I have two problems, Being very new to Arma 2 editing: Please be simple.
My First problem is I am trying to create a co-pilot seat I have created it, It seems to work I get in then get out, after getting both the Pilot and Co-pilot menus have disapeared and are not accessable.
My Second problem is I need to convert it to multiplayer (This is less of a priority of the first).
My Code:
L39ZA Initiation Field:
null = [player] execVM "chair.sqf";
Mission Initiation Script:
_copilot = p addAction ["Get in L-39ZA as co-pilot", "copilot.sqf","",2,false,false];
Script chair.sqf:
myChair = "FoldChair_With_Cargo" createVehicle getPos player; myChair attachTo [p, [0,0.6,0]];
Script copilot.sqf:
player moveInCargo myChair;
Please make it simple enough for a newbie like me to understand, Thanks and if you reqest more information, ask.