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Everything posted by torndeco

  1. extDB3 extDB3 is an Arma3 Addon for connecting to Databases (currently only MariaDB/MySQL). The main purpose for extDB3 is for persistent missions in Arma. Note it will require some knowledge about SQF & SQL to use. extDB3 is also designed to be flexible & secure at the same time. Links https://bitbucket.org/torndeco/extdb3/wiki/Home https://bitbucket.org/torndeco/extdb3/wiki/Contents https://bitbucket.org/torndeco/extdb3/downloads extBD/2 Are retired
  2. Chernarus Satellite & Mask Image & CfgLayers These images were rebuild from A2 Public Data. https://www.dropbox.com/s/22lnppb7pbc1pyc/Chern_Fixed.7z?dl=0 Note: The images are in png format, it is alot faster to import if you change them to bmp format. This is for people that would like to mess around with editing A2 Chernarus. If i get time i will release the random python scripts / programs i used to reconstruct the images There is some random stuff in the mask i.e signatures / sun with smiley faces (that bis devs added not me ;P) If you find them love to see the co-ords for them (have lost them) Thanks to Bushlurker / Pennysworth (couldn't been done it without them) Tips Terranbuilder now has option to detect duplicated objects, there are afew duplicated buildings & trees on chernarus. When i imported chernarus some objects positions were off abit i.e guardhouse floating in the air etc
  3. Github version ? Just start from scratch & try run the bare number of addons etc Chances are you have a bad download / or messed something up
  4. You are just having issues with downloading CUP Core via Steam Workshop. Steam Workshop can and does mess up at times, normally it fixes itself after so X amount of days. I have seen it bug out and random fix itself after 3-4 days Anyway sounds like you are missing CUP_Worlds pbo which is part of CUP Core Just download CUP Core manually via http://cup-arma3.org/download If you want copy the meta.cpp from your steamworkshop download etc
  5. Your are best off to join arma 3 discord and ask for help there. Majority of your issues are sqf basics and people there will be able to help you out more etc You also don't seem to know / much SQL experience either So i recommend you try use inidb extension, atleast until you got more experience with SQF. Otherwise you be trying to learn SQF & SQL at same time etc
  6. torndeco

    DS Houses

    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1113351114 This addon is basically the work of I have spend the last few days gonna over the original files making some changes fixes etc I kept the name DS Houses, because its the name of the original work. Changes include Path LOD for most buildings, (AI Pathing) Geo & Fire Geometry Fixes Door Fixes The addon is roughly only 180MB in size To use the addon you just need to load it with CUPs. Note: I will be pushing a new update later tonight with new serverkey. To fix issue with 2 floating buildings. There is still some stuff left todo, but i will try keep the updates at most once a week.
  7. Just ignore the message you will be ok. Arma is just confused, because CUP Terrains has some custom config changes for some 3rd party maps i.e light fixes. I did come up with workaround way to prevent the error message, but will display the missions for the maps and if you load the missionfile arma will just error & quit to desktop :/
  8. SQLite will prob never happen for extDB3, am busy with other projects & RL. I might revisit this if/when dayz sa modding support comes out and if dayz sa has some version of extensions.
  9. torndeco

    DS Houses

    There was update earlier with some small bug fixes & using the new ladder engine detection. That got added in last major patch
  10. torndeco

    extDB3 Real Time

    I think he wants code to 9:UNLOCK 9:RESET <insert commands to setup extdb3 for his mission 9:LOCK This way he can edit code and then get extDB3 to reset itself and run the startup commands again, without having to restart arma. Note: you could skip locking + unlocking extDB3 in this scenario, since security not really an issue during development. There is also a test application for extDB3 for testing out commands / sql queries etc
  11. The Original Australia Map was uploaded to steam workshop by original author. For some reason he removed it and has gone MIA, which is a shame. As for steam workshop content there is separate section specifically for workshop content, so its not as bad as it used to be etc. Anyway this is abit off topic, pretty sure there are other threads debating steam workshop on the forums
  12. Sorry extDB2 is no longer supported and has known bugs etc, just let that extension die etc.. Only some old missions are using and Exile (but community has changes required to implement extDB3) It is also more awkward to build and slower for database queries etc Besides with sqf servercommand, there is little reason for rcon commands, that you can implement better with sqf
  13. It uses a Cmake build system You may need to edit CMakelist.txt as i think i hardcoded some paths (pretty obvious in the file) to make my life easier when building it on windows. There is no support/guides on how to build it But honestly if you can't compile, then you prob shouldn't be messing around with the code.
  14. You can just make up a bat file / script to use steamcmd to download workshop content edit: Steam Workshop for arma also requires a steam account that owns arma3. This requirement would effect arma3server aswell with your request
  15. Chernarus Isles http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=884988618 This is basically Chernarus and Utes maps from Arma2 combined together atm. Other changes include 1) Duplicated map objects got removed 2) Some minor fixes to object positions on Chernarus Bench block barracks near top left airfield. Moved silo in chernarus so guard rails on top walkway are lined up correctly And some other minor changes You should be able to use this in replace of Chernarus with existing positions i.e the mapsize is unchanged. Also the SAT Image isn't perfectly blended in, but its good enough for now imo. Download size is around 200-300MB Requires CUPS Core & Maps License APL-SA Thanks to BIS for the licensed/sample data files and to CUPs Team for their work on Terrains. Also to Pennysworth / Kju / Bushlurker and everyone else that i forget, for helping with working out how to port A2 Content & recreating satellite mask image. Note: Server Keys will be uploaded later this week, once its stable. I still got some fixes i.e floating buildings to fix first. ------------------------------ Source files available at (under APL-SA License) https://gitlab.com/torndeco-aplsa/chernarus_isles
  16. torndeco

    Chernarus Isles + Source Files

    Really haven't had to work on this at all, been busy with RL & other Projects. Source files are available at https://gitlab.com/torndeco-aplsa/chernarus_isles if anyone is interested etc Source directory isn't to clean with images for satmasks/sat images. But everything should be there & plus few extra backups/versions of images Recommend if you new to editing to look at https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain I didn't look at that wiki when i did chernarus_isles, so there are prob some tips there that could be useful to setting up the project etc GL
  17. Nevermind pretty sure got it figured out. Change your CHAR -> VAR_CHAR and it should work fine. I might look at adding an option to enable it for CHAR, don't wanna change default behaviour incase it breaks on someone. Since its been this way for longtime now.
  18. https://bitbucket.org/torndeco/extdb3/wiki/extDB3 - SQL Look at the options when you setup SQL Protocol Submit a bug report with extDB3 logs (using debug dll, in the optional directory), including a simple database snapshot so i can replicate the issue.
  19. torndeco

    Linux Server issue

    You can ignore that error, its normal
  20. torndeco

    DS Houses

    Will be an update tomorrow Minor Fixes AI Pathing for HouseV_1L2 Switched over to new door/ladder engine tech. Fixed missing Door sounds
  21. Micovery last i checked hasnt been active in awhile. Code is on bitbucket, will need changes for 64bit due to how it generates unique key for fetching data. Also extensions really don't need to parse input data checking for injections anymore, you return everything in an array and use parseSimpleArray instead of call compile. Faster and no security issues
  22. Version 1.032 Windows Version only atm, Linux sometime this weekend https://bitbucket.org/torndeco/extdb3/downloads Changelog FIXED: Minor Issue with MySQL Idle Connection ADDED: SQL_CUSTOM: "Number of Retrys" Option More info for Number of Retrys is at https://bitbucket.org/torndeco/extdb3/wiki/extDB3 - sql_custom.ini It can be defined per call etc ---------------- This version is mainly for people using a remote database connection etc. Or connecting via TCP etc
  23. torndeco

    Side from String?

    I would just use a switch statement and return the particular side. Using call compile is abit unnecessary and i avoid using it so can make more secure BE Filters. Espeically if you are allowing the player is allowed to type in the side.
  24. Don't forget eden editor has the ability to hide map objects/buildings now. You can also script it using https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/hideObjectGlobal
  25. That is what multi message support for extDB2/3 is for. It passes you the string in pieces that you put back together Also Arma2 its 2k limit