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Everything posted by spookygnu

  1. spookygnu

    Blastcore A3

    Sweet! New GPU for me next week and I'll be watching the flashy lights even more.
  2. spookygnu

    COWarModACE Release thread

    Ok np! Pm me when you get yourself sorted. I'm not going anywhere atm.
  3. Hi all! Hope someone can help me with this?? I'm attempting to make an intro cutscene for a COOP mission. with out any joy at the moment. I've scrolled the threads and tried to find some answers. I keep seeing OFPEC mentioned, but the site is down atm. I've also tried the PSX satellite script, which I'm struggling with. I also thought of using a UAV or AC130 script to give the effect I want. Ideally I'd lke to go with the PSX cam I've played with today. Has anybody used this themselves and applied it as a cut scene for their missions? My scene is this: A "Satcam" flies over Sangin, zooms in at three decreasing heights onto a moving car, this then stops at a compound, a guy gets out, has a meeting with someone else then gets back in and returns to his own compound, all while being tracked by the Sat cam. This cutscene I would like to have applied to either the loading screen of the game or at the very start before any players are in game. ideally it would be great if it was on the loading screen (if possible). pointers, tips and advice would be greatly appreciated! cheers Spooky!
  4. At first I couldn't get the PSX_satcam to work well on my own mission. I then went into the example and viewed that. Viewed the init, description file and what not, then looked at the video on the website. After piecing it all together a bit better, I then went back to my own mission and opened my init.sqf. I thought I'd try and copy and paste the init.sqf (from the psx file) over the top of my own because I knew this worked. I then replaced the chicago's location params for my own mission satcam into the init.sqf. It worked. BUT! for some reason now, a few days later I go back into it and try to make a new position, the thing doesn't work again. so I need to re-look at things again. My first solution worked though you could try that. Try opening a blank textfile and paste all your locations in there in order. then copy and paste the example init.sqf into your own and replace the params like I did, that should work that way. I'm no coding wizard (far from it), but what I did, seemed logical and worked without me having to go researching a load of stuff to to get a quick result.
  5. spookygnu

    COWarModACE Release thread

    thats great to hear! Thanks Gunter!
  6. Hadn't realised tbh. I haven't got that mod in my setup so I was probably being abit flippant with asking. Thats good to know its already around then.
  7. spookygnu

    COWarModACE Release thread

    I'll help out with the testing of it, least I could do after suggesting it! Could have a friend that may oblige too?? I'll have a root out for the documentation in the mean time.
  8. spookygnu

    COWarModACE Release thread

    The slight lurch forward IS from the smk animations its not really anything to do with the COwarMod itself. May be worth contacting the author of that addon. I used this animation as part of a smart AI folder I compiled, I found that if I took out the smk animations, it would stop. It annoyed the hell outta me too. Maybe cut and paste the smk anims to your desktop, (which I'll do aswell, least its still floating on the pc) and see if it effects anything, you won't be able to side vault a wall though if you do, I know that for sure.
  9. spookygnu

    COWarModACE Release thread

    Hi Gunter! I solved it with your advice in the COSLX thread. Sorry for the cross posting aswell. Hadn't realised what I was saying. Anyway, got it going now, gunna have a play and see what occurs with it. Thanks for the help. Spooky
  10. Has anyone ever thought about doing a "Battle of Britain" Mod/Addon?? I never remember which is which! lol! Anyway, my thought on this is! If there is already a WWII1944 and Pacific which ever, maybe having a full "addon" in the way of WWII dogfighting might be a cool thing to have. This could then be applied with the WWII conversions. I think I'm saying this correct, if not then can someone please re-iterate what I mean. I haven't played the 1944 mode yet, but I reckon its pretty cool. DayZ competes with all the other zombie games out there and has pretty much cornered the market in survival-esque gaming, Arma is pretty much the shooting sim to go for if you want realism and not COD, Heroes over Europe is ok and War thunder is a good flying shooter of that era. Maybe making a WWII Dog fight Sim out of the assets in the Arma Library or Toolkits would be a great thing to have! What d'ya reckon folks??
  11. There wasn't really a report, it just gave me the error whilst loading the game. Its the same error everyone else had when they came upon the error. I didn't realise that I had to remove the .hpp file aswell. I'll re-look over the mod and go through the motions again. DO I take out the h.pp for just the COSLX folder or from both the CAWarMod/COSLX folder aswell? Something to point out though. I use PW6 "ALOT". I downloaded the mod through there and I was surprised to "not" see the ACE version on PW6. I had to go to your website for it (which I found by chance), I installed the ACE version then did the update patches. Is there the possibilty you could supply the community with an ACE version on PW6 with the latest patches? I appreciate that this might be a bit of an ordeal because I read that you spent a few years working on it. I also noticed the extent of the compatibility it has over the other mods from what I saw on your website.
  12. Hi Gunter! I recently downloaded your WarMod and COSLX files, with not for want of trying for at least two hours of installing it as ACE version instead of the the version on PW6, plus getting the ACE patches, remove the advised files etc. I am still getting the SLX.hpp error on load up of the game. I've seen in the main thread to COwarMod that if I remove three files, (which I did), AIskill ,swim anims, ace fixes, this should solve the issue but it isn't helping much.
  13. Hi Kempco, After messing about with the script, I love this piece of work. Few intitial hurdles with the bailout masks but got em sorted in the end. Job well done on this. Thanks!
  14. spookygnu

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    That would be smart! what textures would you consider doing one in? .
  15. spookygnu

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Chinnooks,Apaches and Seahawks Oh My! Sorry if this has been asked before, I know Konyo is working on an A3 version of the Chinnook, which I must say looks pretty neat already, but does anybody have any plans to create A3 versions of the other helos from Blufor and Opfor in A2. I like the idea of A3 being set slightly in the future and I can see why the future tech of the military was used. I don't think they should leave out these older aircraft though as if they were just scrapped overnight by the military due to cutbacks in spending. LOL! Whats new! then started shipped in a load of new uniforms and aircraft to replace everything. (being a little pedantic there!) Before you suggest I port over my A2 stuff or use AIA, I've done that and I'm fed up with the errors and no classnames etc. Actually be quite nice to see some of the older stuff working properly eventually. So back to the question, any work in progress at the moment we could potentially see in the not so distant future? (someone in BIS decided that closing the original thread was a more brutal approach than actually notifying me that I'd should have posted here! I might have apologised then, but this was more out of interest than a request.):rolleyes:
  16. Sorry if this has been asked before, I know Konyo is working on an A3 version of the Chinnook, which I must say looks pretty neat already, but does anybody have any plans to create A3 versions of the other helos from Blufor and Opfor in A2. I like the idea of A3 being set slightly in the future and I can see why the future tech of the military was used. I don't think they should leave out these older aircraft though as if they were just scrapped overnight by the military due to cutbacks in spending. LOL! Whats new! then started shipped in a load of new uniforms and aircraft to replace everything. (being a little pedantic there!) Before you suggest I port over my A2 stuff or use AIA, I've done that and I'm fed up with the errors and no classnames etc. Actually be quite nice to see some of the older stuff working properly eventually. So back to the question, any work in progress at the moment we could potentially see in the not so distant future?
  17. spookygnu

    Complete laptop crash

    I doubt he will register because he know's I know more about pc stuff than him, trust me he hasn't got a clue! I;m no expert myself, but I thought I'd call upon some of you whizz's to help or find out if someone had the same sort of issue. I know the lack of info isn't helping but there isn't much I can do about that. Pm'd
  18. Hi all! (this is onbehalf of a friend who is not a member of the forum) a friend of mine recently got A2 OA and the BAF dlc from steam for his laptop. After a few sessions of playing, he discovered one morning that his laptop was not fucntioning properly. He called up the tech support for the Laptop who did a remote access check over his system. The tech guy discovered that a file named, BOT 64/86z was the root cause of his crash. He could play the game, but only the game! He could not access any other apps he has on his laptop. He couldn't even do a system restore. He has now had to uninstall all his apps, remove the game and he has now wasted his money on the fact that he has a decent laptop to run games. One in particular that screws up his setup everytime he plays it. anybody got any ideas about what the issue could be with this file?
  19. spookygnu

    Complete laptop crash

    What do you mean by this comment?? Are you asking in a way that because I haven't given the file path you are being sarcastic to that fact?? If I knew the whole picture myself then I would put more. obviously I don't, my friend is none the wiser also because he's not great at pc's. He can't give me more info. urgo.... We are all blind! simple as that. He has put arma back on his laptop and if it happens again I've said to him, get the tech guy to write it all down for him so he can explain things better. But Even the Tech Guy didn't know why Arma was locking out his laptop. Plus if there was a trojan of some sort he would've pick it up too.
  20. spookygnu

    Any interesting books to recommend?

    Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10. This has to be one best books I have ever read, I've read it twice and I'm so pysched now that they have released a full trailer for it. I've been following it for quite some time now. Can't wait for the film to come out.
  21. spookygnu

    Complete laptop crash

    Thanks for the tips, I'll mention it too him. But I'm badgering him into building a rig too so he can use it for gaming. Like me! lol!
  22. spookygnu

    Complete laptop crash

    Well it was the programs 64(x86) folder, where his steam folder goes with ARMA. The tech guy must have told him that and he misheard. Thats why I wrote BOT 64 etc, He's not that great at PC knowledge tbh anyway. But he has Norton as his AV, which I said get rid off but he won't because he has a 12 month premium promotion edition. So he is stuck with that. Its weird because for some reason he can play Battlestar Galatica (MMO) online but not Arma. Which as an ex squaddie he would love to really get his teeth into.
  23. spookygnu

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I just got round to downloading this mod, and BUUUGGEEEERR MEEEE! Its awesome. I got so immersed in the little mission I was making, I didn't see the rpg flying right for me until the last second. it was eye on my 32inLCD tv and I actually ducked! Paused the game, burst out laffing and then said FUCK ME this is COOOL!. Every mission made should have this mod, then you can all experience the power of the immersion it gives you. Jarhead! Three years work Justified completely, you made me crap my pants! lol!
  24. Hi all! Can someone please advise me on where to call the garrison script after I have spawned in enemy AI. I'm using a trigger (which I thought would be the best place for the code to go that fires the script) No Joy so far???? My units spawn in fine, but after that I can't get them to garrison nearby buildings. I'm using zorilya's script for garrisoning and this line for spawning: [getMarkerPos "spawn", EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "BIS_TK_INS" >> "Infantry" >> "TK_INS_Group")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; You may probably know but, I only need to have one opfor unit on the map to set the side using the functions module and his probabilty of presence is 0%. the line I need to use for calling the script is: nul = [tl,500,true] execVM "Garrison_script.sqf"; "tl" is the name of the opfor unit I have on the map to set the side. I'm not sure if that is correct??or whether it is needed. In the README, it is mentioned that the init line for the script goes in the team leaders init field for the group that you place on the map. But I don't have any groups set on the map, just the one unit to set the side along side the functions module. Any help would be grand thanks!