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Everything posted by spookygnu

  1. spookygnu

    custom pilot radio effects

    dude! do me a favour, stop posting please. you suggestion is not what I wanted. I clearly know what I, you seem to not know want exactly, and I now have it. I stated radio effects, because the speech is a radio "effect". You could say radio effect/chatter. But I didn't post chatter to negate having people post about text chatter on screen. I've used TFR, I know what TFR is and it is a mod. If I wanted a Radio mod I would have asked for it. Thanks, goodbye! btw, a reed is water vegetation!
  2. spookygnu

    custom pilot radio effects

    Thanks fatpiggy! that is great stuff. Do you know of any other sounds that might be suitable I can add in and play with?? I made this as sqf and fired it from the waypoint before the LZ, works perfect. Thankyou.
  3. spookygnu

    custom pilot radio effects

    can you read the first post again please davidoss? I'm not after any type of radio mod, I am after custom radio effects chatter that would simulate pilot dialogue whilst in a helo. right on the money thankyou! emphasis on NOT wanting text chatter on screen that just looks rubbush and isn't immersive one bit. Since when do you see pilots and co pilots texting each other to troops in the back, telling them they are a klick out from the LZ?
  4. I use it alot with massi special forces, I've not had any issues. Maybe its the RHS mod itself?? Mad_cheese, I had an idea today about something and was wondering if you'd be open to me sharing it. I've got to do some visual explanation for you though so that you get what I am talking about in more detail. Only reason I asked first is that I see how you are developing this and that you are quite set in stone with some features and I don't want to make too much work for you thats all.
  5. I think I saw a post on here somewhere on how to sync waypoints together in the planner tab. Can't for the life of me find it??? anyone got any ideas, unless I'm imagining it???
  6. Mad_cheese, that'll be great if you could get something similar. Pm'd!
  7. Had a bit of a play in the editor with this and I like it, the icon placement is a little bit weird, trying to get my head round the usage on that. I like the UI though. Similar to the one used in Dragon Rising, that UI I thought was quite effective. Is there a possibility that you could mix it up using the idea from Full spectrum warrior and Dragon rising. the icons being contact sensitive, I think get tactical does things that way doesn't it? and having the quick access menu having options to control some movement of the AI as well. Such as formations, speed, Stance? I know that you can use it via the tablet, but that is more of a commanders sit back and relax type of tool for planning. I'm not saying discard what is there, maybe add in if at all possible? If you wanted to do things on the fly as you moved with the squad I think having some of the options available in the UI would be a good advantage to fast movement too. I found using the DR ui, the more I knew the route to an option the quicker I could get them to do what I wanted on the fly. I find atm, I slow my play pace down trying to get them to move effectively. Unless I'm not fully utilizing the tool. that being said, its a great addition to the mod arsenal, and a good help for SP play.
  8. Mad_cheese, this is the best thing I've seen yet for AI control. Certainly for SP play anyway. I loved the idea way back when, playing Full spectrum warrior. It got very intuitive for me to operate and play, setup the units how I thought best and then smack hard on the enemy. Love the video and all the features you have implented. I'm definatley gunna be playing abit more of A3 SP now this is available. Shame you missed the Comp for this mod, you might have won it! good job, gunna have a play today and let you know of any bugs I find myself. thanks! Spook.
  9. spookygnu

    Ambient battle sounds Module

    thanks for the reply Mikey74, double thanks for explaining how to use with triggers, I get bogged down trying to work them out sometimes. grrrr! But I'll be having a play with it in a particular mission I have, which I hopefully will get round to releasing.
  10. spookygnu

    Ambient battle sounds Module

    Nice work there dude! enjoyed the video. IMHO I think ambient sounds are only really effective if there is a large scale battle going on. I appreciate people play different mission types etc, but ya wouldn't want them in if it was a stealth mission would ya?? (mission makers choice to use it not really isn't it? Or even, if ya walking into a town and all is quiet, then the first few cracks kick off an ambush, then you hear the gradual increase of battle sounds. Could this be something that you could work on if at all possible. Just a thought from a realism POV instead of having the same consistent sounds looping over and over at the same volume. I've not played with it yet but I do intend too, but can these sounds be played using triggers??
  11. spookygnu

    ASR AI 3

    havn't tried the new update yet, but I noticed you have removed the smoke useage. Is that AI using smoke for cover etc? I actually liked that put in. If that is the case, can I use the previous smoke usage and alter my own fileswith the latest update.
  12. spookygnu

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    Considering there has already been a leak on the internet to what the new terrain is. It wasn't hard for me and others to find out where the new map is going to be. I've only seen a couple of images but I must say, thought it was going to be a bit bigger. I'm not posting any links as I'm not going to spoil the surprise for those that are waiting for it to be shown live.
  13. spookygnu

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    OS you have done a splendid job once again. thanks for the latest release on Blastcore. I'm getting into modding via the terrain side of things and seeing the types of posts given here I am absolutley shocked and dismayed by the fact that people literally have taken your hard work for granted and have complete and utter disrepect for what a modder has to put themselves through to deliver something that is true to their word. Modders say it time and time again, we do it for fun not for money. LJ had it spot on with his comments, thumbs up for your work too dude. I've tried other fx mods for arma and always ended up back with the two that I started with and the two that were suggested to me back when I started playing 3 years ago. These two mods, were of course JSRS and Blastcore and there are the two mods that I still suggest to people today. Just two weeks a go I did that very thing to a new guy to arma. What ever path you take after finalising your updates with this release I wish you the best of luck, not only in your gaming reality but you real life reality too. Life is for living and enjoying, not worrying about the bastards that grind your bones and are critical of your work. Rest assured your work will be part of the Arma Legacy for time to come that is for certain.
  14. thanks dude, I'll credit your efforts for it too thanks!
  15. ok cool! thanks for taking the time to make this reconfiguration. Looks like I can not worry about the default a3 veg which doesn't really occur where my map is set. Upon my map release, may I include your reconfiguration .pbo in the folder?
  16. ~sorry for the question sounding dumbasfuck, but no other requirements needed? correct? It's A2 in A3! Past releases of A2 map assests have needed AIA etc. Just wanted to clarify this. I could really do with so fallen trees and tree stumps in my map without the need for AIA.
  17. spookygnu

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    lol! do you feel like ya getting a lapdance dude? Nice to hear though, that OS is on the verge of releasing an update, tbh, I'm not that fussed how long it takes, I'm quite content and happy with whatever he puts out. Apart from the S/nades being a bit screwy, I'm happy with Blastcore atm. Any update is a bonus in my eyes. But I'm sure by what I've read his next itteration is going to be pretty neat!;)
  18. spookygnu

    Airport design info

    you're welcome, Opteryx. The landing approach lights I'm finding useful atm. Most of my airfield is pretty much done, although I can see a few changes coming. lol!
  19. two weeks late on this post, but I've not been on the forums for a while and not seen the release on Armaholic until last night. But this was released on my Birthday. cheers, thanks for the Bday prezzie. lol!
  20. If I wanted to re-texture a target would the process on this be the same as in the guides on re-texturing What I have done so far is this. 1. Open the .paa file in texview, save it as a .TGA then opened it in Photoshop. 2. placed an image on top of the already painted figure 11 target. Saved the PSD Would I then rename, resave in texview as a .paa and adjust the rvmat accordlingly etc. If I'm on the right track here, please elaborate further for me as this is a new one for me. I've been spending a lot of time making maps and would like few custom targets to play with. Thanks Spook
  21. spookygnu

    custom target images

    Thanks Jackal! I've been playing around with 'setobjecttexture' like you mentioned, but it was actually Rabidus who gave me a tip to use that function. That has worked great so far. I might stick with that for now, but your advice has been noted and if I attempt to make a custom target from scratch (as, a brand new model) I'm assuming your code would work more for that. Correct??
  22. has anyone experienced similar issues with the second post in this thread at all in Arma 3. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?134149-Unit-Capture-Unit-Play-working-in-Multiplayer&highlight=unit+capture+Multiplayer I'm kinda hoping that unitplay can be used for MP for my mission, otherwise I'll have to stick the SP and everyone will have to enjoy it on their own. : (
  23. spookygnu

    ARP2 Objects Pack

    last time I spoke to thedogg88, he was just back from Afghan and was working on the Halo Mod for Arma 3. AFAIK he wsan't going to continue working on the ARP objects anymore. He might come back to it in future, but don't quote me on that. The Eridanus project seems like it is in full throttle with the recent releases, so don't hold on hope for ARP.