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Everything posted by Hatchet_AS

  1. Hatchet_AS

    Volumetric clouds in ARMA 3?

    Ooo... sweet. Much appreciated Meatball. I'll definitely put it on our servers this evening and have a go at it. I'm not 100% but from a quick look I think it'll probably work as intended, as is. I normally check JIP players against a nil value like so: if (!isNil "jip") exitWith {other foo}; But yeah, either way, will test it out. :D
  2. Hatchet_AS


    Nice. Much appreciated, once again. :)
  3. Hatchet_AS

    AI falls/leaving vehicle

    I did see an OPFOR AI pilot hanging beneath his helicopter (while engaging us) on our dedicated the other day. This was the second time someone noticed that particular phenomenon (which was local to the specific player both times). I have also personally witnessed AI experiencing difficulties with disembarking, although not recently (last couple weeks).
  4. Well this was a bit of reading to catch up. Without going into why I think this is a good idea on many fronts, I'll just say I'm all for it. It is a large tasking for sure, but in about as capable hands as it can be. If enough other capable hands are involved I see no reason (expect BIS not participating as needed) why this can't become a reality. The game is a sandbox, and the more toys you have for said sandbox, means the more possibilities for all different types of players to have fun in the sandbox. I mean, that is why we're all here at the end of the day right? Seems win, win on many levels.
  5. Hatchet_AS

    The vignette effect at the edge of the screen

    +1 - Thanks for the leg work Celery. My overriding thought process here has been this should be relatively easy to deal with in house. I would argue that perhaps the question, "Should there be an option, or should it be removed?", is indeed the appropriate question to be asking. As both are specific options to the core issue, and are reasonably logical directions to go with it. Outside of that, we're really just left with ... "it stays as is". And the option of community fix becomes the only relevant option. Now whether or not that matches up with some backend function of dealing with things, is beyond me. I'm trying to understand the comment though. :) *edit* Meh, I'll go hunt it down and see if I can make a fix for it. Should be relatively trivial. There are many other things I'd rather see the devs dealing with right now.
  6. Hatchet_AS

    The vignette effect at the edge of the screen

    Absolutely. And I would indeed turn it off in an instant if it was an option. I don't really have an issue with it in general, but the gradient just makes it non-pleasing. If the gradient was actually smooth and didn't produce the noticeable oval/bubble/thing, I'd be fine with it. As is, it's just ugly and honestly doesn't make much sense to me. I'd be curious to know what the intended "effect" here is supposed to be.
  7. Hatchet_AS

    TMR Modular Realism

    Lol, indeed. And those would be non-returnable, as the comparability testing may be destructive in nature. Been a short bit since I tested this out. Was a great experience today though. Also very nice to see the interaction here in the thread and the direction things are going general. The naming of vehicles currently in-game is well.. FPDR (for me personally anyway..) So that will be a very welcome feature. Excellent work so far, looking forward to utilizing this on a daily basis. And will certainly be looking a lot closer at things going forward.
  8. Hatchet_AS

    AH-99 accuracy

    My initial impression when testing the AH-99 was that something was a bit off with the HUD alignment. That was when we first got the update, haven't tried it since. Was definitely hitting with an offset to the right, regardless of other things that might affect the trajectory. *edit* Perhaps worth noting I'm speaking from the perspective of empty vehicle, pilots seat and w/manual fire engaged. Have not tested from the gunner position. I would expect it not to matter.
  9. I have pondered this briefly on more than one occasion. Kinda like HALO and no cargo plane currently. Regarding the OP, zooloo75 has a script that addresses things of this nature. See related post for more info.
  10. Technically it is customizable, but it would have to be done via an addon. If I recall correctly, you would have to modify the map config, clutterDist or something similar. Honestly unsure if this process has evolved or changed in ArmA 3. As fas as being a player is concerned, I don't think it is likely you'll see an option specifically for "customizing the render distance of grass (clutter)".
  11. Hatchet_AS

    Repetitive Cleanup

    Much appreciated. And as mentioned, much better than my current solution. :)
  12. Hatchet_AS

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    vas_customslots = whateverNumberFloatsYourBoat; Found in "VAS\config.sqf"
  13. Meh.. I have not figured out how to remove the system positions either.
  14. Hatchet_AS

    Weather/Time and JIP?

    Not that I'm a scripting genius or anything, but I've yet to see or make it work as one might think it should. There have been systems made by various users over the years that have at some points "mostly worked". But currently it is fairly immersion breaking with the rain specifically, in the MP environment. I've read elsewhere that there are extended issues currently in that you can't adjust the overCast values over short periods of time. Which I would assume will make things more challenging in addressing via scripting (perhaps not?). To answer your question specifically, no you're not missing anything. :)
  15. Hatchet_AS


    Much appreciated Shuko. :)
  16. Hatchet_AS

    Stuttering on Stratis and Altis

    Awesome, back to rock solid'ish 60 FPS (vsync cap) running around the terminal building this morning. And I didn't even have to reinstall or switch branches, or do anything other than update this morning. Much appreciated BIS. @Sneakson :rolleyes:
  17. Hatchet_AS

    Stuttering on Stratis and Altis

    Appreciate the reply, but I think you have underestimated my level of competence with these things. To which I'll again say, this is not just me seeing this, and we're all pretty capable people with very serious hardware. Who have many years of experience with BI products and who historically run extremely stable dedicated servers and have few complaints with things. As we know how to manage what we do, and understand intimately the environment and variables we dealing with here. In reading a vast number of posts on the forums here today and elsewhere, it is plainly obvious that there is a significant issue currently. That has just recently started (IMHO), and as I indicated, seems to very specific and outside of what I would consider normal performance issues. If you have something other than the typical "do typical stuff" suggestions to share, I'd be more than happy to receive them. As uninstalling/reinstalling and switching branches is a little far fetched I think. And the comment, regarding faulty hardware is well, something I know not to be accurate. And is honestly very misleading, which is less than helpful.
  18. Hatchet_AS

    Stuttering on Stratis and Altis

    For what it's worth, we have been seeing massive FPS stuttering over the last couple days on our dedicated servers (DEV Branch). And we're fairly capable people with fairly serious hardware. Things were fine until Wed/Thur update this week. Unfortunately we've not nailed down the root cause yet as it's been elusive, and it's happening at random times to random players (regardless of hardware things). And it also happens regardless of being MP/SP session. There is a definitive stutter, and the FPS is incredibly unstable when it happens. Typically I can pull 50-60 frames (vsync), and right now whatever this issue is, will drag my FPS down to 8-10, all the while bouncing back up into the 50's and skipping all around. Makes things unplayable when it happens. *edit* Perhaps also worth noting, that in general the FPS took a bit of a dive with the update wed/thur. This issue, is beyond that and seems to be very specific (ie.. it happens the same way, has the same effect, to whoever it happens too, whenever it happens).
  19. Great initiative, I participated. Would be nice to see an option for multiple GPUs, but it was interesting to see the data either way.
  20. Much appreciated Sir. On a side note: I can confirm significant difficulties in acquiring the allInOne config. (https://dev-heaven.net/projects/cmb/repository/revisions/master/changes/configs/A3/unformatted/allInOne.cpp) (?)
  21. Hatchet_AS

    [WIP] Video Streaming Mod

    Fairly impressive, keep at it. Watching closely :)
  22. Hatchet_AS

    Establishing Shot

    Anyone else notice the delay with Altis loading, and the camera shot being rendered halfway through? Kinda breaks the whole scheme of things. Not sure how to properly delay the establishing shot until the scene can actually be rendered for the players. Open to suggestions.
  23. This is very good news. I feel slightly less crazy now. :rolleyes: