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Everything posted by gabberxxl

  1. gabberxxl

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Found another bug in your version of becti, Sari: File: Server\Functions\Server_AI_PurchaseSquad.sqf Change the following from line 55-58 if (_can_use) then { _compose pushBack _picked select 0; _need = _need - 1; }; to: if (_can_use) then { _compose pushBack (_picked select 0); _need = _need - 1; }; otherwise AI group leaders won't buy any units from the factories.
  2. gabberxxl

    ASOR Gear Selector

    Very cool script. It would be nice if it could be implemented in benny's CTI, but for this it would need limited options for BLUFOR/OPFOR and it should be able display a $ (cost calue). Will it be possible to set the loadouts for my AI- team members as well?
  3. gabberxxl

    crCTI Kastenbier Edition

    zorrobyte described it pretty good in this thread and in the linked feedback tracker.
  4. Dwarden, is this going to be fixed? It does make using a HC pretty useless, as thats the main purpose of an hc, better performance.
  5. gabberxxl

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Sari, I am using your version of CTI and I get this error spammed a thousand times in the *.rpt. 0:29:16 Error in expression <ndlyCamps; if ((_currentSV < _lastSV && CTI_P_SideID == (_town getVariable "cti_> 0:29:16 Error position: <CTI_P_SideID == (_town getVariable "cti_> 0:29:16 Error undefined variable in expression: cti_p_sideid 0:29:16 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\Server\Functions\FSM\Functions_FSM_UpdateAI.sqf, line 394
  6. gabberxxl

    Arma 3 - Server Sales

    Thank you! Sounds sufficient for my needs. I think we will grab one of these soon.
  7. gabberxxl

    Arma 3 - Server Sales

    What are the hardware specs? Please provide more detailed information about what CPU, RAM (mhz, CL ?), SSD, HDD, bandwidth, server location
  8. gabberxxl

    crCTI Kastenbier Edition

    And it would be even nicer if it would have a real impact on performance, instead of an esoteric effect, as it does have now. But that's something only BIS can change.
  9. gabberxxl

    HMNZS Te Kaha

    Take a look at this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?170227-AttachToWithMovement-Walkable-Vehicle-Interriors-and-Exterirors/page7
  10. gabberxxl

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    This makes me wonder, what scripts should be run on the server in becti, to help server performance.
  11. gabberxxl

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I see, so I was wrong for blaming benny. It's pretty disappointing that you can't get more performance by using a hc
  12. gabberxxl

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Nope because that results in an unexpected crash of both the server and the hc. I think I forgot that the HC needs to register to the server somehow, so the units get send to the server if the hc is disconnected. Benny used this in his Server_AttemptDelegation.sqf: I'm not sure on how to alter this to get it working again, with a maximum of one hc. EDIT: I think I found a way to get it working. Testing now... EDIT 2: It does work now but... As you can see the performance of the server goes down with the HC After triggering some more AI's the FPS get even worse The HC hits 0 CPS and FPS and the server almost does the same. And finally disconnecting the HC does not kill the server but instead it slowly recovers its performance. The problem imo is that the way benny implemented the HC is bad. It does report back way too much information. It constantly send's all spawned AI classnames, teams, groups and positions to the server. And if this gets interrupted, as i tried before, the town occupation and resistance do not despawn, but instead crash the hc and the server. Finally all we can do is wait for benny to take a look at this, but I personally do not think that benny will return. HC is broken and useless.
  13. gabberxxl

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Haha, no problem dude. Here's a screenshot without that nasty addon. (Side note: HC is the top graph) ;)
  14. gabberxxl

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    That's due to an addon. It has been removed.
  15. gabberxxl

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I tweaked a few things myself now. I implemented the old Server_AttemptDelegation from Arma 2 WFBE 2.072 v2 into your version of BeCTI, Sari. I changed the following: private ["_candidates", "_groups", "_positions", "_side", "_teams", "_town"]; _town = _this select 0; _side = _this select 1; _teams = +[_this select 2]; _groups = +[_this select 3]; _positions = +[_this select 4]; _candidates = missionNamespace getVariable "CTI_HEADLESS_CLIENTS"; _delegated = false; if !(isNil '_candidates') then { _candidates_count = (count _candidates)-1; if (count _candidates > 0 && count _groups > 0) then { //--- Mix it so that we have different HC clients all the time //if (count _candidates > 1) then {_candidates = (_candidates) call CTI_CO_FNC_ArrayShuffle}; //--- Attempt to perform a load-balanced creation _delegation_table = []; for '_i' from 0 to _candidates_count do { if (_i >= count _groups) exitWith {}; _delegation_table set [_i, []]; }; _index_hc = 0; for '_i' from 0 to count(_teams)-1 do { _delegation_table set [_index_hc, (_delegation_table select _index_hc) + [[_teams select _i, _groups select _i, _positions select _i]]]; _index_hc = if (_index_hc+1 > _candidates_count) then {0} else {_index_hc + 1}; }; //--- Delegate the creation now { _owner_id = (_candidates select _forEachIndex) select 0; _group_hc = (_candidates select _forEachIndex) select 1; _uid = (_candidates select _forEachIndex) select 2; //--- Recompose _sub_teams = []; _sub_groups = []; _sub_positions = []; { [_sub_teams, _x select 0] call CTI_CO_FNC_ArrayPush; [_sub_groups, _x select 1] call CTI_CO_FNC_ArrayPush; [_sub_positions, _x select 2] call CTI_CO_FNC_ArrayPush; } forEach _x; [["CLIENT", leader _group_hc], "Client_OnTownDelegationReceived", [_town, _side, _sub_teams, _sub_groups, _sub_positions]] call CTI_CO_FNC_NetSend; if (CTI_Log_Level >= CTI_Log_Debug) then { ["DEBUG", "FILE: Server\Functions\Server_AttemptDelegation.sqf", format["Delegating unit creation to Headless Client [%1] with owner ID [%2] in [%3] for [%4] team(s) on [%5]", _uid, _owner_id, _town getVariable "cti_town_name", count _sub_teams, _side]] call CTI_CO_FNC_Log; }; // diag_log format ["delegating control to %1 of %2",_owner_id,_sub_teams]; } forEach _delegation_table; _delegated = true; }; }; _delegated Into: private ["_candidates", "_groups", "_positions", "_side", "_teams", "_town"]; _town = _this select 0; _side = _this select 1; _teams = +(_this select 2); _groups = +(_this select 3); _positions = +(_this select 4); _delegated = false; _candidates = missionNamespace getVariable "CTI_HEADLESS_CLIENTS"; if !(isNil '_candidates') then { for '_i' from 0 to count(_groups) -1 do { ["CLIENT", "Client_OnTownDelegationReceived", [_town, _side, [_teams select _i], [_groups select _i], [_positions select _i]]] call CTI_CO_FNC_NetSend; }; _delegated = true; }; _delegated Yes, I know looks strange, but what this really does, is disabling all that fancy "load-balanced creation" into a plump "create units on the HC without checking anything". Results are interesting: No more discrepancy between AIL and AIR and finally a perfomance boost for the server. The con is that you can only use one HC with it. Here is a screenshot of our server running with HC and over 300 AI's active:
  16. gabberxxl

    [SP/MP] BegCTI

    Here's some feedback: - I really like the AntiStick feature for the AI. But it also unstucks units that are not stuck. Eg I have an artillery setup in a town behind me to support my advance. It gets ported around because it has a driver with running engine. - The Reorder Team Feature is working as it should. :bounce3: - the FOB factory is a nice feature but in my opinion it is a bit OP and makes lategame logistics (eg. helo with attached vehicles, C17 with tanks loaded) irrelevant Maybe you can take a look at this problem with the headless client.
  17. gabberxxl


    Oh I See. Very cool, thx.
  18. gabberxxl


    Since 1.24 bootcamp update all weapon sounds do not work anymore. Are you gonna release a hotfix?
  19. gabberxxl

    [MP] WASP Warfare CTI

    Looking forward to 0.210! Definitely longer time with many changes! Can't wait to try those new features, especially the HC ability :p
  20. gabberxxl

    Remove/delete BI placed objects?

    Confirmed, this does not work anymore. Probably since 1.24 bootcamp update :mad:
  21. gabberxxl

    Remove/delete BI placed objects?

    I use the attachto method. Use the map editor to find out the ID of the building you want to "remove". Then place a game logic, eg. a camp on top of it, and write this in it's init field: Replace the X with a number to identify your building and ID with the ID you see in the map editor buildingX = (position this nearestobject ID); After this, place an object, eg. a battery, set its altitude to -500m and place it somewhere safe. Then attach the buildingX using this: Replace the X with the number you have given the building before. buildingX attachto [this, [0,0,0]];
  22. gabberxxl

    [SP/MP] BegCTI

    Thank you very much for this. Testing now... :)
  23. So, what do I have to do, to get this working on our dedi server running cti. Does only the server need this installed? Or every single client, aswell? Do I need to place a module in the mission itself? Cti does spawn new units while ingame, so this would'nt make any sense.
  24. gabberxxl

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Could someone help me please. I'm trying to change the way the occupation/resistance spawns. Atm you can upgrade your towns occupation force to maximum, race to the town depot with a tank or an apc, hide there and wait till you capture the town. This way your own sides occupation will spawn and defeat the resistance/occupation for you.
  25. gabberxxl

    CCIP script for aircrafts

    Why, oh why, do not all people release their stuff under this license. :j: Can't wait for a multiplayer addon version!