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Everything posted by runny

  1. Fair enough. I can live with it. So how about that radio range? 117F only reaches 600m with clear line of sight? What am I doing wrong here?
  2. That's another oddity.. it's hit and miss if I even get the CBA settings dialog to show up at all. Much of the time the addons button is greyed out or gone completely, it varies without even restarting the game. I'm CBA v3.1.2 I did try ctrl-alt-s in the editor and it worked, then I loaded the mission I was working on and it didn't work anymore.. Weird stuff man. Edit: Tried with CBA 3.2 and nothing changed.
  3. Hi guys, excellent mod! ACRE is the difference between playing arma and being in arma. I have some questions though: 1) In the mission editor I only get 2 modules, basic settings and channel names. There is no difficulty settings module although I can copy the one out of the example missions and paste it into other missions. 2)In testing the radio ranges I found that the 148, 152, and 117F all have ranges of less than 600m with clear LOS. I must be doing something wrong. Are there supposed to be antennas to attach to the radios? I can't find them anywhere, maybe it's related to the missing module(s). I got acre2 first from armaholic and now from the link from this thread. They both have the same issue.
  4. I've been looking everywhere for A2 Domi ported to CLA Afgan. Does it exist?