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Posts posted by outlaw2101

  1. G'day @LordJarhead

    I don't use the forums often but I like to report a bug.

    When vehicles or other entities in the distance explode, the sound appears to ignore acoustic attenuation and plays as if the explosion was right next to the player. I've attached a video I took demonstrating it. Volume warning.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/qy4lv4hrm0o286u/sound bug.mp4?dl=0

    I'm using the following JSRS addons.

    JSRS Soundmod CE.20.0423
    JSRS Soundmod Dependency Fixes
    JSRS Soundmod Global Mobilization DLC Sounds
    RHS AiO Mod Support CE.20.0419
    CUP Weapons Support CE.20.0423


  2. 2 minutes ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:

    Hello there  @outlaw2101!


    Every script is an example test mission , that you can grab the files that you need  ( even every file ) and use it by your needs.

    In this mission this script is running from the initserver.sqf , so if you haven't got this , you can use this one as well.

    If you have any more issues feel free to ask for help !

    See you !

    Howdy George

    Thank you for your fast response.

    I remember how to add the script's files to a mission - so I've got that up and running. It tells me the scripts are initialized so I don't think there is a problem there. I'm just trying to replace one building with another as a test but I can't seem to figure it out.




    Just not sure where to put the class names for the buildings. I want to replace Land_i_Shed_Ind_Old_F on the left there with Land_i_Shed_Ind_F on the right.


    • Like 1

  3. Heyo 

    I have a suggestion - forgive my ignorance if this has been asked previously.

    Unless its already possible (I haven't worked it out yet) - options in the Gear Pool Module to add custom ammunition and attachments in the module to get them to spawn would be pretty bangin'. 

    • Like 1

  4. Heyo

    Just got a quick query about forcing an AI controlled vessel to move in a straight line to a beach. I recently got back into tinkering with the Arma 3 editor and I thought I'd try my hand at a beach landing however I have run into a frustrating issue. 

    I have one Landing Craft commanded by a squad of three men - driver and two gunners with a separate squad of infantry riding in it. The landing craft has a "Transport Unload" way-point on the beach - that's it. They are commanded to drive the landing craft to the beach where the infantry jump out and move to their own "Seek and Destroy" way-point inland.

    The problem I am facing is that the AI commandeering the landing craft has a habit of zig-zagging all over the place which often causes the AI infantry in the vessel to get killed by incoming shots so by the time it arrives at its way-point most of the infantry are dead. I just want the landing craft to drive straight to its way-point and unload its troops - no evasive manoeuvres or fancy sailing skills. I've tried setVelocity, disableAI and setting their Combat Mode to Careless - I've tried multiple scripts and even attempted to set a path via markers however I've hit a dead end. I've seen recommendations on using  Bis_fnc_unitCapture and Bis_fnc_unitPlay however my scripting skills are extremely limited and I'm afraid I'd have no idea how to set that up.


  5. On ‎1‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 12:26 AM, dave_beastttt said:


    16:25:34 Error in expression <f (!isClass _eventClass) then {
    _unit addEventHandler [_x, format ['call cba_x>
    16:25:34   Error position: <addEventHandler [_x, format ['call cba_x>
    16:25:34   Error Foreign error: Unknown enum value: "FiredBis"
    16:25:34 File \x\cba\addons\xeh\fnc_initEvents.sqf [CBA_fnc_initEvents], line 1946

    Yep - receiving a similar client error here too.



    • Like 2

  6. Just now, R0adki11 said:

    Were your grenades in your backpack or vest?


    Throwable items can be tossed whether they are on your uniform, in your vest or in your backpack. RHS Grenades, CUP Grenades, any third-party throwables do not register and cannot be thrown even if they are in my inventory. But when I disable Ravage they start working again. Its super weird.

  7. A question for @Haleks


    What causes all the throwables to cease functioning when Ravage is enabled? The only thing I can seem to throw are chemlights and roadflares, other than that no other throwables work. Tested it with just Ravage enabled with RHS, CUP individually - none of the throwables can be cycled with Ctrl+G and don't appear in the HUD.


    Just wondering if there's a fix for it? I've seen other people having the same problem but thus far no solution.



  8. Me again - a few more suggestions for you. :p


    A Russian camouflage in service with the KSOR Collective Rapid Reaction Force - issued in both horizontal and vertical patterns. Issued stricly for arid environments. Would work well with the M93 and M88 uniforms.


    ad6bb094a2c5ef9421039defb21b9c28.jpg 3905403838861703703ba785ff5996c5.jpg


    Two variants of EMR - I'm imagining for use in arid and transitional environments for units deployed outside Russia.



    a8cbdc21a7a1003338b9dbad747672dc.jpg 20b0c87bd2446b4a3e5f16633862b633.jpg

    A rather new pixelated version of the Russian copy of Flektarn called "Flectar" has been recently observed in service with Russian VDV Units - 7th Guards Mountain Air Assault Division I think.



    6661beb4bfd53c8d60e43946aef796d0.jpg 0122d5d3f9f42ecee140c03f384df759.jpg

    A very unique pattern that emerged sometime in 2016 used by Russian Forces in Syria.




    I also found this camouflage that originated from Iran - not sure if it would be of any interest.




    And of course, being an Aussie - can you please put DPCU on the Frog and the RHS US Army Combat Uniform? :P Also going to request DPCU PASGTs hah.



    AND if its not too much of a hassle, may I ask for more 6Bxx helmets and other RHS gear in different camouflages?

    Please take your time. :] There is no rush.

  9. 17 hours ago, wsxcgy said:

    And sure, I can whip up some DPM, do you want DDPM also?

    If you're happy to make DDPM, I'm all for it.

    There are a LOT of variants of DPM lol - it is one of the longest lines of camouflages at present having only been replaced in British Service around 2008. You have Forest, Tropical and Desert variants.

    DPM started with P60. - 1960



    Second is P68. - 1968



    Then onto P85. - 1985




    An undated tropical smock




    Another undated by I'm fairly sure this is P84 - which was in service for something like 10 years.




    More tropical DPM, again undated.




    I hope this is enough material for you lol.

    (Also I can't find that animation in direone's pack lol - whats the animation called?)

    • Like 1

  10. Fantastic idea for a mod! The RHS uniforms look extremely good in all the different varities of camouflage - lots of potential with them. If its not too much of a hassle, can I request some of the M93 uniforms in the older British DPM camouflage?

    For example


    I have one question, sort of unrelated but - that standing to attention animation in your preview images, where can I find that? Lol.
