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About wabbitseason

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  1. I tried that and it looped and then timed out.
  2. Yeah I don't know why, but myself and a few others can't seem to connect to the 1.6 Beta either. Am I doing something wrong? I click on the link and it brings it up in a new tab but then gets stuck in a loop. Should I be doing it some other way?
  3. I could not connect to this. I asked a few other friends in different locations if they could and they weren't able to access it either; it gets into an loop and then times out.
  4. I'm having problems connecting to a repository. I talked to my ISP and they said nothing should be preventing me from seeing/communicating with the repository. Sometimes it times out and says "Failed to retrieve file /autoconfig | ArmA3Sync closed connection: Read timeout reached. Please checkout the connection settings." Any help would be appreciated, thanks.