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Everything posted by soldia

  1. And the electricity is wasted somewhere else. Have you ever tried to host a game with your laptop?
  2. soldia

    Infantry Combat-Boring and Unrealistic?

    That might be the explanation of it. But I agree with tonci that it has to be fixed (if not in ArmA 2, then in ArmA 3). Because that behavior ruins most of sneaky actions and guarantees a lot of deaths. They should be more loyal ;)
  3. soldia

    Welcome back Ivan & Martin!

    Welcome Back. Enjoy your time with the families!
  4. soldia

    Infantry Combat-Boring and Unrealistic?

    The AI with latest beta and mods is really good. As mentioned above: The ArmA AI is really an AI..not scripted bots. @tonci: Your video shows one of the few failures in the AI concept IMO. If you tell them to hold fire they sometimes won't hear and start shooting at their own will. That was the death sentence to me and my squad in more than one Mission. They are not really able to be stealthy. I tried to "disengage", "hold fire", "stealth" and so on. But anybody in the group will start shooting anyway.
  5. soldia

    Domination!2 ACE Question

    Actually it is AN/PRC which stands for Army Navy Portable Radio Communication
  6. soldia

    ACE for OA 1.13

    And sometimes I won't give a steerable parachute to a bunch of freaks with weapons as a missionmaker. It is better if they hit the ground where the team leader or missionmaker wants them ;)
  7. And you can install a TS server on every PC, Mac, whatever. Got one in my MacBook and that is really cool.
  8. soldia

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    @Juggernaut: As there is an JSRS_ACE Mod the answer is simple. Yes, it covers all the weapons.
  9. soldia

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Before you reinstall anything, be sure that CO is correctly loaded. I know I have said it many times before, but: Steam is the worst solution to start ArmAII:CO+Mods. Not mentioning the DLCs...
  10. soldia

    Do ArmA Firefights Exsist?

    AI/AI firefights can be interesting if you are using ACE, ASR_AI and TPWCAS. You have a high skilled AI without the sniper-precision they normally got and a quite good suppression system which affects their skills and accuracy as well. And they keep their heads down. Trying it out in open terrain (airfield on Utes for example), there are some firefights lasting 20-30 min. I have to do this in more difficult terrain as well.
  11. What about joining the game directly (remote) by typing the IP. I normally use PlayWithSix and my server is shown there without any problems. Oh and perhaps a mod may merge this topic with the "official" thread about the app.
  12. soldia

    Do ArmA Firefights Exsist?

    I think the "problem" is that ArmA is still a game. In real life you keep your head down and shoot more inaccurate, having no information where exactly the enemy is etc. In a game, we are more risky as it's not our real life we may loose. The enemy is clearly visible and your aiming is very well most of the time (even with ace).
  13. soldia

    Free track problem

    Yes, an ArmA2 profile in freetrack. And I mean not a sub-profile of the "Default" profile. And then select only freetrack and deselect TrackIR. In ArmA2 enable FREETRACK controller and then you will see the key bindings saying "FreeTrack y-axis +" or something like that.
  14. soldia

    Free track problem

    Have you created a profile for ArmA? I only have the FreeTrack interface enable and of course the "controller" in ArmA2. And the directions must be binded in the control options as well. No problems, everything is working fine. Btw.: The "crahs" at first game start appears as well. Seems to be a problem with the interface. But on second start everything is quite ok.
  15. soldia

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    What are your startup parameters?
  16. soldia

    Switch from 1st person to 3rd person

    Haven't you changed the control options before starting the game? Or am I the only crazy one doing this?
  17. soldia

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I think it is time for a donation...definitely.
  18. soldia

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Thanks LordJarHead and team for this great mod. Only played 5 minutes and I was amazed. I'll join GeekFurious and seed at least till 2300 tomorrow, then my NAS will shutdown automatically and I am not at home.
  19. Without the "@" it should work.
  20. soldia

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Dropbox is ok for big files... Used it myself up to 2GB and there were no problems...
  21. soldia

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    If you look at dev-heaven, you'll see that the status on #70070 is back to 60%...and things will change. Perhaps there is no ftp server available.
  22. Have you tried a search on the forums? http://bit.ly/SdViOA
  23. Stupid guess, but is your mic ok? Do you hear the ACRE sound if pressing the radio button?
  24. soldia

    Arma 2: Acr & co

    Oh and what about beta versions, tons of mods, dedicated server and so on? To clarify: I own the steam version of ArmA:CO+all DLCs myself and I never had a problem. But only because I do not use steam...