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Everything posted by stuntpoteten

  1. Hi After some searching I have yet to find any posts answering my problem. So here goes. Why does right pedal and fire share the same button ( right trigger), same with freelook(?), it is shared with manual fire toggle on the B button. I've tried disable and using the map function to see if I could remove that. but it binds everything different. Right stick turns head on ground, until the head is far left/right, then the body starts turning, in air the right stick looks left/right in chopper, but it also controls "tilt", so look left, and the chopper will roll in that direction. Everything worked perfectly until I ended up in the south east theatre, where I discovered the dual funtion of the buttons. Any ideas/solutions? What is the chance of this getting fixed in next patch? Regards The noobie helipilot
  2. Well, after some fiddling around I got the mappable option working like the non-mapable. Can't use A and X button for confirm/cancel in the menu, but I guess that's what the mouse and keyboard is for. Thanks for the encouragement, once I figured out the system it went smoothly. Here is a for your trouble :)
  3. Thank you for you reply :) I've found out 2 methods to using my xbox gamepad. The first one, which works very well apart for a few dual mapped functions, does not leave any bindings to edit at all when I look for them in the mapping section of the options menu. The second method requires disabling my gamepad, then it show up in a different menu, where I can map buttons from a bunch of presets. And the default result leaves something to be desired, buttons are all messed up and right thumbstick in particular, seems to pan my view and roll the helicopter at the same time. I've tried to clean up the bindings but I've been unsuccesful in recreating the smooth feel the default unmapped gamepad setup gives me (it feels almost perfect). So I was hoping for some help in doing that.