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Everything posted by soldia

  1. Why not using the basis of a laser designator? I mean, in reality speed guns are in fact laser designators. You could make it fire twice (or permanently) in order to measure the objects velocity. I'm not at home and therefore don't have access to the config, but you could give it a shot.
  2. soldia

    The Phone

    @All: Thanks for feedback. @Foxhound: Special thanks for posting it on Armaholic! Regarding the calls: Maybe in the future. But I don't have any experience with TS-Plugins. There are some further ideas on my side as well. For example images and GPS coordinates are the most likely features to be implemented in the future. Stay tuned and please test it in your community. For better understanding, a short video tutorial will be uploaded soon.
  3. What are the numbers if you define a (local) function in a script and then call this function? Is it the function itself or is it the call command which makes a function slower (which should be faster according to Code Optimisation Hints on the biki)
  4. soldia

    Why are much more people playing Arma 2?

    Tried that (haven't tried it because we don't use the briefing-inventory)?: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168092-Map-and-Briefing-team-inventory-fix
  5. soldia

    Why are much more people playing Arma 2?

    @Tonci: Most servers in ArmA are public-warfare-life-whats-o-ever. I'm pretty sure that the majority of event-based communities like the Brig or us are much more into A3 than the average. The stability argument is definitely not true. A3 is as stable as A2 now and much more stable than A2 a few month after release. Future setting, yes it is a bit disturbing. But, for example, you can play with M4s and AKs with the help of Mods if you want. The new outfit-flexibility is pretty cool and adds a lot of possibilities for mission makers. The only thing that really crushes my immersion in A3 are these holiday-style islands. They are pretty detailed and look great, no argue on that. But it always reminds me of my last holiday on a greek island and in countless situations I was holding a position in one of those little towns on the beach and I imagined the picture of a nice bar or restaurant, live music and the local youth cruising through the city with their scooters. It's not an environment suitable for war. But as soon as a new Visitor is released by BI it won't last long until the first wonderful Islands will be created. (And no, A2 maps in A3 are not an option...) I still play A2 some times and I love the variety of options I got through all these Mods. But every time I enter CQC in A2 I wish to have the actual battle in A3 with all those smoother animations and stances and so on. Some of those new BIS-functions are pretty helpful for mission makers and addon creators. JIPing is a easier than in A2 (though still pain-in-the-**s, but that's an hardcoded issue) and the better implementation of debugging/camera functions helps a lot. Just my 2 cents.
  6. It has nothing to do with ACE (classname is an ArmA-classname). As you can see on this picture there is no white smoke for the M203 (Obviously even purple smoke is only fiction).
  7. Hi Guys, I am currently trying to run the following configuration on my machine (one physical Windows7 PC): - One normal installation of ArmA2:CO with all DLCs..blablabla (Steam Version) - One separate installation to run a dedicated server and a headless client. (Non-Steam Version, the 80% OFF offer currently on BIStore) But unfortunately whether I try to install it on one Windows Account or two different I always got the same PlayerID aka. CD-Key. Is there any way to install and register two different serial numbers on one machine? I don't have another physical PC here so that is not an option ---- Update ---- So obviously there is a problem with the DLCs...BAF/PMC/ACR. The non-steam installation always tries to start the DLCs in the steam installation. Of course that results first in a failure message and secondly on a use of the steam-serial number. As there is only one registry entry for the DLCs here is my question: How to adress another registry entry for the non-steam DLCs so I can use different serial numbers there? Anyone ever wondered about that? Help is appreciated, thx.
  8. That was my original approach. I am concerned that it inflicts problems when using in MP (with JIP). But I made it server side only and will test it anyway. But thx for the help so far.
  9. Hi guys, I got a problem on checking if any unit in an array got a specific item/weapon. To be more precise: Got 10 players in my mission, each named by guex (x = [1...10]). Further I got a crate and the item/weapon "EvMap" in it. Now I want to combine it with a trigger "if any unit of guex hasWeapon "EvMap" then blablabla" to detect if any of the units has taken the EvMap out. Here is the question: Is it sufficient if I put in the condition field of the trigger or is it problematic in MP scripting? player hasWeapon "EvMap" Another possibility would be to create a construct with a lot of OR conditions. It's ok with 10 units, but would be a lot of pain with 40 or more. Can you help out on that? Thanks in advance
  10. Looks pretty promising. I hope you may realize all your plans on that.
  11. soldia

    Urban Patrol Script

    Definitely one of THE ArmA scripts. Thanks for updating!
  12. soldia

    Proxies from O2 cause Shadow?

    My thoughts on that: Normally his shadow 10 is empty (no mesh) an therefore the original model is displayed in yellow color, as it is always with non-selected lods. But know there seems to be a mesh in his shadow 10 lod and that causes trouble. So my suggestion: delete the shadow 10 lod
  13. soldia

    Proxies from O2 cause Shadow?

    To be sure on that make a copy of your .p3d and delete the shadow lod 10. Do you use any other modelling program like 3ds or maya?
  14. soldia

    Lucas Arts Gaming branch closing

    It is such a pity. LucasArts was definitely one of the most innovative studios. Countless of hours were spend with Monkey Island and all the Star Wars games. X-Wing Alliance alone is awesome enough. I'm sure it won't be the last "surprise" Disney will bring to us with the Star Wars universe :(
  15. Damn pretty cool. Thx for the release! @pettka: Also thanks to you for the update. Very helpful information in there
  16. Try to have a look on Murcielago's shooting range 2.0. He realized exactly that. Perhaps he will help you out. The script you tried will not work as the bullet will be alive after hitting your billboard (ricochet, penetration)
  17. soldia

    Shooting through Scopes etc.

    Not even that. Not from any distance greater than 50cm
  18. Had that problem too. Solution is rather simple. Perhaps Soul_Assassin is able to change that for the next update Open 3ds Max 2013 Got to "MAXScript -> MAXScript Editor" Open the File "[your3dsmaxinstallationfolder]\scripts\ArmAToolBox\modules\031lods.ms" Search for the lines 163 and 164 Replace the two lines with the following ones (the most important part is the path, it is self-explaining i think): button dupeLODa "A" pos:[248,32] width:24 height:24 images:#(((getDir #scripts) + "\\ArmAToolBox\\armaToolBox2.bmp"), undefined, 10, 8, 8, 8, 8) toolTip:"Confirm." button exitDupeLOD "D" pos:[280,32] width:24 height:24 images:#(((getDir #scripts) + "\\ArmAToolBox\\armaToolBox2.bmp"), undefined, 10, 9, 9, 9, 9) toolTip:"Cancel." But I am not able to export a working .p3d file. Getting an error if I want to load it to O2...
  19. Thanks for the input. I've re-read my opening post and i have to admit that there is some possibility for misunderstandings. The AI is friendly. I've tried the careless behavior but that wouldn't help. They start running around and go prone if someone is using the firing ranges. But I'll try some of the suggestions anyway and report back.
  20. Hi guys, I'm currently creating a mission in which I build a training camp with several different firing ranges, CQC objects and so on. To give some more ambient to the whole thing, I wanted to add some patrols and other soldiers to that camp. Unfortunately they are all going nuts if someone is on the firing range and fires his gun. On one other training ground, there will be enemies to practice some real action, so I need the "full" AI behaviour there. So, here is the question: Is there a possibility to prevent the AI of "hitting the dirt" at all in a certain area? Thanks for your help in advance!
  21. That's good news. Thank you for your hard work! LEA is one of the best mission maker tools out there
  22. Oh yeah, that would be great! I recently made a mission with 40 ammoboxes with custom load out. You can imagine how often I clicked through all those boxes in LEA only to enable the autoload again.
  23. But you've read Nou's post in the official JayArmaLib-Thread? Maybe it works fine at all, but the statement, that _new is newer, isn't correct.
  24. No, BE SURE to run arma2lib, not the "new" one, because the "old" one is the new "new" one. From the author: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?98647-JayArma2Lib&p=2267099&viewfull=1#post2267099