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Everything posted by atroublestarter

  1. I have the same problem and only just about coping with it really! I've been told it's because the game has a built in mouse accelerator instead of just letting you use hardware acceleration. Putting your graphics to as low a setting as possible will alleviate it a little bit, if you haven't done that already. I also thought they would have fixed this issue by now in a patch....but nope they're too busy adding water reflections and shiz.....
  2. It's truly remarkable that you have fixed the timewarp load crash before BI have, I've tried your mod and i'm actually really impressed! There is only one bug that I have experienced so far, and basically if I have the long range surveillance ability and the enemy carrier takes an island (breaking the connection of several islands to my stockpile island) i get the messages saying about it being enabled and disabled repeatedly all over my screen - not sure if anyone else has experienced this? great work! Edit: One thing I do miss is being able to assault an island by land, so I changed it so that islands become deadly much later in the game. Is it possible one day we'll have an option to control how much enemy island defences are upgraded? This way instead of having everything 'deadly', we can make it so that at least we have no 'weak' islands or something similar!
  3. of course you can, i mean, it's moddable....isn't it? :-) plus i think the eye killing graphics goes well with the ear killing music
  4. atroublestarter

    Future of 1.05 Beta?

    - you said it's moddable, not half moddable or that you can mod some of it, you suggested that modding is fully supported, which it isn't as yet - you said the music is 'great'. there is a short loop bit of music when in timewarp, and the same music that plays every time you take an island. 2 tracks is not 'great' dude....it's poor - My version of the original was bug free. And that's my point about size and processing capability. The amiga ran the game with things happening on all islands in 'real-time'. Islands would progressively build themselves (with random structure placing) over time whether you are present on that island or not. Leave the island and come back, structures will still be building, and building positions will be remembered by the game when you re-visit the island. This substantially adds to the realism of things existing in the game. The current game has the same layout on islands every time, walls and rubble exist on islands that haven't even been build on yet, and island structures and enemy units just get 'spawned' on your arrival. If an amiga can handle it, a PC game should have no trouble handling it. It's a game of shortcuts - arrive on your island when it's under attack, and enemy units will just be spawned on the opposite side of the island to where the enemy carrier is! how did they get there without fighting through your island's defences? plus, if you watch as the enemy carrier is attacking your island, the carrier units will almost NEVER win - your island defences will take them out in about 30 seconds, and if they do win, they then just sit there instead of proceeding to your command centre. In the old game, you could watch the enemy carrier destroy your island's defences and your island try to re-build those defences until the enemy carrier takes out your command centre. Now, tell me the AI isn't a step BACK in CCGM? lol
  5. atroublestarter

    Future of 1.05 Beta?

    - it's half-moddable - music hardly exists - the original, like Species said, was revolutionary at the time. It was also bug free. CCGM is a step BACK in everything except graphics and sound, and perhaps the AI, since even though it doesn't work too well it still exists. Game mechanics wise, the original is better. destroy every building on an enemy island except the command centre, then goto another island and then come back, that island will be as if you'd never been there. Do that in the original game, and the island will be re-building in real time.
  6. I haven't really seen fixes for any of the bugs /problems I've posted since the last 2 patches came out, nor has there been a response from any staff so I'm probably wasting my time here but, additional bugs: (1) The screen constantly goes too bright or too dark to the point where you can't see anything (workaround is to press print screen and it temporarily goes back to normal) - Fixed in 1.06 (2) Walrus missiles are not targetting enemy aircraft, only land targets (this problem is intermittent, I have been able to target aircraft since making note of this bug, but it has happened to me several times where I couldn't get a lock on an attacking manta) (3) additional information for bug number (32) in my original post - the south western corner of terminus will also cause you to recieve grounding damage if using the carrier autopilot to go round the island (4) sometimes when close to an island, the carrier can get 'thrown' sideways. the carrier moves sideways really fast away from the island (4a) This problem also seems to be happening with other vehicles too. I set my walrus to dock and it was just sitting there, this seems to be happening very often in the latest version! next thing i know is the walrus shoots across the island to the carrier in about 2 seconds and instantly docks! - FIXED (5) the problem mentioned in bug number (12) of my original post also affects the enemy carrier. objects are in firing range and firing arcs of turrets, but the turrets either completely ignore the target or change to face the target but don't fire! (6) In relation to the plenty of problems caused by objects not being considered in real time, if you destroy the enemy carrier at an island, the cut scene will play and when the game loads back to the island you're at - all buildings are fully restored instantly!!! (6a) another addition to the amplitude of problems caused by the objects mechanics of the game - if you destroy the enemy carrier whilst you have a scout drone active, the cutscene will play and upon return to the game (which forces a re-load of the island you are at), the scout drone is LOST! (7) Carrier's shell cannon is targeting aircraft, which obviously are next to impossible for it to hit. This is wasting ammunition and damaging things on the ground that I don't want it to damage... When targetting ground enemy targets, it's also firing directly at that target rather than aiming above it to allow for the arc in the trajectory of a shell - Meaning all shells fall short of it's target unless the target is very close range. It is so often that my walrusses will be approaching an island, enemy walruses or mantas will approach my walruses, and the carrier main cannon will open fire only to hit my own walruses!!!! Also being hit and destroyed which is really annoying is the command centre and firewall access points! :-( (7a) In addition, today I was playing a game and arrived to defend a friendly island, my own carrier used it's shell cannon to target enemy aircraft, which ended up just bombarding my own island!!! (8) Upon arriving at an island to defend it, all the enemy carrier's units were on the island or destroyed, then when I engage the enemy carrier, it launches all of it's units....almost as if the units attacking the island were just spawned there and not really the carrier's units....hmmmmm..... (9) I experienced one episode where every time I changed screen from a manta it would head to the island I was at. I didn't understand it as an enemy wasn't close by and it didn't have a course/target set for autopilot. After 2 or 3 attempts of trying to get it to stay still I gave up and wanted to see where it was going. However it just collided into a hill and destroyed itself!! (10) The walrus's repair beam repairs mantas, but DEPLETES it's shield before it will repair the manta. Most or all of the other bugs i've listed in my original post still exist :-(
  7. atroublestarter

    Future of 1.05 Beta?

    just as it sounds. no units or weapons are moddable - only scripts there are 2 music tracks in the entire game - timewarp, and just taken over an island. this is rubbish. no combat music. the original was more enjoyable! perhaps, you have very low standards for what you consider enjoyable? hmmm.
  8. atroublestarter

    Future of 1.05 Beta?

    mod-able? it is not yet possible to mod any units at all....(edit: except some scripts) music is great? I believe the game only has 2 tracks, one for the menu, and one that plays when you capture an island, no battle music etc... plays near as (what?) to the original? you couldn't be more wrong on that, either. (this is explained in my bugs list post in troubleshooting forum).
  9. Ghebraant, what country are you from? If you are living in / purchased the game from the EU, please see my post: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?145659-Finished-Campaign-and-Strategy-mode-now-here-s-my-%28LARGE%29-bugs-list I also come on this forum to read about the problems others have with this game (to see if they are the same as the troubles I have), and to check for news of patches. I find myself more or less very satisfied with the graphics of the game (except the manta engines when in flight - they don't spin!), and the sound effects, but i find myself feeling cheated in regards to the mechanics of the game.
  10. more realtime / realistic game mechanics. Currently, if you destroy everything on an island except the command centre, nothing will begin building back like it did in the original, you could sit there for hours and the island would stay deserted; yet if you time warp away from that island and then time warp back, the island will be re-built as if you was never there! Also if you goto an island that is under attack, even after 15 mins of waiting, as soon as you arrive the enemy units will simply spawn in a patch on the island somewhere (making it obvious that a battle hasn't even been going on whilst i haven't been on the island). Those units will also just sit there and not advance towards my island's command centre, and will usually just get destroyed by my island's defences soon after i arrive too. It's all shortcuts that majorly ruin the game for me and takes away from the atmosphere that the original game had. I want destroyed buildings to be re-built by islands over time (whether I am present at the island or not), better command centre defenses (but if the command centre is destroyed it should de-activate all AI controlled units on that island), island units should converge on enemy invading units when the sensor array is in-tact...and these are just my main wishes for improvement out of a list of many
  11. I could be wrong here, but I believe he's actually asking if you find blueprints like you do in the campaign mode - by going to the research centre; and if so, can he use the research centre to gain a blueprint once he has taken the command centre. Having not played the game since the latest patch, i personally cannot answer this. However, I would say that if you do indeed advance your tech by visiting the research centre, my guess is you can do this when you've converted it to a friendly island, just like you can in the campaign.
  12. I'm greatful we have cleared this up - carrier command is the first game in ages where I have been excited for it's realease since learning of it's development - you can imagine my dissapointment when I started digging into game mechanics! I myself also agree that the AI bug isn't game-breaking, although extremely irritating. I feel I am one of very few who are actually more concerned with game mechanics surrounding things like islands and their structures (and the island rebuilding those structures, instead of just spawning everything on your arrival to an island). It's just funny that if you watch the map as you arrive on your friendly island, enemy units just spawn in the centre. If you waited an hour, the enemy units would still not take your island from you (never has for me anyway). It's just shortcuts all round. I agree that getting refunds is not good for the funding of the development of carrier command, and the devlopment of it is something I want to see, providing it develops into something that isn't surpassed in several aspects from it's 20 year old original. It's just I didn't like to see companies taking people's money, and telling them they have no right to get their money back if they feel they've been short changed, you'd be surprised how many people don't know their rights! You just gave me an idea - use waypoints to make the walrus go near to a structure, and then destroy it by queing the command (holding down shift). once again, I'm glad we cleared this up :-) ---------- Post added at 23:44 ---------- Previous post was at 23:41 ---------- The original carrier command, would even remember where you placed your ACCB ;-) This is definitely the main thing I want to see changed in CCGM
  13. Hi there Species! I'm glad you've replied to my thread, I've seen a lot of your posts whilst I read the forums and you often raise some seriously good points. (10 & 11) It's interesting that you experience the complete opposite for me. Does reducing mouse sensativity in windows (or a seperate customising program if it came with your mouse) take any effect? I would imagine it wont, but it's just an idea. I have the mouse sensativity set neither on minimum or maximum (it sounds like you've set yours on minimum and it's still too sensative). For me, the killer is that mouse 'lag'. It will take that fraction of a second longer to register where i'm moving the mouse than usual, so controlling things with the mouse, or simply trying to be accurate with it to click on buttons is awkward. A lot of games have the option for hardware mouse acceleration, it's a shame this option isn't available now. (14) I should of mentioned that some things in my list are things I don't like about the game that are different to the original, rather than all of them being bugs. Sorry about that. I do agree, it's too easy to storm in and destroy the CC. But things like the CC shield solves this issue, or making the defenses around the CC or the CC armor itself much stronger would of been preferable to me. If the radar is active on the island, it would also be prudent to have most island units move to attack them (like they do in the original), and that would also help defend the CC against attack. People may still disagree after i've made the above points, i'm not saying i'm 100% right, it's just my ideas on what I think is better than currently in effect. (18) You're right here! but surely the island should still detect that the carrier has approached it and warn you? (31) Indeed you are correct, I unpacked the data. I was under the impression the game just used the original packed files though, until you loaded a mod? but it appears I presumed incorrectly. (1) Indeed, this is probably intentional then, but just something I noticed. I'm curious to see what you think about numbers 13 and the few below it? I destroyed almost every structure on an enemy island, I time warped around it until a game's day worth of time had passed, and no structures were rebuilt. When I travelled to another island and back again, the island was as if I'd never been there. In the original, I enjoyed the fact that an island would continuously regenerate it's destroyed structures, and when watching the enemy carrier attack one of my islands, my island would do the same. It's these little details that I miss, that made an old game so ahead of it's time.
  14. I'm glad to see that you read the whole post, however I'm then confused why you sound like you think i'm saying the game is unplayable and that I want a refund. Perhaps you are not understanding what you read and you should read it more carefully. I am aware that someone before now HAS asked for a refund, so no matter what you have to say on this subject dude - It's happened. That person got told they are not entitled to a refund. This game is one of the buggiest i've ever played (as you can probably notice from the list), and there are so many short-cuts in the game design (as i mention again, problems 13 and the next few below) that it has ruined the general 'feel' of the game for me. In no way am I currently saying I will be getting a refund (though the future is yet to be seen on this), but I am aware that others do, and i'm letting other people know their consumers rights in this regard, because this gentleman was told no and it's also in BI's terms and conditions on playing the game (but it is still illegal in the UK to sign away your statutory rights through the use of terms and conditions etc). The REASON some people want a refund is because of the huge list of bugs present in the game upon release - and I hope this clears up the 'oddness' for you, for that introduction being in the same thread as my bug list. The issue of who gives you the refund is pretty irrelevent. I'm glad to see you're holding out for patches - I hope the game is up to an acceptable standard for you by the time patching finishes. If they just fix all BUGS though, and don't address the issues I have with the actual game engine (again, number 13 and the few below), I will still be dissapointed. Unfortunately, I DO own a game where patching finished, and there's still a game BREAKING bug (you are unable to finish the game, because you lose the ability to select your units). If you have never had that experience, where you are not satisfied with a game after patching has been discontinued, then perhaps that's why you find my urgency and effort 'odd'. I'm sorry to hear that you seem to think this post is aimed at causing trouble. To me, it seems like you're doing exactly the same. This thread has a small section dedicated to letting UK customers know their rights in the case of this game (as i know some have been miss-informed), and then a massive list of bugs that took me hours to compile, coupled with some suggestions too. If I was here to start trouble, and didn't want changes made to the game for the better, then why would I bother making a bugs list? Why would I bother making suggestions? I would of just posted the part about the refunds that you seem to have trouble with. I re-iterate too, that not all these bugs are already known, so please - refrain from posting incorrect information. I'm not interested in argueing with you about you saying I'm here to start trouble when you're doing exactly that - Please keep all future posting constructive and about the bugs list that I put a lot of effort into making. Thank you, and have a good day.
  15. When you say "is it unplayable? No", it's as if you're suggesting i'm saying that. Please read the part where I say "i'm not saying CCGM is unplayable". Please also note that although issues with the AI takes several points of note in my bugs list, the list is extensive and I never said myself that the AI is what ruins the game for me. I like that you are giving a positive response to my thread but...have you read it properly? I actually bought this game BECAUSE I played the original so much, and infact I have an amiga emulator on my PC so i can still play the original. Indeed they are still working on patches right now, but you sound like you're suggesting we don't post about bugs in these forums? "be patient"; and what about issues i've found with the game that they don't know about? what about about things in the game that I find to be an issue (such as shortcuts in game design - please play close attention to issue number 13 and the few after it) that BI finds to be just the way they designed the game? are you suggesting I hold off all feedback until they are no longer patching the game then? I am again convinced you didn't read my post properly. I haven't said anywhere in the post that I have asked for a refund. I am quoting something a BI staff member once said, and if you read through the forum you may find it. It stuck in my mind as I compiled my bugs list, and made me aware that some people DO want a refund, and some people ARE being told they're not entitled. I am shedding some light on the issue and delivering a list of what I ('ME') don't like about the game. If you wish to discuss anything from the list I have made, great! If you want to state that there are particular bugs in this list that you DON'T experience, or that you also experience as well as me, great! if you wish to discuss about how great the game is (arguably not on topic for this thread), please feel free to start a new thread.
  16. atroublestarter

    Walrus pathfinding

    I have also found this with deadlock's bottom right bridge! I am currently making a list of the problems I can find in-game and the bridge on deadlock is included on that list. So far the list has reached approximately 25 different bugs and problems
  17. The carrier autopilot will ground the carrier and cause damage when using it to travel around the south side of deadlock. Not sure if this is fixed in the beta patch but wanted to mention it!
  18. Well as we all know pathfinding sometimes works and often doesn't, with units throwing themselves off bridges, cliffs, etc and getting stuck in trees (this has happened for me with the manta too!) But am I the only one who is dissapointed with some of the game mechanics / details, when comparing them to the original game (which I played a LOT of)? In the original game, there were free islands that hadn't been built on yet - just trees. When you put your capsule (or ACCB) down, you could watch your entire island be built. In Gaea Mission, you have to have either most islands enemy or most islands friendly. In my experience when attacking an island, buildings that you destroy never even start to be replaced whilst you're there - unlike the original. This was a massive part of the general 'feel' of the game for me, and each building to be built (in the original) came out of your global resources (i.e. if you selected a load of fuel and items as high priority, island building construction would slow down / stop because of not enough resources). It seems to me that when I capture an enemy command centre, most buildings (like all the turrets i destroyed) just re-appear, I could be wrong on this though. Even what little free islands there are on a strategy game, there are already a load of buildings on them. Also the enemy carrier is bugging me a bit. It seems not to react to my presence at all, unless i just happen to wander into it's firing range. In the original, as soon as the enemy carrier spotted my carrier it would send as many mantas as possible against me. In Gaea mission, when i spot the enemy carrier attacking one of my islands, it's just sitting there with no units. In fact once when i approached a friendly island being attacked, the carrier was just sitting there with no units attacking the island and one of my turrets on my island had become enemy! one of my island mantas destroyed it. So is the mechanics for the enemy carrier taking one of my islands even in the game? or if I didn't even approach the island and see it, would it of just sat there and eventually the island gets taken over by it? or was it because of the bug where the enemy carrier's units are sitting on another island somewhere? The above are just 2 things which are missing from the game and to me it just looks like shortcuts.
  19. Excellent! I look forward to seeing the results. So far the only modding available seems to be for steam users only. By the way I am fully aware the BI did not make the original game. This game is based off that original game however, and some of the mechanics of the game were better in the original, and the new game seems to be oversimplified with just awesome graphics. This is my point.
  20. atroublestarter

    bug i've noticed

    Hi Species. The things i listed above are indeed bugs. These are things happening in the game that have been overlooked and that are producing negative side effects. 1) The enemy carrier cannot be attacking the island flashing red if it is 2 or 3 islands away. Being well known does not make it "not a bug". In the original game, the game would only report a friendly island under attack when it is actually under attack. 2) A turret on my friendly island turning hostile, and the carrier attacking my island without any units is indeed a bug. In the original game, the enemy carrier always used units to attack your island, and you could watch this happening. 3) The game aims to reproduce fairly life-like physics when controlling your units. In manual mode this is accomplished, in autopilot mode the carrier 'jumps' both in direction AND in speed, and this is indeed an error in the game with regards to the autopilot. This bug is far less minor than a simple target reticle. In the original game the carrier and all units also kept all their orders when approaching a new island, and also the physics of all units including the carrier were consistant whether on autopilot or manual control. 4) The carrier does indeed attempt to fire any mounted weapon at any available target. A shell is not the correct weapon to fire at airborne targets, it will miss (because it fires directly at aircraft, and misses at all times because of the projectile arc) and only accomplish 2 things: depleting carrier ammo, and destroying your own ground units nearby. The carrier will often try to target something it can't seem to hit, and keep firing until ammo is depleted - even ground targets. It is indeed a bug that could do with looking at, and it ties in with the AI not being smart enough and simply needs some fine tuning. It would not be better for the turret to be manual only. the 'bugs' you mention are not really bugs. They are minor graphical issues.
  21. there doesn't seem to be a central thread for reporting bugs, but here's a few i've noticed: 1) if enemy carrier attacks an island and you chase it away, even if the enemy carrier is now about 2 islands away, the original attacked island is still flashing red when it clearly is no longer under attack 2) enemy carrier appears to have no units. When observing it attacking one of my islands recently, it just sat at the island doing nothing. When I arrived, one turret on my island switched to hostile, my island mantas destroyed it 3) when manually controlling the carrier towards another island (or on autopilot OUT of timewarp), as soon as it finishes 'loading' due to approaching a new island the carrier is stopped, as well as the course given to it originally being 'forgotten'. 4) the carrier will try to fire shells at enemy island mantas. so far the shells have a 100% miss rate, so it would probably be better not to waste shells to try and hit mantas. On some occasions, the carrier shells have destroyed my own walruses when attacking the island
  22. I've had this before when loading a game, the saved game appeared to have lost my hacking module. Load from the next latest available game, you will lose some of your progress but the hacking module should be back and you should be able to continue. Once you are able to construct hacking modules, it should no longer be a problem
  23. My suggestions here are based on my experiences compared to the old carrier command which I feel should be in this game: (1) Mantas seem unable to land on the carrier when it is moving. This may be more realistic, but in the original game mantas could easily land on the carrier when it is in motion (2) Manual carrier control is smooth and feels like a you are controlling something large and heavy. Automatic navigation has the carrier turning at full speed as soon as you give it a course. Engine sounds do not "spin up" from idle when using automatic navigation as well. (3) When releasing mantas from the carrier, engine sounds go from "off" straight to high revs, there is no spin up sound (this wasn't in the original game either, but changing this would be an improvement to the sound of the game) (4) I believe AI pathfinding is already being looked at, but hopefully it will include looking into other mantas bashing into me when attacking (and i'm stationary! the manta actually bashes into me when i'm not even moving!!) and walruses seeing friendly island walruses as a free path. I watched one of my walruses on auto navigation just repeatedly try to bash a friendly island walrus out of it's way! (5) In the original game, there were free islands and in Gaea mission they are all taken. In the original carrier command you could place your command center building pod on the island and watch your entire island get constructed! I'm very dissapointed to not see this in the new game and would love to see this. This was also part of resource management in the original game because if you had too many things being built at high priority, there are very little resources for constructing the structures for your island. (6) The carrier feels like it has a lot less involvement in island battles now than what it previously had. In the old game I could use cruise missiles to take out specific structures, and the laser turret allowed me to bombard the closest half of most islands. Now in gaea mission, I have a state of the art carrier with a zoom capability of about 2 - less than today's digital camera.... It just seems silly to me, and I would love to see the carrier being given the opportunity to bombard more targets on enemy islands