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Everything posted by daze23

  1. daze23

    Adept: Side Missions don't work

    are you using any mods?
  2. daze23

    AI Configuration - feedback

    somehow my character always 'spots' enemies that I can't even see. it seems a lot of the time they can see through trees and such. sometimes it seems like the AI is using the 3rd person camera :/
  3. daze23

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    so does 'affinity mode' help anyone?
  4. yep, getting AI to rearm can be very annoying. why do I have to go to 'more options' to get to 'inventory'? shouldn't that be on the first page of options (instead of a list of guns in the area. how would I know which to pick when they're mostly the same, and could be far from the unit I want to rearm?). and then if they're in 'combat' mode, they will run around the world before doing what they're told. I've found the best way is to make them move next to the body you want them to loot, and then do the 'inventory' thing
  5. never the less, some of us would like to see the AI in the vanilla game improve
  6. I don't think that's true. the dev branch gets updated pretty much every weekday http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149636-Development-Branch-Changelog/page21
  7. I think the problem is you end up having to beat the mission through 'trial and error'. for me this often has to do with how the AI reacts. maybe you had an idea of what to do the first time, but then something about how the AI acts makes it so that plan won't work. so then you run through it again, not only knowing what's going to happen, but also making these concessions to get the AI to actually survive
  8. some laptops don't have it to save space someone asked me the same question on reddit, and my suggestion was to borrow someone's keyboard just to unlock it
  9. daze23

    How important is Ram to Arma 3 performance

    well at some point it won't benefit the game at all. that seems to be part of the overall question here
  10. that's kind of the thing here: some people do focus on the minimum. some the average. some quote the highest number they've seen. and some aren't even looking at a number...
  11. I think you should be able to fix that by running the "dxsetup" exe found in the "directx" folder in the Arma 3 folder. although that should have happened automatically when you installed the game. are you sure you have a dx11 gpu?
  12. daze23

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    DayZ suffers from many of the same issues. hopefully all the money and customers that game brings in will lead to some solutions unfortunately, although it's obviously a similar engine with similar issues, most criticism is still being met with the old "IT'S ALPHA!" line (that I'm sure many people remember from this thread)
  13. daze23

    How important is Ram to Arma 3 performance

    this is very true. the exact same scenario can play out very differently every time you run it
  14. I agree with your points. as far as Elite Warriors...
  15. how does a completely different benchmark "prove" another benchmark is "bullshit"? and what good is a 180x102 screenshot?
  16. seems like a strawman when the OP went out and bought a 4770k
  17. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Cheats
  18. that is strange. I was thinking something must be making them hostile, but 'green' is hostile towards you for most of the game, so maybe they were never made not-hostile towards you (for whatever reason...)
  19. does it happen every time you play that mission?
  20. I have to alt-tab out and then back into the game for the (adaptive) vsync I force through the nvidia CP to kick in
  21. yep, they're pretty easy to miss. they need to be better explained when you get to the first 'camp' where they're available
  22. daze23

    biggest issues that we currently have...

    yep, I agree all the "I get 60fps in SP and 30fps in MP" rhetoric doesn't help. I assume most of these people judge SP performance by placing one unit in the editor (and a lot of people just don't really care about SP). for that matter, the game does run pretty well in simple missions, away from towns/cities. but it goes downhill when there's a lot of AI and/or complicated scripting. and then things can get even worse if you're around a lot of buildings people that are only concerned about MP should also be concerned about SP performance, since all these SP issues are basically 'on top' of whatever specific MP issues there are