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About AndrewMont

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  1. AndrewMont

    Can't tell friend from foe in this game!

    ROE takes away element of surprise and normally results in me being shot first. The group tags are only for my squad they don't appear on other friendlies. In particular I'm thinking of the mission in red harvest where your assaulting Cherno. It's fine until you're in the city then it's just chaotic.
  2. Started the Arma 2 campaign recently I was a fan of operation flashpoint and do really like this game except a few issues. However one thing that's really annoying is that I want to play without a crosshair but telling friend from foe is near impossible when you've got Russians your fighting and Russian allies! How can I tell friend from foe better or is there some way to make it so that even with crosshair off it will still show friendly tags. TBH seems stupid that just because you don't have a cross hair tags are automatically removed :mad: