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Everything posted by cc_kronus

  1. I am having trouble with a trigger. I have been looking in the forum for more than a couple of hours and I could not find specifically what i am looking for. I know nothing of editing, I am only a copy-paster. I want to create a zone that will delete civilians entering it. So I have a trigger activated by civilians, the problem is that I use "{deleteVehicle _x} forEach thisList;" and it deletes also empty vehicles and stuff, which is not desirable. Which would be the syntax for a trigger that would delete exclusively and only civilians entering the trigger without affecting any other element in the trigger's area?
  2. cc_kronus

    Civilian Exclusion zone

    Theend3r, thanks for all, works perfectly!.
  3. cc_kronus

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Could you, please, clarify what is it? A) there is no possible way to turn on C130-J's green jump light from a waypoint's init B) you are not aware of the way to do it?
  4. cc_kronus

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Same here. I would appreciate if someone could advise which is the code line that should go in a waypoint's init to turn on the green jump lights of RHS's C130-J
  5. cc_kronus

    Civilian Exclusion zone

    OK, I know why it does not work. there are empty vehicles in the trigger area, so they are taken as "civilian" and the trigger gets activated right from start. Precisely the purpose of the request was to see if I could avoid having to mess with the empty vehicles and the trigger would be selective enough as to get only the pedestrian civs. Also, by spiriting away the drivers, we leave on the trigger an empty vehicle that counts as civilian and keeps the trigger activated.
  6. cc_kronus

    Civilian Exclusion zone

    Theend3r, thanks for this, But no joy. civilians cross the trigger as if it wasn't there Action: Civilian Activation: Present Repeat server only (must work for multiplayer) condition: this On Activation: I've tried both your proposals and both yield the same result
  7. Works like a dream! Thank you very much!
  8. In our community we use Alive to provide combat supports (transport, CAS, artillery, etc... ) and for anyone to use the support, he needs to carry a TFAR long range radio "tf_rt1523g_big_rhs". Unfortunately, Making a supply drop forces mision editors on habilitating the full Alive combat logistic suite, which adds quite a lot of complexity. Instead, we use the vanilla supply drop. Easy to set up and flawless. The negative side is that a) vanilla supply drop is linked to an individual, if the individual dies it is the end of the supply drop. b) the link to combat logistics is no longer operating after respawn. c) the link cannot be moved to another individual. What we want is that the supply drop moves to whoever carries the indicated TFAR radio. Consequently Since I am a noob in coding, I have had a friend help me to make some code to put in the init.sqf to check who is carrying the LR radio and stablish the sincronizations to enable access to supply drop to that individual. If the radio changes hands (because the original operator was killed), the supply drop should be accessible to the new radio carrier. But we can't make it work and I would appreciate any help. _X would be each player, Req1 is combat support requester prov1 is virtual supply drop provider. if (hasInterface) then { // Only executed at client side checkbackpack = [ ] spawn { if (!isNull (unitBackpack _x)) then { if ((""tf_rt1523g_big_rhs"" == typeof _backpack)) then [_X, req1, prov1] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink; } else { [req1, prov1] call BIS_fnc_removeSupportLink;// removes any existing support link. } sleep 1; // wait for a second to repeat }; };
  9. cc_kronus

    Automated medic?

    Hi Davidoss fantastic job! In our case, we want to leave the automedic back at base, so that when a player in one of the teams gets badly injured and the medic in the team can't totally heal him (eg broken legs) have the injured evacuated back to base where he will be properly fixed. we feel that this is a little bit more inmersive. Note that the medic should be independent from the teams so that a player from any team can be attended by the automedic. Or perhaps having it idle, and with an "add action" that would activate its healing magic... Is that possible? Thanks in advance for looking into that
  10. Vrae, thanks for your input, but that is not what I intend to do. My troops are defending a position, the enemy bombards us with a random pattern arround a point and stop firing when enemy assault troops approach our position. If we are successful on defense and the enemy infantry is pushed out of our zone, the mortars resume fire.
  11. I need some help I am using the original script here https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/141357-enemy-ai-using-artillery/?p=2283929 but I need to modify it and don't know how The situation is as follows. My BLUFOR squad will try to defend a position and the OPFOR enemy will soften it up with random mortar fire before assaulting it with waves of infantry. I would like the mortar fire to stop when the enemy approach the BLUFOR defensive position to avoid hitting their own people and resume firing if there are no more OPFOR in the vicinity of the BLUFOR position. I have a trigger covering the BLUFOR area OPFOR Not present repeat (yes) on act: bombardment = true on deact: bombardment = false and another trigger with the condition "bombardment" that actually calls the script But in the script the bombardment is to run for a number of rounds. How do I change that so that the bombardment (the script) works with the trigger described above so bombardment stops if OPFOR infantry get in the vicinity of the BLUFOR position and re-start the bombardment if the condition is true again? I guess I should change line 1 of the script and replace it by something that would check if the trigger is activated or deactivated?, but unfortunately i know nothing of programming and I am completely lost. Some help would be greatly appreciated!
  12. Great addon!. Now to be perfect, just need a switch to toggle to metric system.
  13. the whole thing of impact of bullets in a body was shown in "mythbusters" (discovery channel) on episode 25 (2005) and revisited again in episode 38. In both cases, the myth that a body hit by a bullet is propelled backwards proved to be a hollywood made myth.
  14. cc_kronus

    Tips on flying a helicopter?

    I joined ARMA coming from a background of air simulators. I found the aircraft in Arma2 -compared with proper flight simulators - quite unrealistically easy to fly, therefore, I did not bother to implement the rudder pedals and hotas thrust control and went only with the main joystick and track IR. It goes like a dream. This said, I found that they have done a very good job in the right direction improving the handle of helicopters in ARMA3, although it is still a far cry from a proper flying simulator (instruments and options are way too limited). The response now is more vivid and it is more real-like. Helicopters in general are a "nervous" thing to fly and require a good deal of anticipation: you need to plan ahead the reaction of the aircraft to the inputs from the joystick to compensate adequately for a nice flight. Trying just to react to the helicopter answer after the joystick input will only have you overcompensating and bouncing all arround. My advice: if you have one, use a joystick with 4 axes ( pitch, bank, rudder and thrust ), otherwise stick to your mouse. Also, if you have one or if you haven't, get a track IR, it is a must for most vehicles, land and airborne. And then, practice, practice and practice. you'll crash a zillion times, but one day you realize you will be able to make flying approaches on confined spaces without need of the autohover (which by the way, make your aircraft blob still in the air like a big target asking to be shot down ) and make decent autorotations with a dead engine. but again, the secret word here is practice, practice and more practice.
  15. well, got it sorted out but without this script. look here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?93523-Corpsman-with-heal-trigger&p=1541118&viewfull=1#post1541118 just what I needed for a medic in the hospital at base.
  16. Hi, I am making a mission where helicopters need to insert a SF team behind enemy lines. The helicopter pilots (human players) will need to fly under 100 meters above terrain (ATL) to avoid enemy radar detection. I would like help to make a script where if the helicopter flies above 100 meters above terrain, the pilot or the chopper gets a warning sound (The standard sound in arma for combat helicopters when being locked by a launcher, would do nicely). And if the pilots are careless enough to stay above 100 meters ATL for more than 10 seconds, means that they have been locked for good and a enemy fighter with a search and destroy mission is spawned to enter the area in 15 minutes (or is directly spawned in the area 15 minutes after the got detected ). The problem is that I do not know how and where to start, where to get the sound from (i've gone trough arma folders but could not locate the individual sounds), how to make the script, the correct sintax, etc... Anybody? Thanks.
  17. Hi XxAnimusxX Thanks for your help but I can't make it work, in fact, the trigger does not even accept the syntax you propose. Any idea of what is going wrong?
  18. yep, it happens to me too. At some point the script stops working and no longer get the action to call the chopper. Additionally I've found something else. If the helicopter is destroyed, it is spawned, but then the when the crew is spawned, before moving them into their crew position, the crew is spawned directly at the chopper location, some of them literally inside the chopper, and those crew get killed. (as if you spawn somebody inside a wall). When respawning a marker should be placed near the chopper to spawn the crew safely there, and then move the crew into the chopper.
  19. cc_kronus


    I would like to see insurgency as a "standalone" module that anybody can add to implement an enemy in its own map/army/base, with the posibility to add markers where either insurgents will not appear or will turn squares green within the area of influence of those markers (to protect spawn bases from instant attack from nearby insurgent areas).
  20. Hi Demonized Great script. When I found it I thought " Aha! this is what I was looking for our squad's base Hospital!. We are playing ACE MSO with option that only medics can apply medkits. The Idea was to plant the medic in the base's hospital and leave it there to assist anyone who needed medical assistance, specially for those who get separated of the main squad got broken legs and could not walk. (eg. In case someone was medevaced to the hospital and could not walk, the AI medic would rush to the helipad next to the hurt guy (regardless of the squad he is in) and perform a full healing.) ... Yes, I know that anyone can drag himself to the hospital, get a medkit and apply it himself while he is inside the place. But we wanted to add some more inmersion. We tried, with "full auto" and unfortunately it is not working as we hoped. Most of the time the medic ignores the injured players. Some other times the medic rushes to meet the guy but does nothing. And in a few (very few ocassions), the medic actually cures the guy. Still trying to understand why sometimes does work and some others doesn't. The main thing, is that the medic needs to be attached to a specific squad to be effective, and we are planting it on the base, by itself, unlinked to any group. Expecting it to run in a different way from what it was designed to. I looked into the sqf, but i can't understand most of it. (the other day i grinned like a wolf when after a LOT of unskilled search I was able to make a trigger to animate the base barrier, go figure ) I do not know if that would be possible at all in the current envelope of your existing mod, but could you consider to create a fourth option in your mod, so the medic could be placed in a fixed position (like a base hospital), detect -regardless of the squad- injured people at a due distance (maxdist) arround a fixed fallback marker placed in the hospital, and rush to their aid?, or perhaps when players are within a certain distance of the hospital, an action is enabled to the player to call for the medic (addaction with a trigger?) so the medic rush to his position and heal him. After the action, the medic would return to his fallback marker in the hospital. Otherwise, I would appreciate help in making a standalone mod to get a hospital medic.
  21. Perhaps some of the coding gurus can help me. I know how to spawn a marker at a vehicle, but how can I move the marker to a position, say, 5 meters to the right of the vehicle? (with independence of where the vehicle is on the map and to where it is heading) I've been searching but could not find any clue. Setmarkerpos moves the market but uses either another object's position or a 2D position with X and Y map coordinates, which in my case is not helpful. Any idea?
  22. yep! it works! it was my fault, had a stupid sintax error that halted the script. Thanks all for your help!
  23. independently of where the vehicle is facing, the marker must move to the right (or to the left) of the vehicle, about 5 meters.
  24. It works? I must have done something wrong. (misplaced a " or forgot a ;) will check it later on and come back
  25. nope buddy, modeltoworld does not work with a marker.