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About wazzz

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  • Interests
    I Dont Read Books Expendables, Fight Club, Horror movies ParazitiiOfficial, Marian Vasilescu, Seb Fo
  • Occupation
    Graphic Designer, Freelancer Graphic Designer - Project Based
  1. I am using the Tophe's tool to host the Dynamic Zombie Sandbox Mod 1.25 (Craig's mod) but as you can see inside the game server' date=' the Edit button at the Parameters doesnt exists. Thats what I am talking about...
  2. Hey thanks for the tool Tophe, works very well from the first start, but I can not change the Parameters inside the game, I dont have the Edit button...and this setting is essential for me as a Server Admin... cant even set the weather or the time. Its there any possiblity to activate that ? Thanks