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Heinrich Kramer

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Everything posted by Heinrich Kramer

  1. Heinrich Kramer

    Crash using execVM

    none of them should create a crash when using ExecVM, i am using them and many more andy my games executes scripts just fine. also your script looks good too, so i guess you got a corrupted Arma version, try verifying the game cache, perhaps it finds something. edit: ninja'd
  2. Arma 2 and Arma2OA work together, they Are called Arma2 Combined Operations, so they will have the full arma 2 Content even with the DLCs the DLC units however have reduced texture sizes, so they will look really blurry. The DayZ mod is, as the titles implies, a mod wich is free anyways. it is not the standalone.
  3. Heinrich Kramer

    Shining RVMAT Challenge

    my first idea would be, to create a second sphere and give it a color alpha texture with roughly 2-5% opacity. no idea if this would work, though never tried something like this.
  4. it did. tested it today, works fine
  5. using the A3MP pack and shadows on ultra myself, and mine behave quite normally (soft edges, except the stencil shadows, no jittering and such) as for your other question: no clue, sorry.
  6. Heinrich Kramer

    mods can't be removed?

    no, those are server Configs. he seems to use his game as a dedicated server. Look in your documents for a folder named Arma 3, and look in the Arma3.cfg if there are addons listed, delete the entries.
  7. Weight assigned via weights paint. to reproduce i just took a cube, subidivided it a few times, weight-painted it, exported and after the weight painting, the created p3d was empty. you can create a second cube, make both arma objects, the second one without weight painting will get exported the same applies to weighttransfer like for example from BIs arma3skeleton to an uniform. Also, the console doesn't show any errors. MfG SYSTEM
  8. i found another bug if you assign weights to a model, it doesn't get exported. it creates en Empty p3d instead. interestingly, when you import a model that is weighted, you can export it. but not if the weights are applied in Blender via the weight tools.
  9. Point 8: he means basically that AI should be able to bleed out too.
  10. Heinrich Kramer

    Arma's Nature

    if the addon is introducing new classnames, everyone must have the addon.
  11. Heinrich Kramer

    Arma's Nature

    multiplayer shouldn't be a problem when you are using models and Classnames that are already in the game.
  12. Spectre: there is a X39 medikit wich should help, although some times you need more than one to even get a deadly hurt soldier back to extremely hurt.
  13. Heinrich Kramer


    you forgot the stop signs :(
  14. did you test it in a multiplayer mission with a friend or the sample mission provided? AI must be intialized separately, so just placing an AI on the map doesn't work, the XMedSys won't recognize him and therefor not show the menu BTW, X39: we had a slight problem today as one player who was carrying another got shot he didn't release him, so the second player was still attached.
  15. are you trying to kill me? i want to shut off my PC and go to bed at least once a week :D to be clear: thank you very very much ---------- Post added at 19:18 ---------- Previous post was at 19:05 ---------- are you sure you packed the right version? it still tries to install version 1.0.1. Nevermind, you just did not relabel it inside the init.py, everything works fine :)
  16. Delete should work, don't forget that there are 2 keys to be defined ;) user1 and user2, and all these shift-alt-ctrl combos don't work.
  17. no need to disable, but zam glasses uses the left windows key too, so both mods override each other just assign another key to one of the two (i just used delete and insert for xmedSys, defining user actions is much easier than defining keys by number or DIK codes in the userconfig, and i am a lazy guy :D)
  18. Tickets are Voted up Great mod!
  19. are you using Zam_glasses?
  20. Heinrich Kramer

    New year, New Goals... Over sleeping?

    Must have been some good eggnogg :D what do I expect... a better multiplayer performance. 25 server fps and everyone except the ones with really good pcs suffer dramatic fps loss (and i don't mean 20 fps, i mean people played with 7 fps), this would be a relief. Female civilians and a civilian site module yeah, that would be great already, not much to complain except these 3. at least not from my end.
  21. Heinrich Kramer

    What's the story behind your username and avatar?

    My nickname comes Indirectly directly from Arma 2 Itself. I wanted a new Profilename since the last one was a nickname i picked when i was 9, and i didn't want to take my Computername (as arma does for the first Profile) so it suggested me SYSTEM as a profile name and i kept it. since SYSTEM is a nickname that most forums don't accept, i changed it to TheSystem in the BI forums. in other Forums i am also known as [GQRF] SYSTEM or GQRF_SYSTEM since it is my clantag. Kind of boring, i know, but i am not too big with my imagination in such things
  22. Heinrich Kramer

    Helicopter fastrope script

    thank you for your answer :) we had the same problem with the exploding chopper, it happened in multiplayer when the player with a weaker rig tossed the ropes, i think it is because you create them too close to the chopper and the can_collide doesn't tell the ropes not to collide with anything fast enough. i changed it by simply creating them at [0,0,0] so they would be created elsewhere and then attached. this doesn't really delay the ropecreation but avoided the heilcopters to blow up.
  23. Heinrich Kramer

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    bug with parallax mapping. set terrain details to standard, doesn't look worse, gives you a few fps and stops twisting the ground so objects don't float anymore.
  24. Heinrich Kramer

    Helicopter fastrope script

    strange, it worked for me. but the main problem here is locality in multiplayer. who owns the chopper, and who is triggering the cutting. perhaps the new bis_fnc_mp can help here, but i couldn't really tell.
  25. Heinrich Kramer

    Halo to Parachute landing realism

    I guess the easiest (not the best, but the easiest) solution would be to not automatically transition to standing. that would already help a lot. also the glitching on the ground is a bit over the top. i understand what BI is trying to achieve, but it makes parachuting way more clunky than it should be, and not in the "for the sake of realism" (wich i like btw.) way but in the "i landed straight going forward for under 1km/h with no wind at all so why the hell am i dragged 50 meters across in a random direction?" way wich i do not like.