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Everything posted by aeroson

  1. aeroson

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Iam loving this piece of script, is its very well scripted, although iam kind of disappointed by it. Why would you save units that match the filter at startup making your script JIP incompatible ? >:O Why don't you save the filter it self instead ? (i think its possible somehow) Edit: Finally figured it out, changed only few lines to make it properly respawn and JIP compatible. Filters are now saved instead of filtered units. One drawback is, filters are now not complementing each other, so in the example mission you would have to change west filter to { playerside == west && ! (player in units PlayerGroup) } https://raw.github.com/aeroson/a3-misc/master/fhqtt.sqf
  2. What you were seing is textual representation mainly intended for debuging. Behind it is a reference (number) describing where in memory the object is. And the engine compares those references which are both different. When iam on quadbike the it says: B Alpha 1-2:1 (aeroson) And when iam on foot, it says: 396c4080# 162990: quadbike.p3d
  3. aeroson

    Spawn loadout

    You need to put that into file, and exec the file everytime the unit respawns. Here So for you it would be: loadout.sqf _target = _this select 0; removeAllWeapons _target; _target additem "NVGoggles"; _target addWeapon "arifle_Khaybar_ARCO_point_F"; _target addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green_mag_Tracer"; _target addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green_mag_Tracer"; _target addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green_mag_Tracer"; _target addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green_mag_Tracer"; _target addWeapon "hgun_P07_snds_F"; _target addMagazine "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"; _target addMagazine "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"; _target addMagazine "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"; _target additem "firstaidkit"; _target addmagazine "Handgrenade"; _target addmagazine "Handgrenade"; and in unit's init 0 = [this] execVM 'loadout.sqf'; this addeventhandler ["respawn","0 = _this execVM 'loadout.sqf'"];
  4. Can someone bright minded tell me how do i contribute to community.bistudio.com/wiki/ ? I've been trying to figure it out for a while. I need to be registered and logged in to be able to do so, okay. But once i try to register ... http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Special:UserLogin/signup I guess i need to contact one of the admins and request account creation. But still its rather unfriendly and should at least be mentioned somewhere.
  5. aeroson

    Wiki Editing

    Yup totally agree. Just wanted to help/share >_<
  6. aeroson

    Wiki Editing

    Well then if anyone capable of editing http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cfgMarkers would be so nice to add Arma 3 cfgMarkers. D: Code that generated it: _start=[100,3000]; _config=configfile >> "cfgMarkers"; _count=count _config; _widthcount=6; _widthspace=500; _heightcount=ceil(_count/_widthcount); _heightspace=80; for "_i" from 0 to 10 do { _marker = format["bg%1",_i]; deleteMarkerLocal _marker; createMarkerLocal[ _marker, [(_start select 0) + _widthspace*_widthcount/2 , (_start select 1) - _heightspace*_heightcount/2 ] ]; _marker setMarkerShapeLocal "RECTANGLE"; _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorWhite"; _marker setMarkerAlphaLocal 1; _marker setMarkerBrushLocal "Solid"; _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [_widthspace*_widthcount, _heightspace*_heightcount]; }; for "_i" from 0 to _count-1 do { _current = _config select _i; _x =(_start select 0)+ _widthspace*(_i mod _widthcount); _y = (_start select 1) - _heightspace*floor(_i/_widthcount); _marker = format["tm%1",_i]; deleteMarkerLocal _marker; createMarkerLocal[ _marker, [_x,_y]]; _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [0.9, 0.9]; _marker setMarkerTypeLocal (configName _current); _marker = format["tmt%1",_i]; deleteMarkerLocal _marker; createMarkerLocal[ _marker, [_x+50,_y] ]; _marker setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_dot"; _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlack"; _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [0, 0]; _marker setMarkerTextLocal (configName _current); };
  7. aeroson


    Very nice :o
  8. That will stop everyone from using not explicitly allowed addons (including various cheat ingame consoles). This is a must for every server. Then sometimes, a more skilled cheater comes and uses external program to modify arma binaries in memory. That's what battlEye is for.
  9. @KadinX Sorry. As of now you can't do that with mine functions, althought i will add that functionality later. @Mariodu62 Thank you. Was able to reproduce and fix the bug. Updated / Fixed fnc_get_loadout.sqf v2.6
  10. @Mariodu62 Thank you. Please try the updated version. @KadinX That might be just formating issue. Updated / Fixed fnc_get_loadout.sqf v2.5 fnc_set_loadout.sqf v3.6
  11. Sorry, i will do it later myself. It would be more than just line change. I would use magazinesDetail and parse the string to get magazines rounds, then ammo to get currently loaded magazines rounds. Also if you figure out how, you could use the DayZ player_countmagazines.sqf although iam not sure whether it will work in A3.
  12. Finally figured it out >_< 0=this spawn{ waitUntil{time>0}; _this addItem "ACRE_PRC148"; } Unit that has it in init will have 343 in radio slot, and 148 in inventory.
  13. Well, the only function VAS dosn't have is respawning with loadout you had when you died. If you want that, do look into first post of this thread ^.^ (It works with VAS, just tested it) About replacing VAS's loadout functions with mine, i contacted Tonic several times, unsuccesfully. (Iam sure he has a reason for it) I could replace it myself but i don't feel like updating it with every new VAS version. It also wouldn't be nice of me >_<
  14. aeroson

    Distance check for array

    Ah if it will run only on server you need to check for every unit not just player. Also on dedicated server player is null. This will detect all units, including AIs: waitUntil { sleep 1; ( {side _x == WEST && (_x distance _spwnpos) < 10} count allUnits) > 0 }; _units = []; // all WEST units within 10m of _spwnpos { if (side _x == WEST && (_x distance _spwnpos) < 10) then { _units set [count _units, _x]; }; } forEach allUnits; or _units = []; // all WEST units within 10m of _spwnpos while {count _units == 0} do { sleep 1; { if (side _x == WEST && (_x distance _spwnpos) < 10) then { _units set [count _units, _x]; }; } forEach allUnits; };
  15. aeroson

    Distance check for array

    Will you run this code on clients or on server ? If on client then: waitUntil {side player == WEST && (player distance _spwnpos) < 10};
  16. Indeed, this would be a very useful function to add into CBA. But considering missions and addons are packed it will be hard or impossible to find and unpack required folder (maybe that's why it hasn't been done yet). Although you could search for it in Arma's memory, so yes it is possible. Again but, that would require work and recompile for every new version of Arma, would be better if BIS implemented it into Arma them self =/ I think extensions can only be part of an addons. If they could be inside missions it would make your system vulnerable to anyone you download mission from (every server).
  17. You could make an extension that returns all files listed in directory and then call compile them in forEach.
  18. Just tested it again. The overwriting is not a bug but documented arma behaviour. The bug is: dedicated server doesn't load profileNamespace variables. Although he saves them = he saves empty profile variables = erases profile variables. But, you can use extensions to utilize different saving methods such as mysql. Arma2NETMySQLPlugin > read its readme for plenty of useful info and links.
  19. Didn't test it in A3 but in A2:OA it didn't work on dedicated server
  20. aeroson

    =BTC= Revive

    Or just use my lovingly crafted set/get loadout functions, and all your problems with gear are solved >_<
  21. aeroson

    Teleport Script

    This will open map, with 20 seconds timeout. If you click somewhere it will test whether you've clicked within 100m of any marker called td_X (X being number from 0 to anything incremented by one) and if you did it will teleport you onto it. Go to your mission, and place markers named td_0, td_1, td_2 and so on. You can do it easily by creating marker named td and copying him all over, it will automatically append the number sufix. Then somewhere, into some object or player's init add: this addAction ["Teleport","mapClickTeleport.sqf"]; And create file called mapClickTeleport.sqf in mission's root. _timeOut=[] spawn { sleep 20; onMapSingleClick 'false;'; hint 'Teleport timed out'; openMap false; }; onMapSingleClick ' terminate _timeOut; _num = 0; _maxNum = 10; _targetDist = 999999; _targetPos = [0]; while {_num < _maxNum } do { _marker = format[''td_%1'',_num]; if (getMarkerType _marker != '''' ) then { _markerPos = getMarkerPos _marker; _dist = _markerPos distance _pos; if(_dist < _targetDist && _dist < 100) then { _targetDist = _dist; _targetPos = _markerPos; }; _maxNum = _num + 10; }; _num = _num + 1; }; if(count _targetPos > 1) then { vehicle player setPos [_targetPos select 0, _targetPos select 1, 0]; } else { hint "No teleport target in that area"; }; onMapSingleClick ''false;''; openMap false; true; '; openMap true;
  22. aeroson

    Teleport Script

    Or you can use Norrin's revive script, once you die you can select where you want to spawn.
  23. Been working on my set/get loadout functions almost since the release of public alpha. See examples on how to use it for saving loadout and loading it on respawn. set/get loadout functions
  24. New VAS loadouts are at top and olds are under them with different color. Will make the colors more distinguishable. Saved loadouts are local for each player, that means if you delete your vars file it will only wipe out your loadouts. One day i will remake the loadout manager into GUI (with text input for loadout name), but right now i would rather focus on perfecting the set/get functions.
  25. I could, but iam not going to do it. It wouldn't be nice of me. Sorry :P @FoxHound Thank you for updating this on armaholic