Hello fellow forum users. This is my currently my first post, revolving around the fact that this has been my first encounter with a collision problem.
http://puu.sh/17HlY (132 kB)
The couch you see there is a simpler model of the couch I had recently made with a pillow. I tried narrowing it down to one without one, to maybe reduce the chances of something happening within the model.
Anyways, I've been porting this to .PBO files just fine, and I am able to correctly spawn it in game, but I am getting an error revolving around the sentence,
"Cannot load texture frontcol.paa"
I do not have anything in this object even revolving around the name of 'frontcol'. I have tried correcting this by checking the object's mass, making sure the GEOMETRY LOD is correctly positioned and has the correct mass also, and I looked over the config.cpp file that goes along with it.
I am not sure what else may be needed to inform everyone with information, but anything you guys request, I'll be glad to provide.