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Posts posted by Radioman

  1. I'm needing to get the player object of a client who just connected dynamically. I'm thinking that I could use the "ObjectfromnetID" function, but I need to get the netID first. The only way I see on the A3 scripting commands BIKI page is to run "NetID" object, but I don't have the object, because that's what I'm trying to get....


    [90099] New: Added MP only scripting functions netId / objectFromNetId / groupFromNetId.

    ^ Added to Arma 2, but I can't find any additional notes on this build besides this....

  2. On the first day of the alpha, Arma 3 allowed you to see what's on your secondary, tertiary, quadrary monitors, but in the latest update(?) which brought the startup option to start in either normal or windowed mode, starting in normal mode causes all other monitors to be blanked out.

    This is not ideal as I use my multimonitors for a lot of things during gameplay, and it's stopping me from running in full screen and getting full performance out of my GPU. Not running in full screen disallows me to use NVIDIA adaptive vSync as well, which is a bit of a buzz kill.

    Is this by design? Or did someone oops?


  3. Arma is hungry you got to feed it!

    Too bad Arma only nibbles on what you feed it. The issue here isn't to do with the user's hardware, it's moreso Arma's inability to utilise 100% of it.

    The game has always had an invisible bottle neck, as running on a RAMDISK with a high-end GPU and 4.5 GHz i5 2500k and execution on CPU and GPU don't push 40%, yet the game is running at 20-30 FPS.

    Playing multiplayer has an adverse effect on performance as well, due to the net code of Arma (Or maybe just SQF) being slow to produce frames due to the server not sending as many packets.

  4. Well, there's a lot of people with an amd card, so the particles should run well on just the cpu, once that's done why bother with physX particles?

    Because you can make your game look so much better with a lower performance hit, if the user has an nvidia card? From a gamedev point of view, that's as hard as making an additional lever on the options drop-down list and a boolean flag "UseGPU" true...

  5. A simple plug and play mission where it's red vs blue.

    There are two classes of helicopter to choose from. The AH-9 and the Ka-60. The vehicle class can be selected in the parameters before the round.

    There's no ultimate goal but to have fun with people and learn the new flight mechanics of Arma 3.

    You can get it from Armaholic here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18746

  6. gpu physx is for stuff like cloth simulation, not implemented in arma, most games with the physX splashscreen use only cpu physx.

    So no luck with particle simulation being done on the GPU? Particles lag to hell because it's all CPU side...

    ---------- Post added at 05:17 ---------- Previous post was at 05:16 ----------

    gpu physx is for stuff like cloth simulation, not implemented in arma, most games with the physX splashscreen use only cpu physx.

    So no luck with particle simulation being done on the GPU? Particles lag to hell because it's all CPU side...

  7. Hello,

    I'm having issues getting Arma 3 to use my GPU for physics. I have my secondary nvidia GPU set to be the physX device and tested it using FluidMark. FluidMark AND the nvidia PhysX indicator showed that PhysX was being calculated on the GPU I had selected, as well as my GPU monitor.

    Running Arma 3, the nvidia PhysX indicator shows "PhysX > CPU" regardless of activity. Is there any way to force GPU accelerated physX?

    Sorry if this is a repost/common issue, the search function times out due to server strain and the first two pages were not visibly related.


  8. It should be installed as part of your video drivers if you're using Nvidia, but the game doesn't seem to need anything special to make it work. There's no special benefit for having a Physx capable accelerator for example, I haven't seen any objects with any physics type properties - all of the set dressing stuff is firmly fixed to the map in a stationary position. I think the vehicles are the only thing that may use physics calculations from Physx libraries, I haven't noticed any rag-doll like effects on enemy soldiers shot like that one preview video showed.

    I don't know what game you're playing, but my A3 has rag doll physics.

  9. I have it on OFF as I dont like it. And it is a resource hog.

    Setting it to "off" removes some useful and non-resource intensive visuals. 'very low' doesn't have the crazy bloom or blur, just 2d visual things that have no impact on performance.
