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Everything posted by Arctor

  1. Arctor

    ArmaRig for Blender

    Wow, thanks so much guys. This animation stuff is kind of a lot to take in (but all the more exciting to figure out!) so I much appreciate the help. I'll try again as soon as possible with this all in mind and update when I get it right. Von Knudenberg: This might actually be the problem. I was just using pbo-manager to fix me up pbos for test-runs so it's likely the binarizing didn't occur correctly in the rtm's. In my next attempts I'll properly use addonbuilder :)
  2. Arctor

    ArmaRig for Blender

    Hey Maczer. I finally got around to try my hand at ArmaRig with Alwarren's Blender toolbox, starting with a simple handanim for a weapon. I keep running into some weird issues and I was hoping you could point me in the right direction to solve them. On my first attempt I imported the 1 lod of my model and pasted it over the weapon reference object. I followed your video tutorial, exported the rtm and tried it out. This was the rather weird result: Weapon handanim test 1 Next, in order to investigate, I tried exporting the standard jesus-pose with only a transformation in the weapon reference object (moving the weapon along x and y to roughly fit right hand). That resulted in this: Weapon handanim test 2 If you have any thoughts on what would cause such an offset or what I might be doing wrong, much appreciated. I already did about 10 tests trying different things but the offset seems to keep re-occurring. Also, how would you export to rtm when you only use IK controllers to deform the armature? I was under the impression all "@" prefixed elements in dopesheet were disregarded... If all @-elements are disregarded all that's left is the weapon transform in the dopesheet :confused: Thanks in advance
  3. Arctor

    ArmaRig for Blender

    Sweet! Thanks for your help, it's a little clearer now. I'm sure everything you describe still applies in Arma 3 and with your blender rig and the A3 samples as examples I should be able to work it out for my stuff. Good to know I'll probably be able to deviate from the standard man skeleton for my more... irregular creatures. I'm pretty sure fixing up my own bone config entries won't be a problem and once I have one animation it shouldn't be hard to repeat the process and give my model more possibilities. I'm excited. I'll report back in once I have something moving! Could be a while though because I'm learning as I go haha.
  4. Arctor

    ArmaRig for Blender

    I have some (noob) questions on this subject as I'm at sort of a crossroads with my modeling and I'm hoping someone can clear some stuff up in a few sentences. I understand there is a base skeleton upon which you can base your own armature. I also understand one needs to name the bones of this armature exactly like they are defined in the base skeleton (or model config?). Does that mean you can't simply create your own skeleton with different bones? Let's say I wanted to make a crazy spider with eight segmented legs, would that be possible? Could I make my own base skeleton (model config) with names for bones of my own choosing and include that in the mod or is that hardcoded territory?
  5. Arctor

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hey guys, great mod. I've really enjoyed it so far. One minor thing: Can't seem to get the BM-21 to fire except as player in the gunner seat. Ordering a subordinate group member to fire on a target doesn't work and a script command solution (working for regular arty) doesn't work either.
  6. Maybe something like this? switch true do { case (_unit == unit1 OR (unit == unit2)):{}; case (_unit == unit3 OR (unit == unit4)):{}; };
  7. Quick question: If we use the TF_give_personal_radio_to_regular_soldier = 1 Will that give the fadak for example to all our CSAT units, or will it not be given to leaders? And if group leaders don't get one, how will they communicate with their group? We tried setting 0 for this API yesterday, but it ended up not replacing Vanilla radios at all, so we had to linkItem with debug for the session. We want all units to have the regular (ie Fadak) radio, including group leaders. Recommendations? Thoughts?
  8. Arctor

    Addon Builder Packing Error

    Hey guys. I had some issues with my addons not including all files, even with this^ list. I used *.* instead of the summary and that seemed to work. All files now include. I hope this helps someone out there.
  9. Haha YES! Anyone: feel free to change the name of my script in your mission if it makes it more bearable for you :) Make sure to also change the execVM references to it in 'init.sqf' as well as on line 50 of the script itself. Next version will be renamed considering the feedback haha. (If you want to edit anything else, you are also free to do so. Just keep me credited in the header and send me a message as a courtesy! I'd be interested to know what happens to it.)
  10. Here is a script I wrote to help you request Panzers from Orbit. It is called 'Wander Fall'. It will drop a random NATO Panzer near you when using the action and has some simple effects to simulate orbital entry friction. When your Panzer is destroyed, you will get the option to request a new one, so you can have your buddies blow your rig up if your engine is out for example. We tested it today in dedicated environment but it also works singleplayer/hosted. Have fun and try not to drop one on your friends :p. http://pastebin.com/Ha82uRbj Instructions: 1) Create a file named 'wander_fall.sqf' in your mission's root. 2) Create a file named 'init.sqf' in your mission root (if not present yet). 3) Enter the following line in 'init.sqf': Right now it is configured for COOP, playing as NATO. Future updates will have: -Sound when falling/landing. -Self destruct option, to help get a new one when immobilized. -Option to pick your Panzer version. -Multi-sided so you can play different factions.
  11. Arctor

    Chessmaster's Wounding System

    CWS mod now deployed on our servers as the new standard medical system! Thank you Chessmaster, the sh33p are grateful for your fine work!
  12. Sounds original, spectacular and really fun! Can't wait to dodge mother-nature's mortars.
  13. Arctor

    Arma3 Videos

    TvT in the woods in Chernarus.
  14. Arctor

    Arma3 Videos

    A Ballet of Sh33p: http://youtu.be/qT3gd3t33p4 SMD Sahrani in Arma 3.
  15. Arctor

    Arma3 Videos

    Once upon a starry night in Takistan:
  16. We changed the folder names. That seemed to annihilate the addons message, so it looks as if the verifySignatures works. Unfortunately players still don't seem to be able to connect and get kicked off immediately. I pulled this from my local .rpt. Not sure if it's related: Any thoughts?
  17. Thank you for the prompt and concise response. I've checked the FTP and it seems this could indeed be our problem! I'll check with our members who maintain our server once they wake up and report if it's fixed.
  18. We at Black Sh33p have recently acquired a new Linux server and were hoping to host a public branch. To remove the password we really do need verifySignatures = 2. Unfortunately we keep getting these as well. It looks like the A3.bikey doesn't include all vanilla pbo's. Can anyone at this point confirm or deny whether verify signatures is even possible with current linux dedi? We've been researching our bums off but can't seem to find a straight answer. If it's possible, how can we pull this off?
  19. Arctor

    Arma3 Videos

    Black Sh33p group-gameplay, Arma 3 with Massi's units on A2-map 'Thirsk'. Playing as Opfor Russian Spetznas against Arctic USMC bad-dudes. We eventually got to the town and succesfully cleared it using the last of our remaining players (and some reinforcements JIP's), but it was a 1 hour ordeal so I shortened it to an initial contact we took along the road.
  20. We tried it yesterday, it was very good! We just need to set the hardcore mode freq's in our framework but I'm sure we'll be running this as a standard in no time as it seems to do a lot of things by default (meaning I don't have to rewrite 3 radio-script files :P). Congrats on the release of an awesome radio-mod!
  21. Arctor

    Arma3 Videos

    The Altis Space-Program: Vogons made me do it, their poetry is awesome.