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About skleeny

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  1. Hey Wyqer, thanks for all the updates! I love the new resources. At first i thought it would be like Euro Truck Simulator because my helicopter skills aren´t that great, but then i learned that there is whole logistics section of it and I love it :D. But it'd be great if you added one thing - when you open the logistics menu with all the truck missions you can't (or atleast i don't know why :D) see how many resources you have in your cities - that's kinda bad because i need to open production menu and write all the resources i want transported on paper and then go to the logistics menu.
  2. Hi, i want to edit Antistasi mission to play music in the bases. I tried it just in editor by putting trigger called "speakers" and then running this script stopmusic = 0; publicVariable "stopmusic"; music = 1; publicVariable "music"; while {music == 1} do {if (stopmusic == 1) then {music = 0;} else {switch(round(random 1))do{ case 0 : {music = 0;speakers say3D "music1";uiSleep 276;music = 1}; case 1 : {music = 0;speakers say3D "music2";uiSleep 259;music = 1}; case 2 : {music = 0;speakers say3D "music3";uiSleep 157;music = 1}; case 3 : {music = 0;speakers say3D "music4";uiSleep 147;music = 1}; case 4 : {music = 0;speakers say3D "music5";uiSleep 149;music = 1}; case 5 : {music = 0;speakers say3D "music6";uiSleep 239;music = 1}; case 6 : {music = 0;speakers say3D "music7";uiSleep 140;music = 1};}; };}; //the uiSleep is track length in seconds That works even though i haven't made use of the "stopmusic" yet. What i want is if player comes close to base (100 metres for example) random track will start playing and when it ends another random track will play, when the player leaves it will stop (i had the idea that if trigger deactivates it'll set stopmusic to 1). But the problem is that antistasi uses some kind of generation of the bases so i can't set the name of the trigger to speakers (atleast i think). My question is how can i make the script know which trigger called it? Here is createBase.sqf from Antistasi if it helps if (!isServer and hasInterface) exitWith {}; params ["_marker"]; private ["_markerPos","_size","_isFrontline","_reduced","_allVehicles","_allGroups","_allSoldiers","_patrolMarker","_currentStrength","_spawnPos","_groupType","_group","_dog","_flag","_currentCount","_patrolParams","_crate","_unit","_busy","_buildings","_building","_buildingType","_vehicle","_vehicleCount","_groupGunners","_roads","_data","_vehicleType","_spawnpool","_observer"]; _allVehicles = []; _allGroups = []; _allSoldiers = []; _markerPos = getMarkerPos (_marker); _size = [_marker] call sizeMarker; _isFrontline = [_marker] call AS_fnc_isFrontline; _reduced = [false, true] select (_marker in reducedGarrisons); _patrolMarker = [_marker] call AS_fnc_createPatrolMarker; _busy = if (dateToNumber date > server getVariable _marker) then {false} else {true}; _buildings = nearestObjects [_markerPos, listMilBld, _size*1.5]; _groupGunners = createGroup side_green; for "_i" from 0 to (count _buildings) - 1 do { _building = _buildings select _i; _buildingType = typeOf _building; call { if ((_buildingType == "Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F") OR (_buildingType == "Land_Cargo_HQ_V2_F") OR (_buildingType == "Land_Cargo_HQ_V3_F")) exitWith { _vehicle = createVehicle [statAA, (_building buildingPos 8), [],0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle setPosATL [(getPos _building select 0),(getPos _building select 1),(getPosATL _vehicle select 2)]; _vehicle setDir (getDir _building); _unit = ([_markerPos, 0, infGunner, _groupGunners] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle) select 0; _unit moveInGunner _vehicle; _allVehicles pushBack _vehicle; sleep 1; }; if ((_buildingType == "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F") OR (_buildingType == "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V2_F") OR (_buildingType == "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V3_F")) exitWith { _vehicle = createVehicle [statMGtower, (_building buildingPos 1), [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _position = [getPosATL _vehicle, 2.5, (getDir _building) - 180] call BIS_Fnc_relPos; _vehicle setPosATL _position; _vehicle setDir (getDir _building) - 180; _unit = ([_markerPos, 0, infGunner, _groupGunners] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle) select 0; _unit moveInGunner _vehicle; _allVehicles pushBack _vehicle; sleep 1; }; if ((_buildingType == "Land_HelipadSquare_F") AND (!_isFrontline)) exitWith { _vehicle = createVehicle [selectRandom heli_unarmed, position _building, [],0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle setDir (getDir _building); _allVehicles pushBack _vehicle; sleep 1; }; if (_buildingType in listbld) exitWith { _vehicle = createVehicle [statMGtower, (_building buildingPos 13), [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _unit = ([_markerPos, 0, infGunner, _groupGunners] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle) select 0; _unit moveInGunner _vehicle; _allSoldiers = _allSoldiers + [_unit]; sleep 1; _allVehicles = _allVehicles + [_vehicle]; _vehicle = createVehicle [statMGtower, (_building buildingPos 17), [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _unit = ([_markerPos, 0, infGunner, _groupGunners] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle) select 0; _unit moveInGunner _vehicle; _allVehicles pushBack _vehicle; sleep 1; }; }; }; _flag = createVehicle [cFlag, _markerPos, [],0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _flag allowDamage false; [_flag,"take"] remoteExec ["AS_fnc_addActionMP"]; _allVehicles pushBack _flag; _crate = "I_supplyCrate_F" createVehicle _markerPos; _allVehicles pushBack _crate; _vehicleCount = 4 min (round (_size / 30)); if ( _vehicleCount > 0 ) then { _spawnPos = [_markerPos, random (_size / 2),random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _currentCount = 0; while {(spawner getVariable _marker) AND (_currentCount < _vehicleCount)} do { _spawnPos = [_markerPos] call mortarPos; _vehicle = statMortar createVehicle _spawnPos; [_vehicle] execVM "scripts\UPSMON\MON_artillery_add.sqf"; _unit = ([_markerPos, 0, infGunner, _groupGunners] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle) select 0; _unit moveInGunner _vehicle; _allVehicles pushBack _vehicle; sleep 1; _currentCount = _currentCount + 1; }; }; if ((spawner getVariable _marker) AND (_isFrontline)) then { _roads = _markerPos nearRoads _size; if (count _roads != 0) then { _data = [_markerPos, _roads, statAT] call AS_fnc_spawnBunker; _allVehicles pushBack (_data select 0); _vehicle = (_data select 1); _allVehicles pushBack _vehicle; _unit = ([_markerPos, 0, infGunner, _groupGunners] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle) select 0; _unit moveInGunner _vehicle; }; }; _allGroups pushBack _groupGunners; if (!_busy) then { _spawnpool = vehAPC + vehPatrol + enemyMotorpool - [heli_default]; _vehicleCount = 1 max (round (_size/30)); _spawnPos = _markerPos; _currentCount = 0; while {(spawner getVariable _marker) AND (_currentCount < _vehicleCount)} do { if (diag_fps > minimoFPS) then { _vehicleType = selectRandom _spawnpool; _spawnPos = [_spawnPos findEmptyPosition [10,60,_vehicleType], [_markerPos, 10, _size/2, 10, 0, 0.3, 0] call BIS_Fnc_findSafePos] select (_size > 40); _vehicle = createVehicle [_vehicleType, _spawnPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _vehicle setDir random 360; _allVehicles pushBack _vehicle; }; sleep 1; _currentCount = _currentCount + 1; }; }; {[_x] spawn genVEHinit} forEach _allVehicles; _currentCount = 0; while {(spawner getVariable _marker) AND (_currentCount < 4)} do { while {true} do { _spawnPos = [_markerPos, 150 + (random 350) ,random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; if (!surfaceIsWater _spawnPos) exitWith {}; }; _groupType = [infPatrol, side_green] call AS_fnc_pickGroup; _group = [_spawnPos, side_green, _groupType] call BIS_Fnc_spawnGroup; sleep 1; if (random 10 < 2.5) then { _dog = _group createUnit ["Fin_random_F",_spawnPos,[],0,"FORM"]; [_dog] spawn guardDog; }; [leader _group, _patrolMarker, "SAFE","SPAWNED", "NOVEH2"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; _allGroups pushBack _group; _currentCount = _currentCount +1; }; _groupType = [infSquad, side_green] call AS_fnc_pickGroup; _group = [_markerPos, side_green, _groupType] call BIS_Fnc_spawnGroup; if (activeAFRF) then {_group = [_group, _markerPos] call AS_fnc_expandGroup}; sleep 1; [leader _group, _marker, "SAFE", "RANDOMUP","SPAWNED", "NOVEH", "NOFOLLOW"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; _allGroups pushBack _group; {_x setUnitPos "MIDDLE";} forEach units _group; _currentCount = 0; if (_isFrontline) then {_vehicleCount = _vehicleCount * 2}; while {(spawner getVariable _marker) AND (_currentCount < _vehicleCount)} do { if (diag_fps > minimoFPS) then { while {true} do { _spawnPos = [_markerPos, 15 + (random _size),random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; if (!surfaceIsWater _spawnPos) exitWith {}; }; _groupType = [infSquad, side_green] call AS_fnc_pickGroup; _group = [_spawnPos, side_green, _groupType] call BIS_Fnc_spawnGroup; if (activeAFRF) then {_group = [_group, _markerPos] call AS_fnc_expandGroup}; sleep 1; [leader _group, _marker, "SAFE","SPAWNED", "NOVEH", "NOFOLLOW"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; _allGroups pushBack _group; }; sleep 1; _currentCount = _currentCount + 1; }; sleep 3; { _group = _x; if (_reduced) then {[_group] call AS_fnc_adjustGroupSize}; { if (alive _x) then { [_x] spawn genInitBASES; _allSoldiers pushBackUnique _x; }; } forEach units _group; } forEach _allGroups; [_marker, _allSoldiers] spawn AS_fnc_garrisonMonitor; _observer = objNull; if ((random 100 < (((server getVariable "prestigeNATO") + (server getVariable "prestigeCSAT"))/10)) AND (spawner getVariable _marker)) then { _spawnPos = []; _group = createGroup civilian; while {true} do { _spawnPos = [_markerPos, round (random _size), random 360] call BIS_Fnc_relPos; if !(surfaceIsWater _spawnPos) exitWith {}; }; _observer = _group createUnit [selectRandom CIV_journalists, _spawnPos, [],0, "NONE"]; [_observer] spawn CIVinit; _allGroups pushBack _group; [_observer, _marker, "SAFE", "SPAWNED","NOFOLLOW", "NOVEH2","NOSHARE","DoRelax"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; }; waitUntil {sleep 1; !(spawner getVariable _marker) OR (({!(vehicle _x isKindOf "Air")} count ([_size,0,_markerPos,"BLUFORSpawn"] call distanceUnits)) > 3*count (allUnits select {((side _x == side_green) OR (side _x == side_red)) AND (_x distance _markerPos <= (_size max 300)) AND !(captive _x)}))}; if ((spawner getVariable _marker) AND !(_marker in mrkFIA)) then{ [_flag] remoteExec ["mrkWIN",2]; }; waitUntil {sleep 1; !(spawner getVariable _marker)}; { if ((!alive _x) AND !(_x in destroyedBuildings)) then { destroyedBuildings = destroyedBuildings + [position _x]; publicVariableServer "destroyedBuildings"; }; } forEach _buildings; deleteMarker _patrolMarker; [_allGroups, _allSoldiers, _allVehicles] spawn AS_fnc_despawnUnits; if !(isNull _observer) then {deleteVehicle _observer};
  3. skleeny

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Thanks, I'll try that
  4. skleeny

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    I don't have that boats_names line at all, i'll try to insert it . EDIT: Okay boat spawning works now, thanks :)
  5. skleeny

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    wow thank you very much for searching :) and one think do you know how to disable the spawning restrictions? 1. I have ship and want to spawn it on the water but it's not possible - it's a big ship so chinook can't pick it up and 2. I have a harrier (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26840) and it have some kind of camera underneath. When I try to build the harrier I can't because it thinks the camera (shows as ar2-2 darter) is colliding with it
  6. skleeny

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    And is it hard to disable that ignore planes thing? Just to test that? And about that spawning i saw a video on yt from liberation where their commander (zeus) was flying at start of the game when they had briefing or something and about 4 sectors - the closest ones from the fob had enemies already spawned. I would love something like that. I played Benny Warfare on Arma 2 before and enemies were spawned even if i rushed to the center (most of the times). But that despawning issue bothers me the most :/
  7. skleeny

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Hey there! It's a great mission but i have 2 problems. I play it with my friend so we are only 2 sometimes 3 on the server. That means if we are attacking a city and ai kills us. Until we restock, get new vehicle or something ai usually despawns and we need to start capturing whole town again. Is there a way to make the ai last longer? Also my friends likes to fly planes and ai usually doesn't spawn so is there some edit i can do to make the ai spawns even by just flying planes and overall make it spawn faster and on more distance (i know about making sectors bigger but if there is a another way). Btw my server FPS is most of the times about 40-50 so i think thats okay