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Everything posted by dreadpirate

  1. Jebus - Just Editor Based Unit Spawning Version: 1.454 Release Date: 2020/9/19 Author: DreadPirate Short Description: This script takes editor-based groups and respawns them when the group is eliminated Description: The group's waypoints are saved The group's loadouts are saved Multiple respawn positions are available Spawning can be synchronized with a trigger to create groups when needed The number of respawns can be set, or it can respawn infinitely The respawn delay can be a fixed number or a range A pause radius is available so groups don't spawn on top of their enemies An exit trigger can be used to exit the script early Integrated GAIA support (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/172933-mission-template-stand-alone-gaia-make-missions-fast-by-using-mcc-gaia-engine/) A custom init string can be used to run your favourite patrol script, attack script, gear script, etc. Units are added to Zeus automatically Use it for ambient combat, waves of attackers, random patrols or whatever else you think of..... Installation / Usage: Copy the jebus folder into your mission folder Copy description.ext into your mission folder (or merge description.ext with yours) Place a group in the editor Call the script in the initialization box of the leader or group (examples given below) Option: Synchronize a trigger with the group leader. The group will not spawn until the trigger is activated Installing to a sub-folder: Copy the jebus folder into your mission sub-folder (eg scripts) Copy description.ext into your mission folder (or merge description.ext with yours) Edit description.ext to point to sub-folder (eg #include "scripts\jebus\cfgFunctions.hpp") Proceed as normal Parameters: this = Leader of a group "LIVES=" - Number of times group should respawn. Integer or array [minLives, maxLives]. Default is infinite lives "DELAY=" - Delay in seconds before respawning. Number or array [minTime, maxTime]. Default is 30 seconds "CACHE=" - Group will cache until players are within "CACHE=" metres. Default is no caching "REDUCE=" - Group will cache until players are within "REDUCE=" metres. Default is no reducing "START=" - Initial spawning delay. Use if you spawn multiple groups by one trigger to avoid spawn lag. Default is 0. "GAIA_MOVE=" - Group added to GAIA with "MOVE" parameter "GAIA_NOFOLLOW=" - Group added to GAIA with "NOFOLLOW" parameter "GAIA_FORTIFY=" - Group added to GAIA with "FORTIFY" parameter "FLYING" - Air vehicles will spawn already flying "RESPAWNMARKERS=" - Array of alternate respawn positions "PAUSE=" - Radius in which enemies will pause the spawner. Default is 200. "EXIT=" - Name of exit trigger. Group will not respawn again once trigger is activated "INIT=" - Init string to run upon spawning. (Use "_proxyThis" where you would usually use "this" in a script or function call). Default is empty string. "DEBUG" - Will provide debugging information Examples: 0 = [this] spawn jebus_fnc_main; Respawns group with default parameters. Uses editor waypoints. 0 = [this, "LIVES=", [4,8]] spawn jebus_fnc_main; Respawns group 4 - 8 times. Uses editor waypoints. 0 = [this, "DELAY=", [30,60]] spawn jebus_fnc_main; Respawns group after 30 - 60 seconds delay. Uses editor waypoints. 0 = [this, "CACHE=", 500, "GAIA_NOFOLLOW=", "3"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; Group uncaches when players are within 500m of spawn position. Assigns group to GAIA zone 3. 0 = [this, "PAUSE=", 100, "INIT=", "[_proxyThis, 'agia'] execVM 'UPS.sqf'"] spawn jebus_fnc_main; Group initializes Kronzky's UPS script to patrol a marker named 'agia'. Respawning will pause if enemies are within 100m of spawn position. 0 = [this, "GAIA_MOVE=", "9", "RESPAWNMARKERS=", ["m1", "m2"]]spawn jebus_fnc_main; Group will respawn randomly at its editor position or "m1" or "m2". Assigned to GAIA zone 9. 0 = [this, "GAIA_NOFOLLOW=", "10", "EXIT=", myExitTrigger] spawn jebus_fnc_main; Group will respawn until myExitTrigger is activated. Assigned to GAIA zone 10. Changelog: v1.0 (2014/10/28) - First release v1.1 (2014/11/09) - Added support for Motorized, Mechanized & Armored groups. Added trigger activated spawning. v1.2 (2015/02/21) - Added debugging information. Added variable respawn delay. Improved readability of installation and code. Various tweaks. v1.3 (2015/03/17) - ArmA 2 first release. Made parameters more user friendly. Added variable number of respawns. Added simple patrol script. Added simple attack script. Added pilot kill script. v1.31 (2015/03/30) - Added reset when no enemies are within certain radius. Added Arma 2 demo mission. v1.32 (2015/05/08) - Switched to using nearEntities instead of nearestObjects. Changed activation and reset to detect players. v1.33 (2016/3/27) - Eden update. GAIA support. v1.34 (2016/4/3) - Waypoint support. Variable respawn position support. Exit trigger support. v1.35 (2016/4/29) - Fixed caching. Save and restore editor loadouts v1.36 (2016/10/2) - Script can be called from group init. Vehicle locked status and cargo saved. v1.37 (2017/1/1) - Fixed trigger activation, planes, inventory v1.38 (2017/2/26) - Vehicles respawn in editor positions. "REDUCE=" added v1.39 (2017/3/10) - Skill levels are saved. Various tweaks and fixes. v1.40 (2017/10/2) - Dynamic Loadout support. "START=" added. Multi vehicle groups support RESPAWNMARKERS. v1.41 (2017/12/29) - Stopped units moving to default spawn position when using RESPAWNMARKERS v1.42 (2018/5/6) - The behemeth update. More vehicle attributes saved v1.43 (2018/7/1) - Variable names are saved for all group members and vehicles. Various tweaks and fixes v1.431 (2018/7/6) - Fixed a bug with trigger activation v1.432 (2019/6/1) - Variable names are now *actually* saved for all group members and vehicles. Pause radius default is now 0 v1.433 (2019/12/29) - Vehicles spawn 2m off ground (Global Mobilization fix) v1.45 (2020/4/17) - Major code rewrite. Changed the Global Mobilization fix to use config entries. Added a recruit function v1.451 (2020/8/13) - Fixed crew member roles not being assigned correctly v1,452 (2020/8/19) - Fixed empty groups not being deleted. Changed how units are added to Zeus. Support for static weapons v1.453 (2020/9/15) - Fixed Drone support v1.454 (2020/9/19) - Group ID is saved. Unit elevation is saved. Dynamic Loadout support withdrawn for now Version 1.454 Group ID is saved Unit elevation is saved. Groups can be spawned in buildings, on ships, etc. Dynamic Loadout support withdrawn for now (It wasn't working properly anyway) Download https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TJkR0Io5nNCH49xlFTyeWGLcowpQQB3G/view?usp=sharing GitHub https://github.com/DreadPirateAU/JEBUS Jebus - Just Editor Based Unit Spawning v1.452
  2. I don't understand what you're trying to do here. Plank looks like a script to give players the ability to build fortifications, but you're trying to add it to an NPC?
  3. Keep in mind that JEBUS doesn't respawn units in the same sense that players respawn. They're completely new units. So your event handler would need to be added to the new units with the "INIT=" parameter.....
  4. If you give a group a variable name in the editor eg GroupA, the group spawned by JEBUS will be called GroupA...
  5. Hi all. I'm sorry. I'm not really playing Arma 3 at the moment, so no new features are on the cards for the time being. All the source code is on the GitHub. I was hoping someone would create a fork and enhance the project on their own, but no takers so far.....
  6. JEBUS doesn't use 0,0,0 in it's group spawning code. I have noticed Arma spawning units at 0,0,0 when using certain modules, but I can't recall which ones. I'm not that familiar with Guard waypoints, you use them with "Guarded By" triggers, is that right? Maybe there is a problem with spawned units knowing about the triggers, so they head to 0,0,0 by default?
  7. So, I made a little skirmish with a squad of DE_Revive enabled friendlies against respawning waves of enemy AI. Generally, things worked well. I could revive AI and I could order AI to revive each other. A few little things though: I accidentally ordered an AI to revive himself, which of course did nothing. But, when he did eventually get revived, he played the revive animation The "Revive x" addAction wasn't getting removed properly sometimes, cluttering up the AI order menu with revive actions for units that were already revived When I was downed in heavy contact, the AI was too focused on fighting to send someone to revive me. Even after they dealt with the threat, I was lying there and nobody came. Eventually I had to respawn
  8. Not with the way the script is currently set up, sorry.....
  9. I don't know why this happens. I don't know how to fix it.
  10. I'm not planning any updates to JEBUS at present as I'm not really playing A3 at the moment. If anyone wants to fork the GitHub repository and add new features and pick up any remaining bugs, they are free to do so.....
  11. I thought I changed it so the vehicle spawns first so this wouldn't happen anymore... 😞
  12. I did have an issue with units spawning under the vehicle and getting crushed before they got teleported inside, but I resolved that and haven't seen it since... Not sure what I can do about this...
  13. Sync your trigger to the unit you're running JEBUS on and the unit (and its group) won't spawn until the trigger is activated.....
  14. Gaia is optional, I was just using it a lot when I first wrote the script, so I added support for it. Your init line looks fine to me.....
  15. I can't tell what's going on without looking at your mission, but I've experienced similar problems when I accidentally had JEBUS running on more than one unit or vehicle in a group. Maybe look at that?
  16. From the error message, it looks like the waitUntil line in fn_spawnGroup is causing the problem. You could comment that out and see if it makes a difference.....
  17. I don't know. It's working at this end.....
  18. It should be possible to call the function from the init line. I'll have a look when I get a chance...
  19. In that case, use the same initialisation and sync a trigger to that unit with 300m radius
  20. 0 = [this, "CACHE=", 300] spawn jebus_fnc_main; This will hide the units (not completely delete them) when players are outside 300m and unhide them when players enter the area. Is this what you're after?
  21. It looks like I can get the insignia with getObjectTextures. Texture 0 is the uniform texture, texture 1 is the insignia texture. This should be pretty simple to add, I just want to make sure it doesn't break anything else when I do it.....
  22. I'm using getUnitLoadout and setUnitLoadout, which should save and recreate the entire loadout, including facewear. Perhaps there is unit randomisation overriding this? I know some mods eg Community Factions Project run a randomisation script for facewear and headwear. Maybe this is happening after JEBUS has finished? I'm not sure if there's a command for getting a units shoulder patch, but if there is, adding that feature shouldn't be too hard.....
  23. Sync the radio trigger to the unit, not the waypoint.....
  24. Because JEBUS copies and deletes the units at mission start, any synchronisations to waypoints are lost. What you could do is synchronise your trigger to the unit you are running JEBUS on. Then the units will spawn and start following their waypoints only when you trigger them.
  25. Just comment out the line that calls the function. //[_newUnit] call jebus_fnc_unlimitedAmmo; _newUnit; is still required for the script to work.....