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About JNE

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  1. I would like a unit to be invisible but still get hit by bullets and have collisions, hideObject does not work for this. By the way I am trying to make an independent soldier invisible but he still needs to be able to be killed by bullets, since when you use hideObject they go straight through. Thanks, Jne
  2. I have two problems, Being very new to Arma 2 editing: Please be simple. My First problem is I am trying to create a co-pilot seat I have created it, It seems to work I get in then get out, after getting both the Pilot and Co-pilot menus have disapeared and are not accessable. My Second problem is I need to convert it to multiplayer (This is less of a priority of the first). My Code: L39ZA Initiation Field: null = [player] execVM "chair.sqf"; Mission Initiation Script: _copilot = p addAction ["Get in L-39ZA as co-pilot", "copilot.sqf","",2,false,false]; Script chair.sqf: myChair = "FoldChair_With_Cargo" createVehicle getPos player; myChair attachTo [p, [0,0.6,0]]; Script copilot.sqf: player moveInCargo myChair; Please make it simple enough for a newbie like me to understand, Thanks and if you reqest more information, ask.