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Everything posted by ligthert

  1. ligthert

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Ryan, Sanchez, Thanks for the update! This update made my life a whole lot easier. :-) This said, I'm busy with a Dynamic Zombie Sandbox-esque scenario based on this ( for now conviniently called Zombie Survival Sandbox ) and while it is nearing a state that warrents its first Public release I have a question about the loot module. I would like to configure arrays after the scenario has started to allow the inclusion of ace and cup depending on the params. Is there a way for me to access the script behind the module and feed it custom arrays? It seems I can add and remove elements from ryanzombiesitems and ryanzombiesitemsSoldier arrays etc etc on the server. :)
  2. ligthert

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Hi Ryan, First of all: thanks for this excellent mod. I've played a lot with Celery's zombies in ArmA 2 and your mod is the first mod that just didn't come close, but also surpassed it. With our clan we've done our fair share of ops with your mod and we are thankful for it. We had to make our fair share of changes to it, and I hope these are some changes you would consider for a possible next release: - ACE3 intergration further up this page has been merged. - I've binarized the config.cpp, it gave issues otherwise when signing the pbo (we have a custom key for a custom modset) Things on the todolist to is reducing the growl. Currently you can hear a zombie from 300m and from 100m it is asif they are next to you. I understand they have to be scary and intimidating, this defeats that purpose a bit. Want me to send you the diffs? Again, thanks! Keep up the good work! :) S.
  3. ligthert

    Arma 3 Units - Closed Beta Feedback

    Yes and No. It still gives this error when ever you Click on My Units and then your unit it fails. The URL is for example: https://arma3dev.bistudio.com/units/unit/2d86ecaa-d8aa-4f4c-88de-4715e70b5fd6 instead of what I would expect: https://arma3dev.bistudio.com/units/unit/lowlands-tactical
  4. ligthert

    Arma 3 Units - Closed Beta Feedback

    When I click on a unit, I get Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
  5. ligthert

    Arma 3 Units - Closed Beta Feedback

    I got the same when updating some youtube video's just now. I had the luxory of being able to redo this (by copy/pasta everything over) which made the error go away. Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/zV1SuHS.png
  6. ligthert

    Arma 3 Units - Closed Beta Feedback

    I tried to edit the bio of Lowlands Tactical, but faced a non-descriptive error instead: http://i.imgur.com/mzAp6fT.png I tried removing a ton of HTML, rewrote the bio by hand making sure it wasn't the parser working its magic or anything from a dirty copy/paste buffer. Long story short: I can't edit the bio. Other than that... Looking good! :) ----------------------------- Firefox debug console says this:
  7. I've ported the original Roadblock Duty by Reezo to ArmA 3. Because I loved playing the original version with my friends and the one of PFC Burnes just didn't cut it (sorry). So after all these years I decided to just write my own. My ArmA 3 version can be downloaded here: http://sacha.ligthert.net/ARMA/3/SL_Roadblock_Duty.Takistan.pbo.7z Required Mods: AllinArma Terrain Pack or CUP Terrains + Takistan CBA_A3 ACE3 Differences between A2 and A3 version: The original A2 version had Ambient Combat, this one doesn't. So there may be a bit less action then you are used to. Suggestions are welcome. The original A2 version had a loud and unmissable warning if a VIED approached the roadblock. This isn't the case any more. Suggestions on how to fix are also welcome. TODO-list: Have some script warn if some IED-vehicle is approaching the checkpoint. Fix the PublicVariables. I suck at them. :-( Known issues: The debug for the regular player just says "pvHint". I suck at event handlers. The AI driving is wonky. Blame BIS. The win-state doesn't really register somehow. Your mileage may vary. Credits + Thanks: Reezo, the original author! .kju, AiA TP! Flendurs, ShiftySean, Pek and IRCGhost of my Clan Lowlands Tactical for testing every painful version I could conjure up with me. ( Forgive me) NyteMyre of Tangodown for testing. You are free to modify this scenario as you wish and redistribute it as you see fit, with the condition you credit me and notify me of a new version (why the latter? Because I am curious) You can download/clone the scenario from: https://bitbucket.org/ligthert/sl_roadblock_duty.takistan/
  8. ligthert

    COOP 06 - Roadblock Duty (ACE)

    Hi Reezo, Do you mind if I create an A3+ACE3 version of this scenario which is intended as a faithful remake of this scenario and release it to the public? Please let me know! :)
  9. ligthert

    Roadblock Duty for Arma 3?

    I am currently busy with a remake in A3 in combination with ACE3. Features that will be missing are ambient combat and car bombs compared to the A2 version. But so far it looks like a faithful replica and should be released somewhere next week once done with testing and tuning. Samples: In the meantime you can get started with PFC Burnes (15th MEU) at Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=236909364
  10. Hi Mikero, Thanks for the reply! Is there anything about the absolute path ( "\x\etc" ), is it something I should take in account ( or needs a rewrite ) ?
  11. ligthert

    NLMARSOF V2.185

    BlackMamba, From the @NLD_Units dev-team: Congratulations on your latest release of MARSOF. Keep on modding! :)
  12. My apologies for being a bit unclear and let me rephrase it. When you and your community decided to put effort into this. Did you look at existing frameworks with a similar purpose like F3 and ADF? And if so, what was the criteria you judged them by. The reason I am asking this is that I am considering moving my clan's current template to a framework. But at the moment I am lacking good arguments and I am curious why you decided to build something from scratch.
  13. Out of curiosity, how does this compare to F3 and ADF?
  14. The timeout of a trigger is there to make aspects of a scenario "random". It tells to wait x seconds (set in the timeout) before firing off the OnAct field of a trigger. 15:30, BIS is strange this way.
  15. I was looking for an answer like this. But this in the Condition field of a trigger: daytime >= 15.5 Then put the bomb part in your "OnAct" of the trigger: if (isServer) then { /* magic happens here */ }; This should prevent localities on the client.
  16. ligthert

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Hi Ryan, I would like to write some scripts to spawn and cache some zombies for my scenarios. Do you have a class-list somewhere which I can use?
  17. ligthert

    NLD Units

    Lowlands Tactical is proud to release v201508154 of @NLD_Units. This is a maintenance release. Download link: http://lowtac.nl/NLD_Units/@NLD_Units-201508154.7z Changelog: Fix an error in Groups config introduced in the last build Update CUP Weapons with the new release. There is now support for weapon-resting and bipods! :)
  18. Road to Hell (v0.9) by Sacha Ligthert About: RtH is a player vs player scenario using the RTS interface ArmA 3 offers out of the box. Each player has a fireteam, 2 UAVs and several vehicles at their disposal (using High Command) to conquer capture points and to kill the enemy commander. Every capture point add a certain amount of credits per turn. Credits allow you to buy more units. Units allow you to capture and kill more. Since the High Command (HC) is really barebones in vanilla I've made a hitmarker indicator that tells you from which direction a unit is hit from. Since you won't automatically know if a unit is somewhere, you do would like to know if a unit gets hit and from what direction. I've also given the vehicles a custom damage eventHandler that nerves the damage of AI vehicles to wheels, tracks and engines. Because driving AI is stupid. Downloads: http://sacha.ligthert.net/ARMA/3/SL_Road%20to%20Hell_v09.7z Instructions: - You are free to move about, but stay in the orange marked area - Enable HC by pressign the app-key or ctrl+space - You can request new assets by using the radio (0-0) - You have one UAV already airborne and one on your back, use them wisely See also: - High Command @ BIKI: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Field_Manual_-_High_Command - Jester's Tutorial: Todo: - Work on CTAB intergration or find a script that does it unmodded. - Work on batallion size operations. Maybe using RHS or ALiVE. Thanks: - Lowlands Tactical for having the patience of testing all my previous (and crappy versions). - PwS & Armaholic for hosting all the delicious content!
  19. ligthert

    NLD Units

    Lowlands Tactical is proud to present a new release of NLD Units bringing it to version 20150412. Download: You can download this release from: http://lowtac.nl/NLD_Units/@NLD_Units-201508023.7z ( We can stop being gentle now... ) Dependencies: - @ASDG_JR Changelog - v201508023 -Added F16C (CAS and AA variants) -Added UN infantry (Desert and Woodland variants) -Added MLRS and PzH2000 (reskin of the M5 Sandstorm and the M4 Scorcher) -Added Lynx helicopter (Armed and Unarmed) -Added Dutch Aviation Emergency Services (EC135 Police and Lifeliner versions) -Added insignias -Removed MH65 -Changed images of gear in inventory Notes: -Dutch Aviation Emergency Services can be found under Civilian -There is a F16C CAS AI version, which can be used for Alive Combat Support. This vehicle includes all the normal weapons -It's not needed to download the F16C model and the EC135 model as they are included in this version -With permission we've included several mods, so If you use LLW's AH64D, HAFM EC635 and NH90, F-16 stand-alone in your modpack, this might conflict with this mod. Known issues - Rebranded CUP weapons still show their original version in the arsenal - SF (black) COMSPEC doesn't have a UAV table (like it should) - Nose of unarmed Lynx stays vanilla color in first person Credits Textures : Smootch & Outlaw28 config.cpp : Sacha Ligthert & Smootch Models : Bohemia Interactive AH-64D : Crielaard (LowLands Warrior) MH-65 skin : JW (@MARSOF) Uniforms : Craig (@SP_Pack/NED_Pack) Fennek skin : [KGB] Cartman Leopard skin : [KGB] Cartman Weapons : Community Upgrade Project NH90 : Aplion EC135 model: Aplion F-16C stand-alone: FireWill Licences Unless specified otherwise, this content uses the following license: Content based on @MARSOF by JW/Lewis: http://lowtac.nl/NLD_Units/eula.txt
  20. And the Dutch to troll the team. :p
  21. ligthert

    Dutch Armed Forces

    With Lars getting banned, I suppose we won't be getting anymore updates?
  22. I've made small script that should reduce the chances of vehicles exploding when hit with to many grenades or bullets. It is a basic eventHandler that limits damage to key components but is bypassed when a vehicle is damaged rockets, missiles and grenades etc and checks every so often (60secs) if there are any new vehicles spawned and adds the EH. Usage is very easy: 1) save the following code as lessExplosions.sqf and place it in your mission folder 2) place null = [] execVM "lessExplosions.sqf"; in your init.sqf // lessExplosions.sqf v0.2 by Sacha Ligthert aka /dev/urandom // init: null = [] execVM "lessExplosions.sqf"; SL_lessExposions = { private ["_obj","_damage","_ammoTypes"]; _obj = _this select 0; _obj addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", { _damage = _this select 2; _ammoTypes = ["MissileCore","BombCore","RocketCore","GrenadeCore","TimeBombCore"]; // or ( isNull (_this select 3) and "Air" == typeOf _obj) if ( [_this select 4,_ammoTypes] call SL_checkKinds and !isNull (_this select 3) and (_this select 4) != "" ) then { if ( (_this select 1 == "") and (_damage > 0.1) ) then { _damage = 0.1 }; if ( (_this select 1 == "telo") and (_damage > 0.9) ) then { _damage = 0.9 }; if ( (_this select 1 == "fuel") and (_damage > 0.9) ) then { _damage = 0.9 }; }; _damage; }]; _obj setVariable ["lessened", true, true]; }; SL_checkKinds = { private ["_ammoType","_ammoTypes","_return"]; _ammoType = _this select 0; _ammoTypes = _this select 1; _return = true; { if (_ammoType isKindOf _x) then { _return = false; }; } forEach _ammoTypes; _return }; [] spawn { if (isserver) then { while {true} do { { if ((!(_x getVariable ["lessened", false]))) then { [[_x], "SL_lessExposions", _x] call BIS_fnc_mp; // player sideChat format["Lessened: %1",_x]; }; }foreach vehicles; sleep 60; } }; }; Known issues: .50cals can't explode aircrafts Damage is still taken from nearby burning vehicles Doesn't use the new BIS_fnc_addEH function yet, so it can overwrite existing EHs Ramming the sport car at full speed into a wall will still make the car go boom Todo: Clean up code a bit and make use of the new functions provided by BIS Reduce damage from burning wrecks exclude aircrafts entirely (??) Test with Zeus I made this because it annoyed me that given enough bullets every vehicle would explode for some reason.
  23. I haven't touched it since release. So I'll have to test this and see what happens.