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About mrvideo

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  1. Umm whenever I attempt to post the RPT I get a HTTP 500 Internal Server Error from the BI website, could I send it to you via email? or through something else?
  2. _Massive its a Non-Dedicated server And im having trouble accessing the Rpt files, theyre not in the place everyone says to look, could someone point me in the right direction please? Sorry, im a noob when it comes to hosting servers, also theres some bad thunderstorms hitting my area right now, so sorry in advance if im not active for a few days due to power and/or internet loss. Thanks guys!
  3. New info on the issue arma 2 vanilla works, but whenever we enable mods (specifically CBA and ACE) the issus appears. Also, my friends say that the server has a yellow "?" in the server browser and ping is 2500 (this only appears when we use mods)
  4. I have the same issue on all missions that I host, but we noticed the problem on the Roadblock Duty mission included in Ace, all of my buddies have ace updated using play with six and all of them are running the same addons as me (All CBA, RH weapon packs, ACE, ACRE), ill get and post their Rpt tonight when we all get together, thanks for the help man! Also we are all running the Arma 2 Op Arrowhead exe (not the beta), but we all own A2 and PMC and BAF which is integrated in, on a side note: what is the difference between the Beta and just regular Arrowhead?
  5. already re-installed and removed all mods to no change, thanks tho
  6. In the past, my friends join my server, everone loads in no problem, we play, until about a month ago. I host the server, friends join, we all get to the map screen, everyone ready's up, i click continue, and im the only one put into gameplay, everyone else is left in the map/briefing screen. I have researched this issue to find nothing. No major changes have been made to my rig or network system, nor to any of my friends. Im at a loss here guys, i would really like to get back out there as fast as possible. Thanks for the help, Mrvideo