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Posts posted by nimrod_z

  1. Not sure if this is intended or not but a player that is enemy to civ will no longer be able to pick up anything on ground. the actions and icon to pickup only show when the players side is not enemy to civ units..  can be replicated using "setFriend" command.  



     Place a blufor unit in editor and drop something in your inventory to ground.. open debug console and put in  west setFriend [civilian, 0];

    you will not see action or icon in center of screen to pickup anything.


    Open debug again and use west setFriend [civilian, 1]; and you'll be able to pickup items again..


    this only started happening as of DEV update 1.79.143636  on nov 20th 2017

  2. if its working in editor with no errors then it should work in MP.  there are a few things that i notice that you may want to consider though.

    triggers placed in the editor are global, so you may want to add an isServer check to the condition as well.  (otherwise each player connected can trip the trigger and they are all checking the conditions and all going to add lots of markers to the map. also there can only be 1 marker with the name you're giving it. without the server check, each player is trying to create it and that would explain why it works when only 1 person trys the mission).   may also want to add in an isserver check to the marker creation part as well so only the host creates the markers. (createMarker is a global command, there are local ones as well you can use if you want though).   you are also setting the color twice.  

    isServer && (p1 distance p2) <5 
    on activation: 
    hint "Intel acquired"; 
    if (isServer) then {
    mark = createMarker[format["%1marker",pos1],getPosWorld pos1];
    mark setMarkerType "hd_destroy";  
    mark setMarkerColor "ColorEAST";  
    mark setMarkerText "AA"; 

    i added in the "getPosWorld" command simply because it returns the position the fastest of all the position commands.

  3. this is how i have mine setup.

    class CfgPatches 
    	class MY_main 
    		units[] = {};
    		weapons[] = 
    		requiredVersion = 0.1;
    		requiredAddons[] = 
    		author[]= {"Nimrod_Z"}; 
    class CfgMissions
    	class Cutscenes
    		class Stratis_intro1
    		class Altis_intro1


    it's been a while since i messed with the cutscene stuff but if i remember correctly, at that time i couldnt use a custom classname for the cutscenes and get it to work. but if i simply use the default classname and change the file destination it worked. that was simplest solution for me. 


    To reduce code and max out performance:

    waitUntil {
    	sleep 1;
    	1 == {
    		if (_x distance highjackveh < 600) exitWith {1}
    	} count allPlayers
    	&&	//equivalent to "and", used in almost all programming languages
    	1 == {
    		if (!alive _x) exitWith {1}
    	} count [_unit14_driver, _unit17, _unit19];

    there isnt any reason to run a loop inside an event handler at all.   if you want to make the vehicle not take damage or limit the damage use something like this.

    _veh addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {if (_this select 4 isEqualTo "" && (side (_this select 0)) isEqualTo resistance) then {(_this select 2)/100;};}];

    all this basically says is that if no projectile hit the vehicle and a unit that is side of resistance is driving it, divide the damage by 100.   thats what i use in a mission of mine to keep the cars/trucks from being wrecked from the AI driving 30 seconds after mission starts...:)



    for your varaible you want to set when a player takes the vehicle you are better off using the getIn/getOut event handlers for that.  

  5. simulation module is in game, but it had'nt worked for the longest time. i have no idea if it works yet. but the point of the simulation manager was to disable ai simulation on selected units so they wouldnt move or think saving processing power. the way arma3 is currently is it will only draw in objects based on your viewdistance setting in mission. if you're having fps issues its usually because of only a few things, unoptimized coding on your part, to many ai, long viewdistance settings, or any combination of those. and arma 3 cant really handle largescale battles well. the missions that do simulate it have a LOT of very creative codeing to give that "EFFECT" but it's not like they placed 300 units on the map all at 1 time. hope this answers some of your questions friend.

  6. Well I want to be able to have my items belong in a data known as "isUse", and have the selected item that matches the data, to remove the selected item's magazine. (DayZ mod has done this technique before, i.e. "ui_SelectSlot.sqf"), but they used gearSlotdata to get the magazine in order to remove it.
    hmm, sounds like your taking a more difficult route then may be needed. using the "configName" command will return the classname and if you need to save it there is always "setVariable" command. thats what i did anyway. not sure if thats what you're looking for or if it helps bud.

    _idc = ctrlIDC (_this select 0);          
    _selectedIndex = _this select 1;          
    _data = lbData[_idc,lbCurSel _idc];
    _type = "";
    _conf = configFile >> "cfgMagazines" >> _data;
    _type = "cfgMagazines";
    if (!isClass _conf) then {_conf = configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _data; _type = "cfgWeapons"};
    _name = configName (_conf);
    player setVariable ["inventorySelected",_name];

  7. since last update my publisher just freezes. the publisher screen loads then app just hangs, never fully loading. everything was fine and working before update. i even tried updating to dev branch in hopes this was fixed but still same issue. i dont see anyone else posting any issues like this but i find it strange its only an issue with any of my pc's. i say this because i have downloaded the toolset for arma 3 on 2 other pc's in my house and everything works but the publisher on all of them.


    2015-03-25 15:16:08,462 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Current dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\publisher

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,472 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\Publisher\Publisher.exe"

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,472 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,472 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - OS 64bit: True

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,472 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Process 64bit: False

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,472 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Personal dir: C:\Users\Nimrod_Z\Documents

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,472 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Local App Data dir: C:\Users\Nimrod_Z\AppData\Local

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,482 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Render Capability - Tier: 2 (0x20000)

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,482 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Render Capability - Max Hardware Texture Size: 16384,16384

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,482 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Render Capability - PS 2.0 (DirectX 9): HW = True, SW = True

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,482 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Render Capability - PS 3.0 (DirectX 9c): HW = True, SW = False

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,482 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Render Capability - PS 4.0 (DirectX 10): HW = False, SW = False

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,482 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Render Capability - PS 4.1 (DirectX 10.1): HW = False, SW = False

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,482 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Render Capability - PS 5.0 (DirectX 11.0): HW = False, SW = False

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,482 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Visual C++ 2010 Runtime installed: True (version v10.0.40219.325)

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,482 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Visual C++ 2012 Runtime installed: True (version v11.0.61030.00, is from DevDiv: False)

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,482 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Visual C++ 2013 Runtime installed: True (version v12.0.21005.01, is from DevDiv: False)

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,482 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogDynamicLibraryInfo - DLL name: Steam.dll; Not found.

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,482 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogDynamicLibraryInfo - DLL name: steam_api.dll; Full path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\publisher\steam_api.dll; File version =; Company = Valve Corporation; Product version =; Product name = Steam Client API; File description = Steam Client API, SHA = A80ABFB6D95D59536BB83776258D1094054C3595

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,482 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogDynamicLibraryInfo - DLL name: Launcher\steam_api.dll; Not found.

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,482 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogDynamicLibraryInfo - DLL name: steamclient.dll; Not found.

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,482 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogDynamicLibraryInfo - DLL name: tier0_s.dll; Not found.

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,482 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogDynamicLibraryInfo - DLL name: Arma3.exe; Not found.

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,482 [iNFO] 1 (:0): Publisher.App..ctor - WELCOME TO ARMA 3 PUBLISHER

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,492 [iNFO] 1 (:0): Publisher.App..ctor - Version: 1.1.129844

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,492 [DEBUG] 1 (:0): Utils.Steam.AppIdHelper.Load - [fallback id]=107410

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,492 [DEBUG] 1 (:0): Utils.Steam.AppIdHelper.Load - [exe location]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\Publisher\Publisher.exe

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,492 [DEBUG] 1 (:0): Utils.Steam.AppIdHelper.Load - [steam app id file location]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\Publisher\steam_appid.txt

    2015-03-25 15:16:08,492 [DEBUG] 1 (:0): Utils.Steam.AppIdHelper.Load - [steam app id file content]=107410

    2015-03-25 15:16:16,432 [DEBUG] 1 (:0): Publisher.PublisherViewModel.InitSteam - Initializing Steam

    2015-03-25 15:16:16,432 [DEBUG] 1 (:0): Publisher.SteamFacade.InitSteam - Initializing Steam

    2015-03-25 15:16:16,452 [DEBUG] 5 (:0): Publisher.SteamFacade.<InitSteam>b__e - Background Steam init task running

    2015-03-25 15:16:16,632 [DEBUG] 5 (:0): Publisher.SteamFacade.<InitSteam>b__e - Steam is up

    2015-03-25 15:16:20,552 [iNFO] 1 (:0): Publisher.PublisherViewModel.HandleSteamInitialized - Steam initiated, status: Success

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,027 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Current dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\publisher

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,037 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\Publisher\Publisher.exe"

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,037 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,037 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - OS 64bit: True

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,037 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Process 64bit: False

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,037 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Personal dir: C:\Users\Nimrod_Z\Documents

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,037 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Local App Data dir: C:\Users\Nimrod_Z\AppData\Local

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,047 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Render Capability - Tier: 2 (0x20000)

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,047 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Render Capability - Max Hardware Texture Size: 16384,16384

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,047 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Render Capability - PS 2.0 (DirectX 9): HW = True, SW = True

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,047 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Render Capability - PS 3.0 (DirectX 9c): HW = True, SW = False

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,047 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Render Capability - PS 4.0 (DirectX 10): HW = False, SW = False

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,047 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Render Capability - PS 4.1 (DirectX 10.1): HW = False, SW = False

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,047 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Render Capability - PS 5.0 (DirectX 11.0): HW = False, SW = False

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,047 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Visual C++ 2010 Runtime installed: True (version v10.0.40219.325)

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,047 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Visual C++ 2012 Runtime installed: True (version v11.0.61030.00, is from DevDiv: False)

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,047 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogSystemInformations - Visual C++ 2013 Runtime installed: True (version v12.0.21005.01, is from DevDiv: False)

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,047 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogDynamicLibraryInfo - DLL name: Steam.dll; Not found.

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,047 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogDynamicLibraryInfo - DLL name: steam_api.dll; Full path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\publisher\steam_api.dll; File version =; Company = Valve Corporation; Product version =; Product name = Steam Client API; File description = Steam Client API, SHA = A80ABFB6D95D59536BB83776258D1094054C3595

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,047 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogDynamicLibraryInfo - DLL name: Launcher\steam_api.dll; Not found.

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,047 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogDynamicLibraryInfo - DLL name: steamclient.dll; Not found.

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,047 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogDynamicLibraryInfo - DLL name: tier0_s.dll; Not found.

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,047 [iNFO] 1 (:0): SharedResources.ApplicationBase.LogDynamicLibraryInfo - DLL name: Arma3.exe; Not found.

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,047 [iNFO] 1 (:0): Publisher.App..ctor - WELCOME TO ARMA 3 PUBLISHER

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,047 [iNFO] 1 (:0): Publisher.App..ctor - Version: 1.1.129270

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,057 [DEBUG] 1 (:0): Utils.Steam.AppIdHelper.Load - [fallback id]=107410

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,057 [DEBUG] 1 (:0): Utils.Steam.AppIdHelper.Load - [exe location]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\Publisher\Publisher.exe

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,057 [DEBUG] 1 (:0): Utils.Steam.AppIdHelper.Load - [steam app id file location]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\Publisher\steam_appid.txt

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,057 [DEBUG] 1 (:0): Utils.Steam.AppIdHelper.Load - [steam app id file content]=107410

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,487 [DEBUG] 1 (:0): Publisher.PublisherViewModel.InitSteam - Initializing Steam

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,487 [DEBUG] 1 (:0): Publisher.SteamFacade.InitSteam - Initializing Steam

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,497 [DEBUG] 5 (:0): Publisher.SteamFacade.<InitSteam>b__e - Background Steam init task running

    2015-03-25 15:22:41,637 [DEBUG] 5 (:0): Publisher.SteamFacade.<InitSteam>b__e - Steam is up

    2015-03-25 15:22:45,607 [iNFO] 1 (:0): Publisher.PublisherViewModel.HandleSteamInitialized - Steam initiated, status: Success

  8. for date and time.

    _month = date select 1;  _day = date select 2;  _year = date select 0;  _date = format ["%1\%2\%3",_month,_day,_year];  [[format["Date: ","align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '0.8' font='PuristaBold'"],[_date,"align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '0.8'","#FFCC00"],["","<br/>"],["Time: ","align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '0.8'"],[[daytime,"HH:MM"] call bis_fnc_timetostring,"align = 'center' shadow = '1' size = '0.9'"]],.23,1.3] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText2;  

    fyi - i used (month\day\year) format

  9. looks as if you're trying to Inherit the functions of the medkit but replace the model and textures. if that's the case then all you need to do is Inherit everything from the medkit and just change the things you want to change.

    class CfgWeapons
           class Medikit;
    class Hercx_Bloodbag: Medikit
    	scope = 2;
    	displayName = "Bloodbag";
    	model = "\Medical\BloodBag_F.p3d";
    	picture = "\Medical\Images\BloodBag_F.paa";
    	descriptionShort = "IV bloodbag for bloodloss";

  10. some of what you are experiencing is more then likely related to how you are executing those tests. (scheduled vs un-scheduled) environments. if your just executing them using "execVM" then they are getting put in a scheduler and checked to see if it's ok to run them. (the game engines way of trying to prevent a traffic jam basically)

    more info here - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Code_Optimisation#Threads

    if your just looking into this stuff just for ballistics then looking at the config for the ammo is a better way to go - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgAmmo_Config_Reference

  11. Hello,

    I'm looking for a way to find out what kind of magazines a particular weapon uses. I want this to be done automatically in a way that the script would detect what kind of weapon a unit has, and then depending on that weapon fill the units inventory with the proper variance of magazines.

    My original plan was to make huge array's with the info in them, but I'd like the system to be a bit more flexible. I've found that you might be able to get the magazines a gun uses by checking its config, however I've no idea how to properly do this. The biki does not give enough workable information in how I might extract the magazines.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction here?

    to get the ammo of current weapon you can use

    _magazines = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> currentWeapon player >> "magazines");

    to add that type of magazine, you would use

    player addMagazine (_magazines select 0);

  12. BIS_fnc_taskCreate was scrapped a while ago. all task functions were merged into one: BIS_fnc_setTask.


    BIS_fnc_taskCreate was not scapped at all. its actually what BIS_fnc_setTask calls on in its function.

  13. the arsenal crates have been broken in the dev version for several days now but there is a fix. the boxes that arsenal is assigned to are not getting there variable that enables the addaction to be added. so here is the workaround to make it work until BI get it fixed. you only have to add 1 addl thing to get it to work.

    NOTE: this has to be set AFTER arsenal has initialized or it wont work. (so you may need to use a "sleep" or "waituntil" command)

    box1 setvariable ["bis_fnc_arsenal_condition",{true},true];

    my example crates name is: box1

  14. its in the "bloodEffect" function. you can see it right from the function viewer.  
    i remember slightly modifying it for a mod i made but honestly can't remember how different from original it is.
    ///////////// MODIFIED VERSION OF BI BLOOD TEXTURE OVERLAY SCRIPT  ////////////////////
    File: fn_bloodEffect.sqf
    Author: Vladimir Hynek
    Modified By: Nimrod_Z
    Blood splash (texture) postprocess.
    _this select 0: Number (5-90)
    Returned value:
    //---------------- Hit that caused bleeding - show blood--------------------------------------------------------------
    private ["_display", "_texLower", "_texMiddle", "_texUpper", "_x", "_y", "_w", "_h"];
    if (isnil {uinamespace getvariable "RscHealthTextures"}) then {uinamespace setvariable ["RscHealthTextures",displaynull]};
    //if (isnull (uinamespace getvariable "str_screen")) then {1918 cutrsc ["screen","plain"]};
    if (isnull (uinamespace getvariable "RscHealthTextures")) then {(["HealthPP_blood"] call bis_fnc_rscLayer) cutrsc ["RscHealthTextures","plain"]};
    _display = uinamespace getvariable "RscHealthTextures";
    //remove old textures --TODO: replace this by texture overlay-repaint textures
    //textures are defined in TEST_description_screen.hpp
    _texLower = _display displayctrl 1211;//1013; //1001
    _texLower ctrlsetfade 1;
    _texLower ctrlcommit 0;
    _texMiddle = _display displayctrl 1212;
    _texMiddle ctrlsetfade 1;	
    _texMiddle ctrlcommit 0;
    _texUpper = _display displayctrl 1213;
    _texUpper ctrlsetfade 1;	
    _texUpper ctrlcommit 0;
            _x = ((0 * safezoneW) + safezoneX) + ((safezoneW - (2.125 * safezoneW * 3/4)) / 2); //textura vycentrovana na st�ed (p�i��t� se polovina m�sta kter� zb�v� od konce textury k prav�mu okraji obrazovky)
            _y = (-0.0625 * safezoneH) + safezoneY; //levy horni roh o 10% nad obrazovkou
            _w = 2.125 * safezoneW * 3/4;//safezoneW * 3/4;  //sirka o 20% vetsi nez sirka obrazovky (10% presah vlevo, 10% presah vpravo)
            _h = 1.125 * safezoneH;
           //temporarily commented 
           _texLower ctrlsetposition [_x, _y, _w, _h];
           _texMiddle ctrlsetposition [_x, _y, _w, _h];
           _texUpper ctrlsetposition [_x, _y, _w, _h];
           _texLower ctrlcommit 0;
           _texMiddle ctrlcommit 0;
           _texUpper ctrlcommit 0;
    // radial blur
    //call VIR_fnc_hitBlur;
    _blood = _this select 0;
           if(_blood > 5 && _blood < 25) then
               _texLower ctrlsetfade 0.2;	 //0 --changed
               _texLower ctrlcommit 0.2;
               waituntil {ctrlcommitted _texLower};
    		sleep 0.5;
    		_texLower ctrlsetfade 1;
    		_texLower ctrlcommit 0.8;
           //lower, 50% middle
           if (_blood >= 25 && _blood < 40) then
               _texLower ctrlsetfade 0.2;	 //0 --changed
               _texMiddle ctrlsetfade 0.85;  //0 --changed
               _texLower ctrlcommit 0.2;
               _texMiddle ctrlcommit 0.2;
               waituntil {ctrlcommitted _texMiddle};
    		sleep 0.5;
    		_texLower ctrlsetfade 1;
    		_texMiddle ctrlsetfade 1;
    		_texMiddle ctrlcommit 1;
    		sleep 0.5;
    		_texLower ctrlcommit 0.8;
           //lower, middle
           if (_blood >= 40 && _blood < 55) then
               _texLower ctrlsetfade 0.2;	 //0 --changed
               _texMiddle ctrlsetfade 0.7;  //0 --changed
               _texLower ctrlcommit 0.2;
               _texMiddle ctrlcommit 0.2;
               waituntil {ctrlcommitted _texMiddle};
    		sleep 0.5;
    		_texLower ctrlsetfade 1;
    		_texMiddle ctrlsetfade 1;
    		_texUpper ctrlsetfade 1;
    		_texMiddle ctrlcommit 1;
    		sleep 0.5;
    		_texLower ctrlcommit 0.8;
           //lower, middle, 50% upper
           if (_blood >= 55 && _blood < 70) then
               _texLower ctrlsetfade 0.2;	 //0 --changed
               _texMiddle ctrlsetfade 0.7;  //0 --changed
               _texUpper ctrlsetfade 0.85;  //0.5 --changed
               _texLower ctrlcommit 0.2;
               _texMiddle ctrlcommit 0.2;
               _texUpper ctrlcommit 0.2;
               waituntil {ctrlcommitted _texUpper};
    		sleep 0.5;
    		_texLower ctrlsetfade 1;
    		_texMiddle ctrlsetfade 1;
    		_texUpper ctrlsetfade 1;
    		_texUpper ctrlcommit 1.5;
    		sleep 1;
    		_texMiddle ctrlcommit 1;
    		sleep 0.5;
    		_texLower ctrlcommit 0.8;
           //lower, middle, upper
           if (_blood >= 70) then
               _texLower ctrlsetfade 0.2;	 //0 --changed
               _texMiddle ctrlsetfade 0.7;  //0 --changed
               _texUpper ctrlsetfade 0.7;   //0 --changed
               _texLower ctrlcommit 0.2;
               _texMiddle ctrlcommit 0.2;
               _texUpper ctrlcommit 0.2;
               waituntil {ctrlcommitted _texUpper};
    		sleep 0.5;
    		_texLower ctrlsetfade 1;
    		_texMiddle ctrlsetfade 1;
    		_texUpper ctrlsetfade 1;
    		_texUpper ctrlcommit 1.5;
    		sleep 1;
    		_texMiddle ctrlcommit 1;
    		sleep 0.5;
    		_texLower ctrlcommit 0.8;
