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About drmagnumwolf

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  1. I agree with you, even an .INI file would do. I really like playing ARMA 2 and its mods, like dayz, but sometimes it causes my eyes to hurt. I already have nearsightedness, astigmatism and recently strabism(i think ti was already there, but got worse the last few months) and that blurriness and depth of field effects is seriously annoying. I already can't focus far away, now I have to deal with that ingame too? :p Another annoyance is looking at the corner of the screen with that damn blur, makes me dizzy and hurts my eyes. If it weren't for modders like you, this would be worse...thanks for the noblur mod :) :o
  2. if BIS could at least add the option to disable those effects, it would make Oktane's life that much easier :D...and ours too! :p
  3. Is it possible to update this to take out the motion blur, and the annoying side screen blur? I'm getting tired and my eyes are hurting just by staring at it! Oh, and another request, could you do the same for Take On! Helicopters?