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Everything posted by dreadpirate

  1. dreadpirate

    FIA being OPFOR

    I recommend this: [h=1]Jona's Easy Redress Functions[/h]
  2. dreadpirate

    List of all hidden texture inits

    Is there some way to browse all the paa files in the pbos without unpacking everything? That might turn up a few we haven't seen before... Also, I know nothing about config editing, would it be hard to make a little mod with the uniforms listed above?
  3. Doesn't seem to be working on the Huron. All other helis tested in editor work fine...
  4. dreadpirate

    List of all hidden texture inits

    How about: this setObjectTexture [0, "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Data\basicbody_black_co.paa"]; (works with any uniform) Not really a hidden texture, but I like using: this setObjectTexture [0, "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.33,0.31,0.24,0.3)"]; to turn the AAF uniform olive and then using the olive vest, boonie, caps, backpacks, etc. to make a generic woodland army...
  5. In your init.sqf: onTeamSwitch "group player selectLeader player"; Does this not work in multiplayer?
  6. I've never used them myself, I just know that's how it's done. Google "arma addweaponpool" , there are a few examples floating around.
  7. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addWeaponPool https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addMagazinePool
  8. Have a look at my script Jebus. It can spawn AI by trigger and despawn when no enemies are nearby. It's pretty basic, but it's designed to be noob friendly...
  9. dreadpirate

    Defence module mission help

    I think that's the pre-Zeus version of Defend. You know what would be great? Demo missions for Defend, Sector Control, etc. that actually go through step-by-step how to build your own versions.....
  10. OK, switching to beta. Thank you.
  11. So, we don't need CorePatch anymore? Everything is in the beta?
  12. dreadpirate

    Defence module mission help

    Arma3\Curator\Addons\missions_f_curator.pbo is where the Defend missions are.
  13. dreadpirate

    Defence module mission help

    Multiplayer - New - OK - ZvP 10+1 Defend Kamino There is a way to extract missions from the game files, but someone wiser than I will have to explain.....
  14. dreadpirate

    Defence module mission help

    It does work. I just loaded up Defend Kamino and was attacked by AI within a couple of minutes. No Zeus involved. The problem is, the Defend module is so poorly documented that no one (outside BIS) knows how it works.
  15. Is this a problem that can be fixed with CorePatch (I'm running v1.0.0.24) or is it a JSRS problem? Thank you for all your hard work. Tracking down bugs is no fun, so you've done the ArmA community a great service.....
  16. Jebus at present doesn't save the unit's loadout, it just respawns them according to classname. You could write a script to re-add the loadout and call it from Jebus eg nul = [this, "INIT=, "[_proxyThis, getMarkerPos 'city] call JebusAttack; {[_x] execVM 'myLoadoutScript.sqf'} forEach units group _proxyThis"] execVM "Jebus.sqf" I like using Jona's Easy Redress Functions for that sort of thing. Tell me which units you're changing the gear for and I'll write a quick example.
  17. It's ok. I want this script to be usable by noobs. If people are struggling to understand it, I want to know why. Try adding the "DEBUG" parameter. eg nul = [this, "INIT=, "[_proxyThis, getMarkerPos 'city] call JebusAttack", "DEBUG"] execVM "Jebus.sqf" Or make a Civilian near where the units are supposed to spawn, set it to "Player" and preview your mission and see what is happening.
  18. Well, if you have a marker named 'tower', the group will spawn at the leader's position and attack the 'tower' position. If the group is all killed, they will respawn and repeat 4 - 8 times...
  19. Type nul = at the start of the line. Sorry, need to fix up the examples...
  20. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setUnitPos
  21. Updated script Added reset when no enemies are within certain radius Added Arma 2 demo mission Example using "RESET": nul = [this, "ACT =, 1000, "RESET", "INIT =", " [_proxyThis, 'tower] execVM 'UPS.sqf'"] execVM "Jebus.sqf" Group will not spawn until enemy units are within 1000m. Group will delete itself if no enemies are within 1000m of leader's current position. ​
  22. Almost done adding this feature sergeziegler. Just needs some more testing.....
  23. Re: letterboxing..... https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/showCinemaBorder
  24. I had this issue once in Arma 2. The mission required the (WEST) players to destroy a downed F-35. But as soon as they did, the AI turned on them. Solved it using an eventHandler: this addMPEventHandler["MPkilled",{_this select 1 addRating 7000}];
  25. How many groups does your mission have? Jebus is based around quickly making small scale single-player or co-op missions, but it doesn't have advanced features like unit caching or battlefield clean-up. If your mission is larger in scale, I'd look at AI Spawn Script Pack, EOS or DAC which have more advanced features than my humble little Jebus. Optionally, you could try running AI Caching and Distribution System or cB AI Unit Caching Demo alongside Jebus and see if that helps. If I get a chance on the weekend, I'll try out these caching scripts with Jebus and see how they work.