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Everything posted by soldia

  1. Thx! I will check out the keystroke-trick and report
  2. Although I normally want nothing on my in-Game HUD, this excellent small mod is definitely the only exception. Essential to provide a rather good compensation to the loss of peripheral vision and all those other real-life senses on a flat screen. I haven't tried the new version but from time to time I got the issue that sthud is not there anymore after loading savegames. Couldn't find any clue to reproduce the failure and there are no messages either. Anyone else got that? Good work, keep it up!
  3. soldia

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Flashlight? Edit: Tonci was faster
  4. It may be a horrible source for a academic work but it will help in this case, so I'll cite the first three sentences from wikipedia.org on topic "company": "A company is a business organization. It is an association or collection of individual real persons and/or other companies, who each provide some form of capital. This group has a common purpose or focus and an aim of gaining profits". As a conclusion he is willing to make profit with what he is doing. With other words, if the revenue does NOT exceed the costs, it is not in his intention and he would stop this business soon. Obviously he is not going to do so and the only logical reason for that is that he IS making money anyway. A license is not for fun, even if the reality is showing something else. But that must not be tolerated IMHO.
  5. I can report the same update issue Iceman described two posts above. When update is installed, PwS tells me it is corrupted and needs to be completely uninstalled and deleted. But if I just download the version currently available on your homepage and reinstall it, PwS is working again( but not updated). I'm not at my PC right now so I can provide the error message later. If not happened until then, I'll report the issue on the support site. Keep up the good work, PwS is one of the best utilities for ArmA out there.
  6. Looks quite nice. Thank you for the amazing work.
  7. soldia

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Infact most of the bolt carrier sounds are a bit too loud, afaik. Very cool that they are there, because you can hear them in real, especially if you are the shooter. Perhaps Jarhead is reducing them a bit in the final version.
  8. soldia

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Yeah, must be very sophisticated equipment to capture the full spectrum of a single gunshot. And then there is this problem with the weapon availability in germany Nevertheless, your work is spectacular!
  9. soldia

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Crouch button is quite ok for me. What I forgot: Even if I get in the mortar as gunner after "crouching out" without moving and then getting out again, the animation is played as soon as I walk one step.
  10. soldia

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Mortar operation is quite ok and even a single person can do it. Sure, it lasts a little bit, but no one can expect you to operate that single-manned. Another weird problem occurs whenever I try to "shift" the mortar left or right to turn in into right direction. I click "shift left" or "shift right", then tap backward, everything is fine. But I can not leave this stance by right mouse button or ESC or anything. The only trick to leave that stance is to press the crouch key. But if i want to move after that, the "carry soldier" animation is played. The only way to quit that is to go "prone" and the invisible "body" is dropped to the floor. Any suggest what might go wrong? Got no other animations-mod or something like that. It's reproduceable and rather time consuming. How do you quite the "shift" mode?
  11. soldia

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Damn, that is cool. Quite realistic distance sounds, I can tell that from experience. I know it is quite difficult to implement in a game (and therefore loudspeakers) but imho gun firing sounds are a little bit stronger in lower frequencies. I think it's because of the shockwaves from the little explosions inside the guns. Hard to describe thou.
  12. First you should clarify (to yourself) in which way you want to play ArmA. Beagle got the point: ArmA is literally about saving your virtual ass in intense shootouts. The best way to learn the game is to watch some youtube videos about it. So you can have a look how other players survive. And how careless ppl don't survive. Actually the most unrealistic way to play ArmA is to play vanilla imho. Give it a try. Play the tutorials and campaigns. The first missions are pretty easy and you can run through them almost blindfolded and hit some AI.
  13. soldia

    [SP/COOP 03*] For Guglovo

    Yeah, waypoints disabled. But I've read that before and tried to check every tile around the dead bodies. But it's ok. We were able to proceed the mission anyway, but only because I played that far in SP before (where the trigger obvious worked). Another little problem we had during the mission. Once I was given a NVG "out of nowhere". Was in my Gear from one second to the other. Later I picked up another weapon from dead opponent and suddenly my NVG was gone and a binocular took its place. The NVG was away and I wasn't able to find it around that spot i "lost" it. Might the "random weapon" script be responsible for this behaviour? Anyways: Mission is very cool, gives the good 'ol OFP-Resistance feeling and the difficulty gives one some tasks to solve. Especially "the end" (don't want to spoil, you know what I mean)
  14. soldia

    [SP/COOP 03*] For Guglovo

    Yepp...we had the G36c issue 1 hour ago. But now we are stuck after "killing bandits" task. We tried 2 times and solved the first two tasks. But nothing happens? Ver. 1.2
  15. Hello Folks, yesterday I wanted to start a LAN MP Game with a friend of mine via Hamachi (correctly set-up and working). So we first updated to the latest beta (99202) and started with @ACE + @jsrs. I hosted a server but my friend wasn't able to see my game, neither automatically nor via "remote". Same situation the other way round, couldn't see his game myself. The next step was to deactivate the beta and mods and to start with simple Arma2:CO. With this config on both sides it works flawlessly. We tested a few different configs and came to the conclusion that the beta patch was the root cause for our problem. We tested with other beta versions as well, but that didn't help. To conclude: Working with 1.62 Working with 1.62 + @ACE Working with 1.62 + @ACE and other mods Not working with 1.62 + beta Not working with 1.62 + beta + mods Used game version: ArmaX (non-steam) on my friends side and Arma:CO (Steam) on my side. Is this problem obvious (crossread the changelog) and I am not able to see it? Thank you for your help
  16. server.cfg makes no difference. Tested to host via Internet and it works fine. Seems to be the best way. Thx for your help
  17. soldia

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Me too. Looking forward to try it out this evening :)
  18. May be, but when starting a game without beta the ping is around 25-35 ms. Same thing when pinging the other side via hamachi (23-32ms). Good hint, thx. Will check the config and line command parameters. But the config will not change when using beta, right?
  19. Ok, the command line parameters are: Without beta "-mod=E:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2;Expansion;ca" "-name=Soldia" -nosplash With beta "-mod=E:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 2;Expansion;ca;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" "-name=Soldia" -nosplash (weird: the space is NOT included, just in the final post. Cannot edit)
  20. soldia

    No Multiplayer servers appear on OA

    First you should check if you see the server list on browser or some kind of launcher/updater. Perhaps it is just a provider issue. If you can see the list there: Try this (was my last experience with this problem). Cut and save your original profile. The one you are playing with. Or better: the complete folder in "my documents". Then start the game and have another look. My profile was somehow corrupted the other day and the only way to restore the server list was a complete new profile.
  21. soldia

    [SP/COOP 03*] For Guglovo

    I like this kind of mission as well. It is this "resistance" flair from the original OFP. Quite nice. Haven't loaded the newest version but will do this tomorrow and then the coop will be tested :) Keep up the good work. A nice smaller mission isn't better than any bad massive battle without any story. Btw: No problems so far, despite the friendly AI. But that is not your fault I guess. They are some good support gunners anyway.
  22. Hi MadDogX, - I tried to start the beta on several ways. Via the beta-exe directly ("expansion/beta"), via the predefined link in the Arma2:OA install folder and via ArmaIILauncher (spirited_machine). I can provide the explicit command line this evening. - Firewall is not disabled, but Arma has all rights, but I'll give it a try. AV software...never had some sort of "slow_my_machine_down" SW installed :rolleyes: - Hamachi is not really necessary but a great relief. Sitting behind two switches/router and portforwarding isn't stable sometimes. But we can give it a try. Just curious why it works without beta and refuses to display the server with beta version installed. I will try to play around a little bit with the configurations of game and system and provide some feedback on this.
  23. Normally it's said that the epi and morphine will be rinse out if the wounds are not "sealed" by the bandages/compresses. So I never tried, but perhaps it's enough to only apply bandages? Problem might be that your "patient" will run away after applying the epi and still has pain.