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Heinrich Kramer

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Everything posted by Heinrich Kramer

  1. That would be pretty awesome, i was planning on building new ones but i don't have much time lately
  2. are you sure you're in the right thread?
  3. They are going to be mostly like in OFP, but other, more realistic Camo variants are planned too
  4. Heinrich Kramer

    Mr. Skellingtons CBRN Defense Units

    goggles _player == "Mask_M50" is essentially checking which goggles the player is wearing, so by changing "Mask_M50" against for example "skn_m04_gas_mask_bare_dry" you would make sure that units using the M04 Gas mask without hood are not affected by the gas
  5. Heinrich Kramer

    Mr. Skellingtons CBRN Defense Units

    you would need to add the classnames of my equipment to the script, but aside from that i wouldn't see why not
  6. didn't see it while baking, it's where array starts and ends. you probably won't see it ingame when you don't search for it though
  7. All parties quit the bitching, i'll render new textures for the tires when i get the time Edit: Done they're now being processed by norsu, results coming soon(ish)™
  8. Heinrich Kramer

    Server monetization program

    Their experiment ended in a virtual dumpsterfire after only 4 days, i'm curious how they try to avoid this situation a second time
  9. Arma 4 will come eventually, everything else doesn't make sense. It is BIs flagship and Arma 3 managed to be the first arma that is generally successfull (aside from the DayZ craze in Arma 2 CO), sure, Arma 3 might still be supported for the next few years but never believe for a second that BI just thinks "oh well now that we have a really successful IP and a new Engine in the works that might rectify the problems of the old one we can finally stop making money" that wouldn't make sense
  10. i simply forgot to apply the scale. the scale should be 1 when you export but mine was 1.1, so it exported with an actual scale of 0.9 and the vest was therefor slightly smaller than it should be, resulting in clipping issues. it was an oversight on my part that cost me multiple hours
  11. i was hunting a bug that i thought was a weighting issue for 2 hours the other day, turns out the model exported slightly too small (the scale was at 1.1 instead of 1) which resulted in clipping issues on the shoulders
  12. did you apply the scale before exporting? apply location rotation and scale with CTRL+A before you export
  13. dbdu is pretty much done, i just need to increase the size of the pattern on the helmet
  14. The Pasgt Vests with Alice rigs are almost done and Night Operations are possible too edit: figured out how to embed pictures
  15. Heinrich Kramer

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    you're using SetposATL which uses the Terrain (Ocean Floor) level to check the height, use SetPosASL to use the Sea level. that would be the first thing that comes to my mind
  16. I'm currently working on some Pasgt armors for the US troops. A variant with an Alice suspender Rig and multiple pouch-combinations is being worked on too. Sketchfab
  17. Heinrich Kramer

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    it'S the german KSK unit
  18. Heinrich Kramer

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    do you mean PMC, KSK and British troops? ksk and British military in in the mod
  19. Creating alternate textures is no problem. US Troops have multiple camos already, i'll do the same for the russian units. Final configs are Slatts decision though
  20. Heinrich Kramer

    Mr. Skellingtons CBRN Defense Units

    Updatetime Fixed: Materials and Textures of the Green, Blue and Black Tactical Vests Fixed: Materials and Textures of the CSAT Kevlar Vests with ELBVs Tweaked: Armor values for the Vests
  21. The Russians are wearing takistani helmets as placeholders for now until i get to them.
  22. Heinrich Kramer

    Mr. Skellingtons CBRN Defense Units

    Thank you very much also i created a small hotfix, (the armaholic link is not up to date, the dropbox and steam links are). Nnext steps are retexturing the independent and csat vests
  23. The US Soldiers are currently getting custom models, i will make sure that the uniforms look more worn out and less vibrant. After that i will take a closer look at the russian uniforms and equipment Female Civs are not on the plan yet because we'd need some more ressources than we have now, especially new heads and since i never worked with skin before they will be put back for later so i can experiment and learn.
  24. Heinrich Kramer

    Mr. Skellingtons CBRN Defense Units

    Thank you very much Bundeswehr wasn't planned yet but may come in the future
  25. Heinrich Kramer

    Mr. Skellingtons CBRN Defense Units

    Ace free Version is uploading now and i have added a temporary Dropbox link. Thank you for the feedback :)