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Everything posted by daze23

  1. yep, 0.5.102980 I also couldn't join any multiplayer lobby. it would just be 'blank', where normally I would see a player list, and be able to pick my team and class. in the lower left it was saying I use a modified file (not unusual, but the first time I saw that message in A3). I guess the servers need to update...
  2. I saw "1 item complete" in my d/l's. I haven't checked the version yet, but I think it probably hasn't changed
  3. daze23

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    yep, people with 'monster rigs' get decent performance, because they're so overpowered. but all these symptoms are still there, and they're still not seeing the full potential of their hardware
  4. yeah, I don't use it either, but that's weird it's not doing what it's supposed to do
  5. is there a way to get the AI to become hostile towards civilians? as it is a civilian can shoot them and they don't care (although they do die...)
  6. to be clear, do you have v-sync on? edit: and are you running "fullscreen", and not just a borderless window at your native res:? (I've noticed v-sync doesn't work in that situation)
  7. daze23

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    that's a strawman. even with their budget, apparently EA also has issues keeping their customers happy my point was these heightened expectations come with the territory of having a product that a lot of people are interested in. ultimately it's a good sign for them as a business, but it also puts the pressure on them to follow through to keep that ball rolling
  8. daze23

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    this is the price of success. they got the top selling game on Steam, and they pretty much hit the lottery with DayZ, so I really don't want to hear anyone from BI playing the victim
  9. it's pretty much the same thing that turned me off from playing Wasteland in Arma 2. I love the game, but can't deal with 19 fps (30-40 is fine) I know we've been beating this horse to death, but it really is heartbreaking seeing these same issues again. you have this amazing game, but there's this huge obstacle that is gonna hold it back
  10. yep, plus sometimes it's hard to tell if you've done something, like kill all the bad guys in an area, because the AI is good at hiding, flanking, etc this guy also has a good series, and gets into triggers in this vid:
  11. daze23

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I think that's another symptom of the GPU not being utilized if I play something basic like TF2, and limit my frames (v-sync, etc), I get similar results. it's not that it doesn't recognize the 3D app, it just doesn't need that clock speed. for that matter, when I'm not running any 3D app, the clock speed goes down to around 300, so 600 is more than it would need for regular 2D stuff
  12. daze23

    Arma III Editor Help

    the ammo and weapon crates are in the "empty" category
  13. I wish there was a little more stuff, but I'm not too worried about it
  14. daze23

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    that's what I noticed. for a game that's supposed to be so CPU heavy, it doesn't run my CPU temps too high. a few other recent games, like Far Cry 3 and Crysis 3 (not to use those cliche examples, but I honestly noticed this about both of them) on the other hand really get my CPU hot, while at the same time letting my GPU perform at 99%. I'm not an expert on these matters, but that seems to say those games probably use more CPU (probably better use of multi cores as well), and there's something else limiting Arma 2/3 edit: these symptoms, along with the fact that extreme overclocking seems to be the only thing that helps, really point to it not effectively using multi cores.
  15. something dl'ed when I chose dev build. was there an update?
  16. I have this same issue. I'm kinda new to all this, but is there a way I can fix it myself?