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Posts posted by Radioman

  1. MrCopyright, my texture is 1:1. Now if I render it to a sign, for example, it is being stretched because the sign "expects" a 2:1 texture.


    Now I could save it as a 2:1 texture also, but if I want to render it to several objects all "expecting" different ratios, I obviously do not want to have a separate texture for every kind of object.


    So I was asking if one can force setObjectTexture to render a 1:1 texture as such and not to scale it to the surface's ratio.




    This is not possible. From a modelling standpoint the UV Mapping is all different, causing different aspect ratios. Textures do not tile, they are simply projected onto the model as is.

  2. First, sorry for my poor english.


    Are you trying to play on Jammywarfare(Zerty edition) or OFPS Servers?

    Or Benny Warfare A3?


    Or you try to create Warfare from Vanilla A2, like a When Diplomacy Fails(3 Sides(24 Player Slots)) or Warfare (2 Sides(16 slots)) ?

    It's based on OFP, A1 Warfare, cause Author of it is Mike Melvin.


    I hear that Benny work of new Warfare for OFPS Server.




    I used to help out the OFPS folks when they were starting to modify their BECTI and got them migrated to Github. 


    The Warfare I refer to is based on Warfare from Vanilla A2. Benny made a modification of it and that is what I aim to base my CTI on as it played well.

    BECTI and any modification thereof is very different to how Arma 2's Warfare BE played.

  3. Hello radioman.

    No matter what people reply (interest wise) the masses will always move on to the next best thing.

    Make the warfare remake for yourself and a few friends to enjoy. If others like it great, if it doesn't catch on then so be it.

    As long as you are having fun then it is worth the effort.


    I appreciate your reply. I ask because Warfare is a VERY big mission, and needs good numbers to be a fun experience for those playing. My friend base is around 5 odd people at best, and this mission would require 16-32. Not to mention the sheer volume of code required. If it's all for nothing, I will not be a happy person.

  4. You could use a combination of the following:

    Make them aim at the target:



    Make them fire:



    The issue with doArtilleryFire is that it is hardcoded for them to reset their target and drop their barrel. You'll just have to make your own similar system to circumvent this.

  5. Hello everyone,


    I have begun work on an Arma 2 Warfare BE clone for Arma 3.

    I've started from scratch with the intent of making a far more optimised CTI for Arma 3 which plays just like it did back in Arma 2.


    I write to you now asking for expressions of interest in such a mission, as I have noticed that previous and even current Arma 3 CTI projects are left unplayed and eventually abandoned (WASP and Gossamer's to name a few)

    Would you be interested in an Arma 3 Warfare, akin to Arma 2's Warfare BE?


    You can track my progress on my Github here:



    Please leave me a comment and show your support.





    • Like 4

  6. Returning to the work on missions:

    1) HC has been included in 0.210 release

    2) We have already selected the list of changes and bugs that will be solved in v0.210. Here is the list:

    - [Future] Vehicles Markers by owner

    - [Future] Add Building Complete

    - [Future] Change Respawn Script for Player by "Respawn point Function" (Camp direction string "North")

    - [Future] Change Mission Parameter: Player Team Max count: 8

    - [Future] Change Mission Parameter: Supply/Money: 5000/5000

    - [Future] Chernorus Map

    - [Future] Takistan Map

    - [Future] MHQ Repair Script

    - [Future] Base and Building Sale Menu

    - [Future] After Player Disconnect Units and Vehicles in his Group not delete

    - [Future] Need Fix Can Transfer Money you self

    - [Future] EventHandler Building Killed - Work Not Correct

    - [Future] On Local Server do not work Lock/Unlock Functions

    - [Future] Unflip work not correct - if not fix

    - [Future] Dynamic Whether Changes on Server and Clients

    - [Future] AI TeamLeaders Can by Units and Vehicles

    We will keep in touch. :)

    You missed the issue where players can buy as many AI as they like, regardless of unit count limitation.

    This is due to you only ever checking ONCE that the user has enough room in their group, and that's before the creation process even begins. It also does not check if you have a number of units pending creation either. So I could have 1 unit (myself), I can then select the 'buy' button 250 times within 4 seconds, and then I would be awarded all 250 units.

    What I also fail to understand is why you need to send a request to the server to create the unit, when all the server does is send the request back again for the player to complete, with little to no necessary data validation. This leaves this issue with a very costly solution of either rewriting the entire unit purchasing process, OR scanning through the entire array of units pending creation to find all those that belong to that one player, count them up, and then revalidate. If it fails to validate, then you'd need to have the server pay the player back for the unit (as the cost of the unit was already withdrawn by the client) which would affect performance due to unnecessary repetition.

    Just a heads up.

  7. From now v209.2 can be taken from our test server.

    Right now we can deal with most bugs without outer help. If you notice some bugs please post them here. This way will increase the speed of mission's development. ;)

    Okay, well, in that case, here's my list of bugs that need to be resolved.

    - Factory: Buying units needs to be default to nearest base building
    - Gear: Can buy weapons/items multiple times but only get one, but charged for each time you 'added' the item 
    - Gear: Selling helmets does not actually remove the item but gives you money. Disable "sell back" of items.
    - Factory: You can buy infinite vehicles if you click fast enough
    - Upgrades: menu has no countdown
    - Upgrades: menu needs tooltip "Doubleclick to run upgrade" as it is not apparent enough to new users
    Commander Build mode
    	- Buildings can be built anywhere. e.g. All inside one another.
    - Town AI vehicles do not engage due to aim shake.
    - Infantry lethality needs to be increased (lesser idiocy)
    - Despawned vehicles don't delete their marker
    - Towns don't have supply value on their name
    - Empty vehicles despawn too soon.
    - Player payouts appear to occur multiple times a cycle
    - Starting vehicles - Ambo + Truck
    - Remove random debug 'hints'
    - Towns MG Nests don't despawn when a town is capped.

    There's also a lot of code optimisation that should be done also. ie, you use 'spawn' and 'scriptdone' an awful lot, when you should just use 'call'.

    You also have a lot of repetition in functions and generally poor readability of code.

    Your mainloop for the client and server shouldn't use a for loop, it should use a waituntil {[script here]; false } loop, so that it runs once per frame. You could also then break out the other functions to only run every 2 frames, or 4 frames, or 8, etc. etc. Breaking up the overall load.

    Your scripts are also not clearly scoped. ie, you've functions EVERYWHERE, that both client and server can access. You should have them clearly separated into client, server and common scopes.

    Storing player funds as a global variable, one that can be modified by the client and taken by the server as 'fact' is also poor design. You need to have proper data validation.

    A lot of your UI function calls are spawned, with by value variable passing, so thus exploits are easily achieved. You need to change these spawns into calls, and these calls should reference variables by reference. A good way to resolve this issue is by using the mainloops to have an 'event register', which is an array that contains a list of events, their respective variables (if any, due to byref) and their function, along with a 'time of execution' for when the function event is to be called. ie, I buy a unit at time = 1200;, and that unit takes 4 seconds to build. You'd have the 'buy' event registered in the register, and it'd then be 'called' when time == 1204; that way, if I buy 10 units, and can only afford 4, it would stop at the 4th unit as I couldn't afford the remaining 6, due to byref variable passing.

    Now do you see why I'd like an un-obfuscated version? There's much to be done.

  8. Any chance you could release a version without the scripts being all garbled? I'd like to fix this mission up and make it playable, but unfortunately I'm having to spend half my time reformatting all the code. If you can't, it's no big deal, I'll just reformat it all and use that. Just not very nice to the community to obfuscate your code the way you have.

  9. Additionally, when I run the server, the RPT file's last entry is

    Error 5 reading file ''

    The startup line for the server is simply

    -server -port=2302

    ^ Which works 100% fine on Windows. I can remote to it, I can connect to it, etc.

    However, on the Linux box, it just shows no results.

    ^ Disregard, the server is now showing after rebooting the VM and starting the A3 server again. However, gameplay is very broken in that it crashes a lot. No sound specific issues (though xaudio was one of the top-most modules in a crash report) - I'll post crash reports here as I get them. I didn't get the first two because the 100% CPU use it left the server on, made it impossible to grab over VNC.

    uname -a

    Linux Arma3Testbed 3.2.0-23-virtual #36-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 10 22:29:03 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/sound

    arma@Arma3Testbed:/lib/modules/3.2.0-23-virtual/kernel/sound$ ls -al
    total 40
    drwxr-xr-x 5 root root  4096 Apr 25  2012 .
    drwxr-xr-x 9 root root  4096 Apr 25  2012 ..
    drwxr-xr-x 4 root root  4096 Apr 25  2012 core
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root root  4096 Apr 25  2012 drivers
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 Apr 25  2012 pci
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19744 Apr 11  2012 soundcore.ko

    find /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/sound -type f -name snd-dummy\*

    No output

    zcat /proc/config.gz | grep SND_DUMMY

    gzip: /proc/config.gz: No such file or directory

  10. @NoPlanB: I've added a link to your post on the OP, so you are free to update the script in the future!

    @Radioman: I know that you're saying that you disabled the firewall, but what does 'iptables -L -v' give you? The client will favour servers that are geographically close, with low latency. Can you connect directly using the IP? Also, have you checked your server configuration to ensure that you are connecting to the correct master server? Can you ping that master server from your own server?

    In the case of the snd_dummy not found error, are you actually receiving any ALSA errors? Are you using a custom-configured kernel? If not, what version kernel are you using ('uname -a')? What are the contents of '/lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/sound'? Can you run 'find /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/sound -type f -name snd-dummy\*' and provide the output, if any? Also, the output of 'zcat /proc/config.gz | grep SND_DUMMY'?

    If your kernel is customized, then you'll have to build with CONFIG_SND_DUMMY=y or CONFIG_SND_DUMMY=m (preferably the latter, if you don't want a permanent fake sound card).

    root@Arma3Testbed:~# iptables -L -v
    Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
    pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination                                                                               
    Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
    pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination                                                                               
    Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
    pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination 

    As for the ALSA errors, I'm not getting any visible ALSA errors, but I assumed that it could be contributing to my current issues.

    As for the dummy sound object, I am (I believe) running a custom kernel, because my VPS provider uses their own build of the Ubuntu 12.04 kernel. I'm using 'Digital Ocean' and they're freaking amazing.


  11. Okay, so I have Steam installed, Arma 3 installed, and I can run the arma3server.exe. My only issue is that I cannot connect to the server.... The server is Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server, and I've disabled all the IPTables to forward all (for good measure). I try to remote to the server via Arma, and the server list shows empty.

    I've disabled my MP filters in Arma, and still cannot see it. Both my client and the server are running versions 0.77 of Arma 3.


    P.S - I cannot, for the life of me, "sudo modprobe snd-dummy"

    I get "FATAL: Module snd_dummy not found." in return.

  12. No. Just make sure nothing is assigned to Left Turn and Right Turn. That is whats making you yaw and pitch at the same time.

    I don't think you know what he's on about. In arma, the rudder has a mind of it's own. Sure you can bind keys to it and use it, but if you do a turn, then take all hands off the controls, the rudder will just flap about, trying to point you forwards again.

    It's annoying as hell and cannot be disabled.

  13. Hence why I asked/suggested in a thread (dev branch discussion?) that either it be prefixed as smg or be made a sidearm as the "hgun" prefix would imply... like Arma 2's Micro Uzi "PDW". :p

    They likely planned to do this, but because of the attachment system etc, decided against it. Probably another cut corner due to time constraints.

  14. So if I am using a callback system implemented say as:

    if!(_callback == "") then
    call compile format["[%1] call %2", _player, _callback];

    Or using a command router:

    call compile format['_command = ["%2"] call arjay_command%1;', _commandId, _unitId];

    How open to abuse are these? The first example is something I would much rather handle with an event handler system, rather than a callback one.

    With the command router this could be replaced by a large switch statement or similar, but with a lot of command options to route this gets large.

    How do others handle issues like this, with security in mind?

    I handle such things by not making them dynamic, and actually having a flag based system instead, that uses an array, and a 2-3 letter 'flag', for the switch statement, and maybe even nested flags there after.

    A good (and my only real available) example of this can be seen here: https://github.com/MarkusNemesis/Arma3LifeFramework/blob/inDev/A3LifeFramework.Stratis/client/functions/interactions/clientInteractionItemUseEvents.sqf

    As for security of your current proposal, there's so many holes in it, it's swiss cheese. First one especially, but the second one isn't too bad, but could become subjected to code injection, ie _unitId could = "unitID; 0 spawn {malicious code here};", and your system would run it without any questions, as it'd work fine.

  15. Well, someone mentioned BIS function BIS_fnc_codePerformance in another thread

    Author: Karel Moricky
    Measures how much time it takes to execute given expression
    _this select 0: STRING - tested expression
    _this select 1 (Optional): ANY - Param(s) passed into code (default: [])
    _this select 2 (Optional): NUMBER -  Number of cycles (default: 10000)
    NUMBER - avarage time spend in code execution [ms]
    private ["_code","_params","_cycles","_codeText","_timeResult"];
    _code = [_this,0,"",[""]] call bis_fnc_param;
    _params = [_this,1,[]] call bis_fnc_param;
    _cycles = [_this,2,10000,[0]] call bis_fnc_param;
    //--- Compile code (calling the code would increase the time)
    _timeResult = 0;
    _codeText = compile format [
    	_time = diag_ticktime;
    	for '_i' from 1 to %2 do {
    	_timeResult = ((diag_ticktime- _time) / _cycles) * 1000;
    //--- Execute testing
    "----------------------------------" call bis_fnc_logFormat;
    ["Test Start. Code: %1",_code] call bis_fnc_logFormat;
    ["Test Cycles: %1",_cycles] call bis_fnc_logFormat;
    _params call _codeText;
    ["Test End. Result: %1 ms",_timeResult] call bis_fnc_logFormat;
    "----------------------------------" call bis_fnc_logFormat;

    This function will not only execute your code on remote machine if you call it with BIS_fnc_MP, it will also execute your code as many times as you want.


    You see this is my problem with this approach. You don't need this function, you can write your own performance test bit of script as fast as if not faster than having to learn about this function and remember its params. A massive security hole trying to make coder life easier. In fact this is a headache function leaving it like that in ArmA 3 package.

    It could stay in, if BIS perhaps implemented some kind of blacklist for BIS_fnc_MP, and also enable a field in server.cfg, or description.ext, to add specific blacklisted functions for BIS_fnc_MP. Have it IN ENGINE, and not just a BE tack-on. People can waffle on as much as they like about how 'good' BE is, but it's got a marred history of being just plain bad... Not FUD... Fact....

  16. You don't even need BIS_fnc_MP to execute any code you want remotely.

    Add for example a MP killed EH to the player object on a client and press ESC->Respawn, the MPKilled code gets now executed on all connected instances, means all clients and the server.

    As long as BIS_fnc_MP isn't changed (clients should never be able to execute any available function/script file or code remotely) and as long as the MP eventhandlers transfer code over the net instead of using preregistered code nothing will really change.

    I also wonder why clients can use any setPos command or setDamage on other clients player objects. Scripting commands like these should be limited to the local player object.


    +1. All global effect functions should at LEAST require locality of the arguments/affected object, in order to execute. and BIS should burn MP event handlers at the stake, like they did with setvehicleInit. It's exactly the same in regards to vulnerability, and doesn't really bring any functionality that cannot be done otherwise with a simple PVEH....
