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Everything posted by alexboy

  1. alexboy

    C-RAM for Arma 3!!!!

    sweet!!! cant wait to see that out in the field haha But ya this C-Ram is just awaiting textures by Zelectec, who is kindly helping me out... and might release for just a sneak peak in a week or 2 just for show and see if the community can come up with some ideas...
  2. alexboy

    C-RAM for Arma 3!!!!

    I do remember that... i did use that in Arma 2 and it was great... i just remember a thread talking about how there should be physx for trailers so Yea... it is likely i will do a trailer... why not ? just first one step at a time... would rather have the gun 100% working being able to fire at planes... helicopters... uavs.... and incoming artillery/missiles to protect our military and bases
  3. sweet thanks @angelwinggamingjacob and yea I thought since this is the future... why not have a futuristic sniper... because we already have unmanned long rang bombers that keep our military safe... why not have a sniper that can get close enough... not spotted and beable to take out high-value targets ? its the future anything could happen
  4. if someone could help with textures I could release it right now, because its all done... just game base errors that havent been fixed by the developers... aka the laser but ya basically it works perfectly
  5. alexboy

    C-RAM for Arma 3!!!!

    First... they would have to make the trailer physics work in Arma 3 , before I would hope to get the trailer idea in game, people are working on scripts for that, but ya and also it could be just a possibility to have it on a trailor for now and when they do fix that and possibly if i am able to config it with the trailor but ya I would bee seeing something like that in game..
  6. well for now its a 30mm its gonna change... just used it because I already had the ammo, magazine and weapon config already finished... its just a WIP to make sure everything is working properly
  7. alexboy

    Dust Storm Composer WIP

    Damn dude... I lived in Saudi Arabia for 16 years.... This reminds me of home... Great Job!!!! but... can you make a sand storm thats some what light but really ORANGE!!!... honestly I have been in these and they look more Orange-Brown than Brown-Orange.... the thicker the sand= the more dark / brown... the less thick = more orange /brown
  8. alexboy

    C-RAM for Arma 3!!!!

    @Fabio_Chavez because its my first time taking a picture in arma 3, plus just thought it be ok taking simple pictures of a W.I.P model @zelectec ya I looked at that C-ram awhile back and trying to get in contact with that guy, and the actual scripter for that script that was used for that c-ram... he's online just hasnt replied yet..
  9. alexboy

    C-RAM for Arma 3!!!!

    OK.... been working on this for all today again and still no luck with the anti-missile / motors... it just kills me and the C-ram wont aim at them... if anyone has a script for this would be highly appreciated, im not 100% good at scripting but do understand it to a point
  10. @KDK11 I have no idea how to texture at all... All i did was make a picture=>TGA=>paa just a nooby texture if you dont mind me saying But honestly if anyone wants to make a texture or do the texturing for it... I would let them choose the camo and such so its to their pleasing so once they have it done I could later have multiple versions of it with different textures
  11. alexboy

    C-RAM for Arma 3!!!!

    honestly as of right now i am not fully sure what I am gonna do, due to not having the gun working properly yet... but possibly
  12. alexboy

    C-RAM for Arma 3!!!!

    I am in contact with him right now we been chatting, trying to figure out what we can do to work together and whos config to use and so on, because neither of ours are 100% working there are still flaws as for the HEMTT, possibly could be in the future, first need to make this to work perfect with no flaws, and probably find someone who would be up for making the vehicle side of the Hemtt, but could be possible still need some one to help with textures (they are crap) and to finish the scripting
  13. alexboy

    C-RAM for Arma 3!!!!

    But the problem with that, is that AI dont mark artillery rounds... im trying to make it an script operated C-Ram where its just automatic in attacking stuff around its area, it does everything but artillery, because i havent found out how to code it to target that
  14. alexboy

    C-RAM for Arma 3!!!!

    I have the turret flash proxy in it... but... the flash just stays visible whether or not the turret fires.... this isnt like a weapon its an object thats fireing through scripting ... how can i make it appear during fire ? and dissapear during non-fire
  15. alexboy

    C-RAM for Arma 3!!!!

    I know..... right lol, im having difficulty making it make sounds and have the "fire" come out of the barrell since its not really a vehicle its an object.... anyone could help me on this ? would i be able to use the config of how like the apache helicopter makes the zasaleh apear and dissapear when fired??? or not ? the config/ scripting is similar to mando_turret
  16. Like I said they are concepts... the second one was what made me really wanna do it... the first one and others were just to see how they looked and the concepts of them
  17. I havent fully researched into this, but I have seen some military shows or concepts regarding drones with rifiles http://teapartyeconomist.com/2013/01/15/drones-with-guns-if-it-can-be-done-it-will-be-done/ http://www.military.com/video/guns/pistols/flying-drone-armed-with-handgun/2487684756001/ These are what I looked at
  18. alexboy

    UAV Turret/weapon

    for some reason my Darter no longer has a turret option? is that only me, I am also in Dev build ? I think ill just release my UAV to the community and see if anyone has input on to it... just I cant make textures... so its a really bad looking texture.... you think i should release? Regards, Alexboy
  19. Hey guys I am having a problem with mando turrets... (converting to A3... but there shouldnt be an issue??? it works perfectly, it fires and all, but gets this issue, which i think its for tracking incomming missiles to fire at???, also i have brough all scripts into my addon, which should take away all errors and also i put the directory for them to my addon folder the error is "undefined variable in expression : mando_detmissile I dont get whats wrong????? this is the segment i am getting wrong in i presume {if ( (side (mando_detowners select _i) in _enemysides)&&((_x distance _disp)<_maxrange)) then {_list = _list + [_x]};_i=_i+1} forEach mando_detmissiles; I am using this code mando_gunattacker /* mando_gunattacker.sqf v1.2 August 2007 Mandoble The purpose is to add an automatic lock on/gun fire system for a unit More than 1 system may be added to a single unit (but not at the same firing place. Sintax: [disp, unitpos, ttype, quantity, min range, max range, muzzle velocity, rounds per salvo, rate of fire, max dispersion array, time to aim, detonate?, firing gun, ammo type, firing pos, gun barrel length, scan arc, minknows, enemy sides, antimissile?, gun initially ON?, Radio Messsages?, radar on sound, radar off sound, shot sound] exec"alex_phalanx\script\mando_gun\mando_gunattacker.sqf" disp: gun armed vehicle unitpos: gun armed unit position inside vehicle: 0 driver, 1 gunner, 2 commander. gun target types array: ["Air"] or ["LandVehicle"] or ["Men"] or ["Air", "LandVehicle", "Ship"],etc. "REMOTE" target type may be used to indicate this unit may target targets locked by other units. quantity: number of salvos loaded into this unit. min range: closer than that, the system will not attack units. max range: farther than that, the system will not attack units muzzle velocity: Muzzle velocity in m/s rounds per salvo: number of shots per salvo. rate of fire: maximum number of salvos fired per minute. max dispersion array: [hor, vert] in degrees, max dispersion at 400m. time to aim: time needed to aim to the target in seconds. detonate?: true/false, if true an small explosion will happen when round if close to the target. firing gun: The gun class which will fire, "" if none. ammo type: ammo class use to fire, for example "B_23mm_AA", "B_20mm_AA", "B_30mmA10_AP", "B_30mm_HE", "B_127x99_Ball", etc. firing position: relative firing position of the salvo to the launcher (vehicle or unit parameter). gun barrel length: aproximate length of the gun in meters (number) or barrel end model selection name (string) scan arc: arc in front of the firing unit where targets may be locked, 90 means from -45 degrees to the left to +45 degrees to the right, 360 will lock on any target in range, 180 will lock on any target in front of the firing unit (from -90 to the left to +90 to the right). or array with arc and delta. Delta is an angle to add to the direction of the firing unit. For example, a gun able to engange targets to the left of the firing unit in an arc of 90 degrees [90,270]. minimum knowledge: Minimum knowledge of the target from 0 (nothing, STANDOFF attacks) to 4 (everything). enemy sides: array with sides considered enemy (west, east, resistance, sideEnemy and/or civilian) note: empty units side is civilian Able to track and fire against incomming missiles? (true/false) Initially active: true/false. If false, the unit may be activated writing a true into its "mando_gunattacker_on" variable. Radio initially on: true/false. If false, it may be turned on when needed writing a true into its "mando_gunattacker_radio" variable. Radar ON sound resource name (defined in description.ext), "" if none. Radar OFF sound resource name (defined in description.ext), "" if none. Shot sound resource name (defined in description.ext). Animation code (optional). */ private["_disp", "_unitpos", "_quantityini", "_minrange", "_maxrange", "_rof", "_maxdisp", "_detonate", "_firinggun", "_ammotype", "_firingpos", "_arc", "_deltaarc", "_minknow", "_enemysides", "_antimissile", "_active", "_radio", "_radaronsound", "_radaroffsound", "_unit", "_wait", "_i", "_blanco", "_espera", "_disparado", "_list", "_knows", "_know", "_angulos", "_posl", "_mindir", "_minang", "_minangi", "_enemigo", "_posfoe", "_altenemigo", "_bandoenemigo", "_know", "_ang", "_difang", "_dist", "_endofunits", "_targetmissile", "_mccstate", "_vdir", "_mindist", "_quantity", "_ammos", "_trigger", "_airpresent", "_vehiclespresent", "_menpresent", "_createtrigger", "_refresh_state", "_posdisp", "_posfoe", "_barrellength", "_timeini", "_salvosound","_muzzlevel","_aimtime","_rounds_salvo", "_effects", "_towait", "_animcode", "_log_sound", "_tti", "_vel"]; _weapon = 0; //added this for animation _disp = _this select 0; _unitpos = _this select 1; _ttypes = _this select 2; _quantityini = _this select 3; _minrange = _this select 4; _maxrange = _this select 5; _muzzlevel = _this select 6; _rounds_salvo = _this select 7; _rof = _this select 8; _maxdisp = _this select 9; _aimtime = _this select 10; _detonate = _this select 11; _firinggun = _this select 12; _ammotype = _this select 13; _firingpos = _this select 14; _barrellength = _this select 15; _rounds_salvo = _rounds_salvo + 10000; //added for more ammo if (typeName (_this select 16) == "ARRAY") then { _arc = (_this select 16) select 0; _deltaarc = (_this select 16) select 1; } else { _arc = _this select 16; _deltaarc = 0; }; _minknow = _this select 17; _enemysides = _this select 18; _antimissile = _this select 19; _active = _this select 20; _radio = _this select 21; _radaronsound = _this select 22; _radaroffsound = _this select 23; _salvosound = _this select 24; if ((count _this) > 25) then { _animcode = _this select 25; } else { _animcode = {}; }; //objNull= Null; //added _unit = objNull; _wait = 60.0 / _rof; _arc = _arc / 2; _i = 0; _blanco=objNull; _espera = 1.0; _disparado = false; _list = []; _knows = []; _angulos = []; _posl = [0,0,0]; _midir = 0; _minang = 9999.0; _minangi = -1; _enemigo = objNull; _posfoe = [0,0,0]; _altenemigo = 0; _bandoenemigo = east; _know = 0.0; _ang = 999.9; _angv = 0.0; _difang = 0.0; _dist = 0; _endofunits = 0; _targetmissile = false; _mccstate = false; _i = 0; _vdir = [0,0,0]; _mindist = 99999; _quantity = _quantityini; _ammos = []; _trigger = objNull; _airpresent = false; _vehiclespresent = false; _menpresent = false; _createtrigger = false; Sleep 2; if ("Air" in _ttypes) then { _airpresent = true; _createtrigger = true; }; if ("Men" in _ttypes) then { _menpresent = true; _createtrigger = true; }; if (("LandVehicle" in _ttypes) || ("Ship" in _ttypes) ) then { _vehiclespresent = true; _createtrigger = true; }; _mintalt = -100; _maxtalt = 9.9; if (_airpresent || _antimissile) then { _maxtalt = 4000; if ((count _ttypes == 1) && ("Air" in _ttypes)) then { _mintalt = 10; }; }; _remote = false; if ("REMOTE" in _ttypes) then { _remote = true; _ttypes = _ttypes - ["REMOTE"]; }; if (_unitpos == 0) then { _unit = driver _disp; } else { if (_unitpos == 1) then { _unit = gunner _disp; } else { if (_unitpos == 2) then { _unit = commander _disp; } else { _unit = _disp; }; }; }; if (!_radio) then { _disp setVariable ["mando_gunattacker_radio", false]; } else { _disp setVariable ["mando_gunattacker_radio", true]; }; _log_sound = "logic" createVehicleLocal (_disp modelToWorld _firingpos); if (!_active) then { _disp setVariable ["mando_gunattacker_on", false]; } else { _disp setVariable ["mando_gunattacker_on", true]; _mccstate = true; if ( (((_unitpos == 0) && !(isNull driver _disp) && (alive driver _disp) && !(isPlayer driver _disp)) || ((_unitpos == 1) && !(isNull gunner _disp) && (alive gunner _disp) && !(isPlayer gunner _disp)) || ((_unitpos == 2) && !(isNull commander _disp) && (alive commander _disp) && !(isPlayer commander _disp)) || (_unitpos > 2)) && (alive _disp) && !(isNull _disp)) then { if (_radaronsound != "") then {_disp say _radaronsound;}; if ((_disp getVariable "mando_gunattacker_radio") && !(isNull _unit))then { if (!isNull _unit) then { _unit sideChat format["%1 switching on GCC", _disp]; }; }; if (_createtrigger) then { mando_radar_on = _disp;publicVariable "mando_radar_on"; }; }; }; if (_createtrigger) then { _trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPos _disp]; _trigger setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", false]; _trigger setTriggerArea [_maxrange, _maxrange, 0, false]; _trigger setTriggerType "NONE"; _trigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "", ""]; _trigger setTriggerTimeout [0, 0, 0, false ]; }; _refresh_state = 0; while {(alive _disp)&&!(isNull _disp)} do { if (!(_disp getVariable "mando_gunattacker_on") || ((_unitpos == 0) && ((isNull driver _disp) || (!alive driver _disp) || (isPlayer driver _disp))) || ((_unitpos == 1) && ((isNull gunner _disp) || (!alive gunner _disp) || (isPlayer gunner _disp))) || ((_unitpos == 2) && ((isNull commander _disp) || (!alive commander _disp) || (isPlayer commander _disp)))) then { if (_mccstate) then { if (_radaroffsound != "") then { _disp say _radaroffsound; }; if (_createtrigger) then { mando_radar_off = _disp;publicVariable "mando_radar_off"; }; if (_disp getVariable "mando_gunattacker_radio") then { if ((alive _unit) && (_unit in _disp)) then { _unit sideChat format["%1 switching off GCC", _disp]; }; }; _mccstate = false; }; while {(!(_disp getVariable "mando_gunattacker_on") || ((_unitpos == 0) && ((isNull driver _disp) || (!alive driver _disp) || (isPlayer driver _disp))) || ((_unitpos == 1) && ((isNull gunner _disp) || (!alive gunner _disp) || (isPlayer gunner _disp))) || ((_unitpos == 2) && ((isNull commander _disp) || (!alive commander _disp) || (isPlayer commander _disp)))) && (alive _disp) && !(isNull _disp)} do { Sleep 2; }; if ((!alive _disp) || (isNull _disp)) exitWith {}; if (_unitpos == 0) then { _unit = driver _disp; } else { if (_unitpos == 1) then { _unit = gunner _disp; } else { if (_unitpos == 2) then { _unit = commander _disp; }; }; }; if (_radaronsound != "") then {_disp say _radaronsound;}; if (_createtrigger) then { mando_radar_on = _disp;publicVariable "mando_radar_on"; }; if (_disp getVariable "mando_gunattacker_radio") then { _unit sideChat format["%1 switching on GCC", _disp]; }; _mccstate = true; }; if ((!alive _disp) || (isNull _disp)) exitWith {}; if (_disparado) then { _disparado = false; _espera = (_wait - 4) max 1; } else { _espera = 1; }; sleep _espera; if ((alive _unit) && (vehicle _unit == _disp) && (alive _disp) && (_quantity > 0) && (!isNull _disp) && (!isNull _unit) && !(combatMode _unit == "BLUE")) then { //List of units affected by the scan area if ((!alive _disp) || (isNull _disp)) exitWith {}; _refresh_state = _refresh_state + 1; if (_refresh_state > 5) then { if (_createtrigger) then { mando_radar_on = _disp;publicVariable "mando_radar_on"; }; _refresh_state = 0; }; _list = []; if (_createtrigger) then { _trigger setPos getPos _disp; if (count _ttypes > 0) then { // {if (fuel _x < 1.0) then {_list = _list + [_x]}} forEach list _trigger; {if ((driver _x != _x) || (_menpresent)) then {_list = _list + [_x]}} forEach list _trigger; }; }; if (_remote) then { switch (side _disp) do { case west: { _list = _list + mando_remote_targets_w; }; case east: { _list = _list + mando_remote_targets_e; }; }; }; _log_sound setPos (_disp modelToWorld _firingpos); _endofunits = (count _list) - 1; if (_antimissile) then { // missiles in flight in range against friendly units are added to the list _i = 0; {if ( (side (mando_detowners select _i) in _enemysides)&&((_x distance _disp)<_maxrange)) then {_list = _list + [_x]};_i=_i+1} forEach mando_detmissiles; //CHANGED this to select _i }; _blanco = objNull; if (count _list > 0) then { //Heading of the vehicle (if any) of the firing unit _vdir = vectorDir _disp; _dird = (_vdir select 0) atan2 (_vdir select 1); /* I store the knowledges and angles of all units inside scan area that are not almost destroyed and of different side than the firing unit */ _posdisp = getPos _disp; _mindist = 99999; _count = count _list; for [{_i = 0},{_i < _count},{_i = _i + 1}] do { _enemigo = _list select _i; _posfoe = getPos _enemigo; _altenemigo = _posfoe select 2; _bandoenemigo = side _enemigo; _know = 0.0; _ang = 9999.0; _dist = _enemigo distance _disp; _targetmissile = false; if ((_altenemigo >= _mintalt) && (_altenemigo <= _maxtalt) && (_dist >= _minrange) && (_dist <= _maxrange) && (alive _enemigo) && ((_bandoenemigo in _enemysides)||(_i > _endofunits)) ) then { _know=_unit knowsAbout _enemigo; _ang = ((_posfoe select 0) - (_posdisp select 0)) atan2 ((_posfoe select 1) - (_posdisp select 1)); _difang = (_ang - ((_dird + _deltaarc) mod 360)); if (_difang < 0) then {_difang = 360 + _difang;}; if (_difang > 180) then {_difang = _difang - 360;}; _difang = abs(_difang); if ((_difang <= _arc) && (_know >= _minknow)) then { // Suitable target if (_i > _endofunits) then { _mindist = 0; _targetmissile = true; _blanco = _enemigo; } else { if (_dist < _mindist) then { if ((fuel _enemigo < 1) || (_enemigo isKindOf "Man")) then { _mindist = _dist; _blanco = _enemigo; }; }; }; }; }; }; //If a unit accomplish the requirements to be targeted if (!isNull _blanco) then { //Now we have a target mando_lockedon=_blanco; publicVariable "mando_lockedon"; if (_disp getVariable "mando_gunattacker_radio") then { if (_targetmissile) then { _unit sideChat format["%1 lock on incomming missile!", _disp]; } else { _unit sideChat format["%1 lock on %2", _disp, typeOf _blanco]; }; }; //Add here anyother target validation rule before firing the gun //gun is aimed _timeini = daytime * 3600; _towait = _aimtime + 1 - random 2; _mcoords = _disp worldToModel (getPos _blanco); //_anghanim = (_mcoords select 0) atan2 (_mcoords select 1); _anghanim = ((_mcoords select 0) - (_firingpos select 0)) atan2 ((_mcoords select 1) - (_firingpos select 1)); _angvanim = asin (((_mcoords select 2) - (_firingpos select 2))/(_disp distance _blanco)); [_disp, _anghanim, _angvanim] spawn _animcode; //_disp animate ["x_base", _anghanim/180]; //_disp animate ["y_base", _angvanim/-180]; Sleep 0.5; if (_unitpos == 1) then { gunner _disp doTarget _blanco; while {(daytime * 3600) < (_timeini + _towait)} do { if (!isNull _blanco) then { gunner _disp dowatch getPos _blanco; }; Sleep 0.1; }; }; //gun is fired if ((alive _disp) && (alive _unit) && (!isNull _blanco)) then { _weapon = 1; //added for animation mando_gun_sound = _salvosound; mando_gun = _log_sound; publicVariable "mando_gun_sound"; publicVariable "mando_gun"; for [{_j = 0},{_j < _rounds_salvo},{_j = _j + 1}] do { //alex_phalanx animate ["weapon", _weapon]; //added for animation _tti = ((_disp distance _blanco)/_muzzlevel)+(_j/_rounds_salvo)*0.5; _posfoe = getPosASL _blanco; _vel = velocity _blanco; _posfoe = [(_posfoe select 0)+(_vel select 0)*_tti,(_posfoe select 1)+(_vel select 1)*_tti,(_posfoe select 2)+(_vel select 2)*_tti]; _effects = false; if ((_j mod 2) == 0) then { _effects = true; }; if (!isNull _blanco) then { [_disp, _firingpos, _firinggun, _barrellength, [_posfoe select 0,_posfoe select 1,_posfoe select 2, _blanco], _maxdisp, _detonate, _ammotype, _muzzlevel, _effects, _animcode]execVM"\alex_phalanx\script\mando_gun\mando_gun.sqf"; // [_disp, _firingpos, _firinggun, _barrellength, _blanco, _maxdisp, _detonate, _ammotype, _muzzlevel, _effects, _animcode]execVM"\alex_phalanx\script\mando_gun\mando_gun.sqf"; }; Sleep 0.04; }; _disparado = true; _quantity = _quantity - 1; if (_disp getVariable "mando_gunattacker_radio") then { if (_quantity != 1) then { _weapon = 0; //added this for animation _unit sideChat format["%1 firing salvo! %2 salvos left", _disp, _quantity]; } else { _weapon = 0; //added this for animation _unit sideChat format["%1 firing salvo! 1 salvos left", _disp]; }; }; }; }; }; }; if ((_quantity == 0) && (alive _disp) && (alive _unit)) then { _ammos = nearestObjects [_disp, ["Truck5tReammo", "UralReammo"], 12]; if (count _ammos > 0) then { if (damage (_ammos select 0) < 0.5) then { if (_disp getVariable "mando_gunattacker_radio") then { if (alive _unit) then { _unit sideChat "Reloading ammo"; }; }; Sleep 5; _quantity = _quantityini; if (alive _disp) then { if (_disp getVariable "mando_gunattacker_radio") then { if (alive _unit) then { _unit sideChat "Ammo reloaded"; }; }; }; }; }; Sleep 3; }; }; if (_disp getVariable "mando_gunattacker_radio") then { if ((alive _unit) && (_unit in _disp)) then { _unit sideChat format["%1 switching off GCC", _disp]; }; }; if (_createtrigger) then { mando_radar_off = _disp;publicVariable "mando_radar_off"; }; if (_radaroffsound != "") then {_disp say _radaroffsound;}; if (_createtrigger) then { deleteVehicle _trigger; }; deleteVehicle _log_sound;
  20. alexboy

    Plane Animation

    it is in the model.cfg of each vehicle... use eliteness to open the unpack the pbo... then use eliteness again on the .p3d file and when you open it in a window to the right should show the model.cfg or where the animations are
  21. you could put exit; at the end of the do while _red = _this; // Code setting = true; while {setting} do { _red setObjectMaterial [59,"\STA3_F_Vehicles\Data\STA3_RedLight.rvmat"]; _red setObjectTexture [60,"\STA3_F_Vehicles\Data\screens\EngSOH2_ca.paa"]; playSound3D ["STA3_F_Vehicles\Data\sound\STA3_RedAlert.wav", player]; sleep 0.956; _red setObjectMaterial [59,"\STA3_F_Vehicles\Data\vs0.rvmat"]; _red setObjectTexture [60,"\STA3_F_Vehicles\Data\screens\EngSOH_ca.paa"]; sleep 0.956; exit; }; or you could have another user input like how you did above but it forces a name to be false like (im not totally good at this but understand what you mean) _red = _this; // Code while {true} do { _red setObjectMaterial [59,"\STA3_F_Vehicles\Data\STA3_RedLight.rvmat"]; _red setObjectTexture [60,"\STA3_F_Vehicles\Data\screens\EngSOH2_ca.paa"]; playSound3D ["STA3_F_Vehicles\Data\sound\STA3_RedAlert.wav", player]; sleep 0.956; _red setObjectMaterial [59,"\STA3_F_Vehicles\Data\vs0.rvmat"]; _red setObjectTexture [60,"\STA3_F_Vehicles\Data\screens\EngSOH_ca.paa"]; sleep 0.956; }; and some how change the variable setting to false by user input ?
  22. alexboy

    UAV Turret/weapon

    FINALLY.... I found out how to take screen shots inside arma here is a picture of the issue above
  23. alexboy

    UAV Turret/weapon

    everything works perfectly basically now.. just cant change the modes of the weapon from burst, single, auto and also I dont know if anyone knows how... but when i look down the gunner scope and zoom in alot... my bullet sometimes hits on the spot i am at... but also the UAV laser is off by a terrible amount... I cant figure out what point on the UAV memories that the laser comes out of I have done the laserstart and laser_end and moved them to align with my gunnerview ??? but no luck...
  24. I dont know about the obstacle item, because I think its the geometry config that its hitting and causes you to move class ViewPilot: ViewPilot { initFov = 1; minFov = 0.3; maxFov = 1.2; initAngleX = 0; minAngleX = -65; maxAngleX = 85; initAngleY = 0; minAngleY = -150; maxAngleY = 150; }; class Viewoptics: ViewOptics { initAngleX = 0; minAngleX = 0; maxAngleX = 0; initAngleY = 0; minAngleY = 0; maxAngleY = 0; initFov = 1; minFov = 0.3; maxFov = 1.2; visionMode[] = {"Normal","NVG","Ti"}; thermalMode[] = {0,1}; }; mess around with the min and max angles that could help
  25. alexboy

    Helmet Shines when in shaded area

    Im not good at rvmats but i am looking at one of mine and on stage 7 i have source name: a3\data_f\env_land_co.paa and stage 6 i have #(ai,64,64,1)fresnel(7.53,5.44) another stage 6 i have #(ai,32,128,1)fresnel(9.7,3.1) last one stage 6 #(ai,64,64,1)fresnel(1.6,0.8)