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About MixedMethods

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    Private First Class
  1. MixedMethods

    FOV Help

    Guide for changing FOV And remember to click Read Only as Chris says!!
  2. As I only play mods I can help you with just 2. To type you need to press '/'. You will find that there are several channels, Global, Side, Group, Vehicle and Direct. Some servers will have all and some will have less, I don't believe there are any more channels but there may be. Global will send a message to everyone in game. Side will sent a message to your team. Group is for the players you are grouped with (and maybe AI? But that's not my area). Vehicle will communicate with everyone in the same vehicle as you regardless of team. Direct is for players in your proximity regardless of team. Hope that helps with that!
  3. Course, you'd need a hit round the head if you've been doing panoramas on auto mode :P No idea about Arma's scripts, but I have been working on large image compositions.
  4. MixedMethods

    FOV Help

    Nope, did not know about that. Will give it a blast thanks!
  5. MixedMethods

    FOV Help

    multiplying by 0.# is effectively dividing ^^ I've already altered the values based on information from this guide but it's had zero effect. :s
  6. MixedMethods

    FOV Help

    You'll have to forgive me, I am one of the DayZ Commander generation, so no idea how to do that :P What I'm trying to do is get standard FOV to be around that which you get whilst holding down + on numpad, would that allow for it?
  7. MixedMethods

    FOV Help

    Hello there, I'm trying to change my FOV but it doesn't appear to have an in game effect. I have my settings as this currently, but it looks like standard FOV atm. Is there a limit to what you can set it to? - And yes, I'm trying to make it smaller rather than bigger.
  8. OP here. So far I've been able to get it to run @ 3264x2040. My screen is 1920x1200 and is having issues actually displaying anything larger, although the GPU will output the image (I pressed print screen whilst the monitor was having a fit) at that size I can not view anything while at that resolution (ie cant open the game up and change settings to take high res SS). Been using Nvidia custom res' to get this btw. Been testing stitching them together with PS CS6 and Hugin, this is the first result to have half worked:
  9. Hi there, I'm looking to create screenshots from Arma 2(+ mods like DayZ/Wasteland) at a really high resolution - preferably up to 7000x5000 pixels. This is for use in printed images - Uniwork. Obviously this isn't for playing with, so FPS and all that does not matter. Does anyone know of any method to do this? Any and all help would be appreciated! :)
  10. Mofo, we need to remove guns, guns kill people.
  11. Ahaha, hey Mofo 1. Not yourself! Just a few people out on the West Coast have issues time to time to EU servers :) 2. Let the games begin! 3. That would be brilliant, the more people that chip the longer we can have it I reckon :) 4. I will try but we have our own TS and a skype chat going so we jump straight on that, plus we need privs and all that to change room on your TS :P. And besides, if we played with you all the time then there'd be no threat! Only lost one heli to a player and that's you lol In addition to that the group size should be limited, to avoid any one team dominating the server, which is why I believe all the groups were limited to 40 before. Perhaps 20-30 limit would be appropriate as teams that are in groups tend to be better organised.
  12. It's easy to find sure, but the game gets garish quick when everything is a freaking shade of green lol. ^Saw this last night!^ WIth a bit of luck I will have a server soon, hopefully no more mashing enter to join the server and waiting for ten minutes for an indy slot :p
  13. Heya, it'll be USA East Coast I hope, although I am UK myself, got to account for my laggy American friends :P
  14. Hi SaMatra Would it be possible to have a conversation with you about hosting? Just signed up and lacking the post count to mail you! :P