x,10000]); }forEach possibleMinarets; _i = 0; { call compile format [" if (_debug) then { _m%1 = createMarker[""myMinaret%1"",[position _x select 0,position _x select 1]]; _m%1 setMarkerShape ""ICON""; _m%1 setMarkerType ""mil_triangle""; _m%1 setmarkercolor ""colorred""; _m%1 setmarkerDir direction _x; }; _t%1 = createTrigger[""EmptyDetector"",getPos _x]; _t%1 setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, false ]; _t%1 setTriggerActivation [""NONE"", ""PRESENT"", false]; _t%1 setTriggerStatements [""true"", """", """"]; if (random 1 < 0.5) then { _t%1 setSoundEffect [""$NONE$"", """", """", ""Muslim_prayer1""]; } else { _t%1 setSoundEffect [""$NONE$"", """", """", ""Muslim_prayer2""]; }; ",_i]; _i = _i + 1; }forEach includedMinarets; I haven't got it to work with minarets created by the Town Generator.
  11. I'd investigate: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addMPEventHandler and https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Event_Handlers#MPRespawn (But someone wiser than me will have to help you use them properly.....)
  12. You could try respawn = base, combined with a teleport script for blufor to simulate respawn = instant. Might work...
  13. So, I'm creating a co-op Insurgency-style mission. Currently, I have 5 caches, named "cache01" ... "cache05" with a script that randomly hides them inside buildings (not too close to base, of course). Then I have triggers with "!alive cache01" etc as Condition to check for task completion. My questions are: How would I benefit from using createVehicle to create my caches? Would it be better to use scripts rather than on-map triggers to check for completion? What are the potential pitfalls for using that approach (publicVariable, etc)?
  14. dreadpirate

    How to get Town Locations

  15. I could've sworn I tried this yesterday and couldn't get it to work, but it's working now! :) Thank you. So I can have some civilians standing still (shopkeepers, etc.), some following specific waypoints, some looping animations AND have your free-roaming civilians as well. I think this will replace ALICE in my future missions. Good stuff...
  16. I'm definitely going to give this a try. Sounds very promising... Added after having a look: So, if I want to use RydCBC_Units, I have to give a name to every Civilian? Could there be a way to exclude certain Civilians instead?
  17. Which mod, by the way?
  18. Try this: BAF_L110A1_Aim With this ammo: 200Rnd_556x45_L110A1
  19. dreadpirate

    BAF coop mission pack

    My friend and I are working our way through all these missions and enjoying them immensely (also the Takistan & RCIR packs). Just one little edit I'm going to make: Switching from "GROUP" respawn to "SIDE" respawn (to allow team-switching). Last game, my friend and I got killed in quick succession and when we respawned, an AI was group leader! Things went badly for us after that...
  20. dreadpirate

    Patrol Operations 2

    Fixed this myself in the end..... Yes, it's possible to switch around the sides & factions: https://dev-heaven.net/projects/patrol-ops/wiki/Porting I've made a CDF Patrol Ops on Chernarus vs the ChDKZ.....
  21. dreadpirate

    Dynamic Medevac Crew Mission

    Do you want to do SP or MP? (SP being a lot easier)
  22. Can't you just run the script from the trigger?
  23. dreadpirate

    Dynamic Medevac Crew Mission

    I'd love to see a mission like this. The key to dynamic missions is locations: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_CfgLocationTypes and http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/nearestLocations Pick a random location and then spawn in whatever units & vehicles you need for a particular rescue. You'll need to create a trigger or an addAction to make the wounded join your group, so you can order them into the chopper. (Unconscious folks, stretchers and so on are more complex, get the basics working first...). Then when you get back to base, you need a trigger or addAction to drop them off at the Field Hospital. As for the chopper, why not simply use the choppers with guns already on them?