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About Ravelair

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  1. Ravelair

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    I don't see any other forums with this amount of bot-checks and those forums do not have any problems whatsoever with such spam. And Im talking about many MORE popular forums than this one is.
  2. Ravelair

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    1. Why is the registration process so messed up? Why in hell do I have to answer so many question to prove that I am not a bot? Did ANYONE really think about what are they doing when creating it? Or is someone just thinking that this forums are sooo popular and crowded that every spam bot would just love to come here and spam? 2. After so many times that I have proven that I am HUMAN why in the hell do I have to fill a captcha (a bad one by the way) to make a post? Who came up with that idea? Don't you realise that by having so many useless protections you keep people from coming here and posting valuable content? 3. Does anyone from BI know what is happening to those forums? 4. Why aren't you using reCAPTCHA which is much better and user friendly? Are you stuck in the early 2000s?
  3. I bump this thread because AI is a big issue. None of the units can travel far distances because they usually get stuck somewhere along the way. If I leave them alone, they usually got their fuel depleted and I have to use my Mantas to carry those idiots back to my carrier. This IS a big issue. Please fix it.