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Everything posted by jordan3878

  1. I there anyway to transfer Iron Front on to Arma 2 like a mod? I'm creating a movie which is based on 4 guys who set foot on France on D-Day. I want to clash this with a mod to make the film but on the mod I'm using on Arma 2 doesn't have the things I need but Iron Front has it. I really would like some help on how I could do this but if I can't I won't really mind. Much help would be considered. Thanks, jordan3878
  2. I'm having problems on setting the type of face on the AI. I've tried doing this with the description.ext didn't work and tried in the initialization line. I don't really use the description.ext but when I tried and put the name, face type etc it still didn't show even when I put setidentity in the initialization line. I've also tried putting, unit1 setFace "face09_baf"; they both didn't work. But the strange thing is that, it works on my characters but not on the Ai is there something I'm doing wrong? or missing a part of the code? Thanks, jordan3878
  3. jordan3878

    Customizing AI Face Problem

    I have fixed it. It was CBA_A2/OA addon that was causing the scripts to not work, but thanks for all of your help!
  4. jordan3878

    Customizing AI Face Problem

    Yes you can, I've seen it before. use this video to help you but it hasn't worked for my problem, but give it a try.
  5. jordan3878

    Customizing AI Face Problem

    class CfgIdentities { class unit1 { name = "Jonas Muhar"; face = "Face20"; glasses = "None"; speaker = "Male01EN"; pitch = 1.1; }; };
  6. jordan3878

    Customizing AI Face Problem

    Anyone? The the face code works on me but not the Ai?
  7. jordan3878

    Putting Iron Front on Arma 2?

    Where could I contact the developers? If so could have a link please. Thanks, jordan3878
  8. jordan3878

    Putting Iron Front on Arma 2?

    I thought I couldn't haha but thanks for the reply wasn't expecting to get one so quick.