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Everything posted by Lucasmnunesk

  1. Lucasmnunesk

    Weapon sway

    Thanks for the explanation but i knew about the zeroing, i did some experimental shoots just dropped a squad and tried to get them, as people stated it isn't frustrating against players, at least for me, the hard aim makes firefights even more intense but i think people suggestions here would work great too What make the game frustrating on firefights against AI, is the inconsistency of their aiming skills in lower levels, on elite with enemies set to 0.7 on skill i was a sniper on a hill, 800m from the enemy squad, prone, i shot them so they would return fire and generally they would miss but hitting pretty close and still some shots hit me pretty easy using only ACOs, i wasn't hiding and was just testing their skills but i was laying prone 800m from them, i believe it isn't easy to get a hit with the ACO. Maybe the frustration is more of an AI issue, as they don't get suppressed, ambushes don't have that big surprise impact and their aiming still could get some work. From what i've read here i believe like a more predictable sway would be cool but i'm not sure too, would give a try before having any opinion on what to do. I'm not sure if its related with the sway but sometimes i shoot and the recoil doesn't seems to kick in, so i shoot and i get no recoil. I've no idea if it could be the sway moving the weapon down and negating all the recoil effect. Has anyone ever had this issue?
  2. Talking about fatigue its hitting really hard, even as a default civilian you barely can sprint or even jog until you get exhausted. But from the previous titles i believe ArmA 3 will be adjusted, i believe the development wasn't smooth with those problems that we know, i believe it had even more issues that didn't went public. And BIS seems to be worried about the community they keep in touch and answer some questions, i believe many things that they don't answer is because they aren't sure if they will be able to do, like the Wounding system, since if they promise it people will keep demanding it to be released and whatever. I'm a little worried with the release and what will come after it, but i still believe ArmA3 will be awesome!
  3. Lucasmnunesk

    Weapon sway

    About the damage try checking if on the editor the extended armor is on in the difficulty settings because i saw many people complaining about it and i don't have any issue with damage on my side, as for the shooting that's why its hard to know if it is working as it should, many people report different things. I never shot any bullets myself so i use my A2 with ACE to compare. I find the hold breath time to be pretty short, and the fatigue is hitting really hard
  4. Lucasmnunesk

    Weapon sway

    I know, i wasn't saying you said wrong or anything like that, i have no experience at all with shooting. Sorry if i was rude or anything like that. If its really like that then the game is improving, just the AI needs improvement and it already improved a lot from Alpha as i remember them.
  5. Lucasmnunesk

    Weapon sway

    Yeah but even crouching its way harder than what i would expect, i don't want it to be waaay too easy, i don't know if you played A2 but at these distances its hard to hit the target, but you can try and keep adjusting until you eventually hit it, on A3 i have a bad time i don't know if its the sway or the recoil or even both. But i have a bad time as a infantry, especially against AI.
  6. Lucasmnunesk

    Weapon sway

    I'm not sure if its the sway either but aiming is way too hard in my opnion, I'm not the best shooter but i have a really hard time when shooting unless i'm prone, sometimes even crouching isn't enough especially comparing A2. I have no experience with weapons but i don't think that on 100-300m the only good position to shoot is being prone, at least in A2 i could hit people when crouching at these distances.
  7. Lucasmnunesk

    Enhanced Weather Effects?

    You just have to execute this script http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setFog_array
  8. Lucasmnunesk

    The sound thread

    Thanks for point this out for me, was thinking to make a ticket for it, just was checking if it was a isolated issue and i don't know a lot about weapons in real life. I've read vaguely about it but never saw a real discussion. Hope it is a know issue, i saw some large improvement on sounds when they launched Altis, so i believe for launch these things will be resolved! Voted the tickets!
  9. Lucasmnunesk

    The sound thread

    The main issue i have with the sounds is that sometimes i can't hear enemy fire but still hear the cracks, and most times it happens i don't believe they are that far that would make the shot sound being inaudible, but i didn't saw anyone complaining about this on the forums... So is anyone with me here?
  10. Lucasmnunesk

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Just noted that if you are the rear gunner of the speedboat you shots won't hit the boat neither the crew, does this happens with someone else?
  11. Lucasmnunesk

    Fatigue effects

    Today i went to Kavala and jogged through the first stairs, and the others i've sprinted as a civvie, i don't know if units have different fatigues values besides the weight they are carrying but just this distance as a default civvie won't let me sprint again. About the fatigue sounds there is a breathing sound that is really low and isn't annoying the problem is that it just kicks in when i'm resting, i believe it would be ok if this sound was the most common and the currently loud breathing should be used when totally exhausted.
  12. Lucasmnunesk

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Changelog should be up soon, i'm too excited hearing that AstroMan had performance issues and now its working fine, i've had some stutter, i believe its related to texture loads but who knows if they made the performance even better for those that didn't had 1fps issues?
  13. Lucasmnunesk

    NVG help!!!

    The class name has changed IIRC, its now something like "b_nvgoggles" i can't check it right now and SIX config browser isn't updated yet. You could check by using the same unit you're trying to take the nvg off and on the debug console put on a watch "items player" then it will give you an array with all items you have, find something like nvgoggles and thats what you should unassign and remove.
  14. Lucasmnunesk

    Cannot find Domination for Altis

    If you played Domination for Altis you already have the mission on your computer, but you should look for some information if the mission maker wants it to be hosted on other server or things like that. Missions are found on users/yourusername/appdata/ArmA3 folder
  15. I'll try to send you the code, i've made them when it was version 3.0.3 IIRC as i've not played and tried to script for a while, and i didn't knew if the "exit for empty groups" was responsible for deleting the marker so i've just commented it, it was working correctly last time i've tested but it had those undefined variable errors. // F3 - Folk Group Markers // Credits: Please see the F3 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f3/en/) // ==================================================================================== // JIP CHECK // Prevents the script executing until the player has synchronised correctly: #include "f_waitForJIP.sqf" // ==================================================================================== // DECLARE PRIVATE VARIABLES private ["_grp","_mkrType","_mkrText","_mkrColor","_mkrName","_mkr","_grpName"]; // ==================================================================================== // SET KEY VARIABLES // Using variables passed to the script instance, we will create some local variables: call compile format [" _grp = %1; ",_this select 0]; _grpName = _this select 0; _mkrType = _this select 1; _mkrText = _this select 2; _mkrColor = _this select 3; _lead = _this select 4; _mkrName = format ["mkr_%1",_grp]; // ==================================================================================== // WAIT FOR GROUP TO EXIST IN-MISSION // We wait for the group to have members before creating the marker. if (isNil "_grp") then { call compile format [" waitUntil {sleep 3; count units %1 > 0}; _grp = %1; ",_grpName,_grp]; _mkrName = format ["mkr_%1",_grp]; }; // ==================================================================================== // EXIT FOR EMPTY GROUPS (PART I) // If the group is empty, this script exits. //if ((count (units _grp)) == 0) then // { // if (true) exitWith {}; // } // else // { // ==================================================================================== // CREATE MARKER // Depending on the value of _mkrType a different type of marker is created. switch (_mkrType) do { // Platoon HQ case 0: { _mkr = createMarkerLocal [_mkrName,[(getPos leader _grp select 0),(getPos leader _grp select 1)]]; _mkr setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _mkrName setMarkerTypeLocal "b_hq"; _mkrName setMarkerColorLocal _mkrColor; _mkrName setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8, 0.8]; _mkrName setMarkerTextLocal _mkrText; }; // Fireteam case 1: { _mkr = createMarkerLocal [_mkrName,[(getPos leader _grp select 0),(getPos leader _grp select 1)]]; _mkr setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _mkrName setMarkerTypeLocal "B_INF"; _mkrName setMarkerColorLocal _mkrColor; _mkrName setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8, 0.8]; _mkrName setMarkerTextLocal _mkrText; }; // Machineguns (MMG, HMG) case 2: { _mkr = createMarkerLocal [_mkrName,[(getPos leader _grp select 0),(getPos leader _grp select 1)]]; _mkr setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _mkrName setMarkerTypeLocal "B_SUPPORT"; _mkrName setMarkerColorLocal _mkrColor; _mkrName setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8, 0.8]; _mkrName setMarkerTextLocal _mkrText; }; // Launchers (MAT, HAT, SAM) case 3: { _mkr = createMarkerLocal [_mkrName,[(getPos leader _grp select 0),(getPos leader _grp select 1)]]; _mkr setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _mkrName setMarkerTypeLocal "B_MOTOR_INF"; _mkrName setMarkerColorLocal _mkrColor; _mkrName setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8, 0.8]; _mkrName setMarkerTextLocal _mkrText; }; // Sniper Team case 4: { _mkr = createMarkerLocal [_mkrName,[(getPos leader _grp select 0),(getPos leader _grp select 1)]]; _mkr setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _mkrName setMarkerTypeLocal "B_RECON"; _mkrName setMarkerColorLocal _mkrColor; _mkrName setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8, 0.8]; _mkrName setMarkerTextLocal _mkrText; }; // Mortar Team case 5: { _mkr = createMarkerLocal [_mkrName,[(getPos leader _grp select 0),(getPos leader _grp select 1)]]; _mkr setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _mkrName setMarkerTypeLocal "B_MORTAR"; _mkrName setMarkerColorLocal _mkrColor; _mkrName setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8, 0.8]; _mkrName setMarkerTextLocal _mkrText; }; // Engineers case 6: { _mkr = createMarkerLocal [_mkrName,[(getPos leader _grp select 0),(getPos leader _grp select 1)]]; _mkr setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _mkrName setMarkerTypeLocal "B_MAINT"; _mkrName setMarkerColorLocal _mkrColor; _mkrName setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8, 0.8]; _mkrName setMarkerTextLocal _mkrText; }; // IFVs and Tanks case 7: { _mkr = createMarkerLocal [_mkrName,[(getPos leader _grp select 0),(getPos leader _grp select 1)]]; _mkr setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _mkrName setMarkerTypeLocal "B_ARMOR"; _mkrName setMarkerColorLocal _mkrColor; _mkrName setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8, 0.8]; _mkrName setMarkerTextLocal _mkrText; }; // Transport and Attack Helos case 8: { _mkr = createMarkerLocal [_mkrName,[(getPos leader _grp select 0),(getPos leader _grp select 1)]]; _mkr setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _mkrName setMarkerTypeLocal "B_AIR"; _mkrName setMarkerColorLocal _mkrColor; _mkrName setMarkerSizeLocal [0.8, 0.8]; _mkrName setMarkerTextLocal _mkrText; }; }; // ==================================================================================== // UPDATE MARKER POSITION // As long as certain conditions are met (the group leader is alive) the marker // position is updated periodically. This only happens locally - so as not to burden // the server. // head:task:rewrite for [{_i=0}, {_i<=10000}, {_i=_i+1}] do { if (alive _lead) then { _mkrName setMarkerPosLocal [(getPos _lead select 0),(getPos _lead select 1)]; }; sleep 6; }; // ==================================================================================== // EXIT FOR EMPTY GROUPS (PART II) // If the group is empty, this script exits. // }; // ==================================================================================== //if (true) exitWith {}; The change i've made was the lead that the script retrieves from the array, and the unit arrays from the f"olk_setLocalGroupMarkers" they were changed to this ["GrpBLU_CO", 0, "CO", "ColorYellow", leader GrpBLU_CO ] spawn fnc_folk_localGroupMarker; I'll try to use them on your latest version to see if its working properly because i'm kind of sleepy here and its late, but tomorrow i'll test and give you a better answer! I'll explore even more, didn't checked out the ORBAT yet, but surely i will! I've tested with the latest version of F3 and it seems to be working as i intended but i couldn't do the same with the medics marker, they keep going away when the medic is killed ): Will try to work on it later, may i ask you what exactly the Exit for dead units part 1 and 2 does? I believe it just stop the script, so the markers wouldn't be updated anymore but they wouldn't be deleted either, am i right?
  16. Lucasmnunesk

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    Its really amazing, i just have some issues when loading textures, like it stutters a lot when i zoom in, or when it just finished loading the map, but it was expected and i believe it will become better over time
  17. Lucasmnunesk

    Regarding gun balance

    I find the MX rifle series pretty hard to aim too, i'm not the best at aiming but its WAY harder than it was in A2 with ACE, i never had any experience with firearms in real life and yeah the sway and lots of new things about the weapons are pretty cool but the recoil is pretty rough, i don't recal the katyba but the MX series are pretty hard to shot and the Zafir is way more accurate even when standing up, i know as a MG it should have less recoil when prone since it has a bigger weight but its harder to hit someone on A3 than it was in A2 with ACE
  18. Hey Fer, i've been looking into the scripts to learn how to script better and i would like to give you an opinion about the group markers. I've changed the script so that instead of they follow the current squad leader, it would only follow the first squad leader and it never gets deleted from the map, i prefer this way because it encourage communication and you would never know if a squad would be wiped out just by checking the map, i could clearly show what i've changed to you. But it is just my preference, what you think about it? Did you like the idea or would prefer to keep as it is? And thanks a lot for the framework i learned A LOT from just reading the scripting and it looks like the best framework out there!
  19. Lucasmnunesk

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    They Should Add It Nooow! haha i'm really looking forward to this island!
  20. Correct if i'm wrong but on the field manual it says that the SDV has a built-in oxygen supply system for the crew or just the passengers, i don't remember when but i truly believe it was on the field manual, maybe it will be a future feature?
  21. Lucasmnunesk

    Arma 3 Jet question

    You guys are taking this genre way too serious, why it hurts if one say its a sim, and other says its a game... w/e ArmA is ArmA and you're arguing about something useless that won't change anything in the end, just think what is the purpose of this discussion. As for the OP ArmA aircrafts don't have that much of detail, they have their challenges but with some practice you can learn it with ease, maybe because of not enough manpower or design decision. IMO i prefer this way because you don't have to have specialized training so you could play as a Jet Pilot, but it would be cool if they could add these Flight Models for people wanting a harder challenge if it would be optional.
  22. Lucasmnunesk

    Helicopter miniguns issues

    It is indeed not killing targets as it did in A2, its waaaay harder. I dunno if its missing targets or the damage is low but i don't like as it is, hope it will change later.
  23. Lucasmnunesk

    Realistic Magazine Management

    If i understood you want to the used mags not to be wasted? They aren't they go to your inventory
  24. Lucasmnunesk

    Fatigue effects

    And in my opinion the game should not be focused in fighting on the Mediterranean since winter islands can be made, and even in future new things could show up and i don't think the game can check the temperature to make it effects on the soldiers. A general approach with this is enough, at least for me. I'm not playing A3 a lot, but i really like the fatigue system on ACE2, and they should try to set like that when the weight values are finished
  25. Lucasmnunesk

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Does the planelike UAV won't roll with the mouse or it is just with me?