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  1. Love Bohemia team, dear players, dear fans. Carrier Command I bought a few weeks and am sadly disappointed by the result, which is probably similar to many a fan. Long I've been thinking of how to make the game what it deserves to be. First I must say that I loved the game and played very 1988 for hours with friends. It has inspired us for weeks and even months. This can today almost no play say that. The advantage of that time, was that the game simulation, stress, planning and love to detail required. Now we are in the 21st Century arrived and I see a very good graphics, but no remarkable change of the gameplay. Currently, we are still chasing the enemy aircraft carrier, erbobert islands and otherwise nothing. There is no progress in the gameplay. It would be so easy to give more depth. For example, the genre of real-time strategy developed. It is quite possible to implement some of those elements into the game. I do not tell too much when I say that I know more games than I have gray hair. I also know what players want and what the players. Over the last few years, developers have too busy to develop graphics, but the gameplay was getting worse. One trusts the players apparently for nothing. This is very sad and will lead in the near future at an impasse. For example, a true and good co-op has become rare. These players are very loving, not only to play against other people, but also on the LAN to play as a team against the computer. The co-op is partially forgotten, because developers think it would be delightful people to play against humans. That's not necessarily wrong, but were and are games with a good co-op against the computer successfully. Carrier Command is suited very well. To implement any co-op was a big mistake. Unfortunately, only one of many. Here I would like to end the first obvious criticism. Among the proposals: In 1988, the islands were divided according to the possibilities of defense, promotion and production. Today, however, one can go further and link it to the following option quite difficulty. It must be possible to give the player the freedom to create islands themselves. Size, climate and quality or quantity of the raw materials should give the player the opportunity to decide what he wants to make an island. Here I would take elements from the real-time strategy. Allows the player on the island itself to construct buildings. What is closer because, as the player to geebn a sandbox in which it builds itself buildings that perform different functions? Give the players so please allow them to set themselves to building. Alone with this feature of the game is awarded an uncanny depth. The division in defense, promotion and production is outdated. The player wants to play and he wants to build. He wants to create something! It is the attention to detail, love the fans of Carrier Command. Next point: the menu. Players love drag and drop. Provides vehicles and aircraft please properly represent 1988, I was able to equip the aircraft and vehicles using drag and drop. That is no longer possible today. Players do not want a tabular Überischt, but a visual way. Again, I suggest again more depth. The player should ensure that enough fuel for the aircraft is available. I build rockets, and they sustain in the reservoir is infinite? No! Believe me when I say that an infinite supply of ammunition is boring. It does not irritate the player. The player of Carrier Command will build and use each Rakte. Is no more ammunition there is and he wants to build it. That's the attraction. There are excellent players as "X - Beyond The Frontier" and its successors. They all are based on this principle and they can be learned. If the gameplay for the casual player to be complex, can be coupled to the aforementioned options of difficulty. Some options would be managed by the overall program. Those who prefer to like "tight" - that will be the majority of fans - uses all the options. It is desirable between the exchange of vehicles and the Cariers automatically go into the break, so that can be considered. Vehicles must also be approved more tactical depth. Here I would create a menu item, namely "Advanced". Here the player can determine, for example, whether the driving of the aircraft verhät offensively or defensively. How long it waits to see if it, after the time changes position, the carrier returns the weapons it used and what targets are attacked. That would look like in practice: Guard> Guard Walruss griffins 1> only air targets at Guard> Guard Walruss griffins 1> only ground targets at Such options can be integrated easily in fact, give the player but maxmiale agency. With these options you can even make a simple AI very detailed. It would be very happy if other players share these suggestions and bring Bohemia close. Since my English is not very secure and I have used Google, I'll post the part in the original. Perhaps known to help someone, if it is too opaque. First I would like to thank Bohemia and definitely hope that Carrier Command is something or something is in the next editions. Original in german: