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About vitdom

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    Stockholm, Sweden

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  1. vitdom

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    I encountered a zeroing problem when testing the DEV-branch. When zeroing the GPR-T rounds shot from the Marshall, above 2,500 - 3,500 m the target elevation is much lower than it should be. If this issue makes it in the 1.82 RC I will also submit a report to the Feedback tracker.
  2. This isn't really a problem with the Tac Ops DLC itself, but while testing it this happened. I have heard that the Tanks DLC will bring vehicle physics improvements?
  3. Because of Arma 3's high modability and sandbox design, there's no need to push out a new game every other or so years. Therefore there is no negativity in waiting to release Arma 4. As long as Arma 3 is continually supported and improved with fixes, optimization and content updates in the form of the existing DLC strategy of Arma 3, then Arma 3 will be popular for at least 5 more years. If Arma 4 is being developed, the same mindset should be undertaken, meaning it should be developed for next-gen systems. An emerging trend for next-gen systems is VR. What Bohemia need to ask themselves is, do we want Arma 4 to be VR-compatible, and if so in what way. A hybrid monitor/VR game, or with separate VR-gamemode support? When Arma 4 releases in the future, do they want the game to be JUST a Sandbox, or should it be a complete, all-around and premium content Military Simulator with modern / futuristic weapon and support systems and gear, or somewhere in-between with long-term development possibilities? That is of course a lot more time demanding and investments are heavy on the company to create an entirely new game. The Arma series is already a very renowned trademark, and I'm sure if Arma 4 is beating this already high reputation it will become an immensely popular premium game. Not much information is available on the performance of future hardware post next-gen, coming in the years following 2018. But it is likely that VR-games will have established conventions of quality by then. So if Arma 4 is to be VR then in the future years ahead we will really see what VR can do and the tricks to make it work well, as well as what it needs in the future for enhanced capabilities instead of "an empty 4x4 m room cleared of objects"; these type of requirements are not available to everyone.
  4. As feedback.arma3.com is down and I was redirected here, I am submitting this bug report concerning the RC of Arma 3 v1.58.135609. OS: Windows 10 64-bit ISSUE: With FSAA Enabled, unnatural jagged edge illuminations are visible around object/model's edges. The higher the FSAA setting, the more clear the jagged edges appear. I believe this is only visible when the object is exposed to some kind of sunlight from behind. Reproducibility: Always Temporary workaround: Disable FSAA and only use PPAA. Increase(small amounts does it very well) your sampling resolution if you really need it and have the performance available.
  5. Am obviously playing on BattlEye disabled servers, and can tell the difference if I am kicked for using a bad game version or if the game crashes...
  6. I am getting lots of crashes and application freezes with this and the last beta patch. Anyone else? I am sending the mem dumps (got them this time) to your email dwarden.