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About MrBean

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  1. MrBean

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    Hello, I recently installed the program that is mentiond above, And i have a compatible webcam : Microsoft VX 3000 So in ArmA2 when i play i move just a lil bit and in the game it just goes much more then needed, Its really sensitive and that really bugs me. How can i make it less sensitive so it would be playable ? It will be much fun to make this game more realistic using this awesome program ! Please help, thx
  2. Hello, I recently installed the program that is mentiond above, And i have a compatible webcam : Microsoft VX 3000 So in ArmA2 when i play i move just a lil bit and in the game it just goes much more then needed, Its really sensitive and that really bugs me. How can i make it less sensitive so it would be playable ? It will be much fun to make this game more realistic using this awesome program ! Please help, thx :)
  3. hi, i have a steering wheel and i figured why wont i play with it in dayz or arma 2 & oa... so i played a little and there is a major problem [probably for everyone who has a wheel] with the deadzone there is no steering wheel support.. i need to turn like 70 deegrees until my wheel responds to the game, but my wheel is fine in other games. you guys want this game to be realistic ? well i want to drive realistic and enjoy chernarus with mah wheel :D im surprised this has no fix whatsoever please consider adding a wheel support, cause i like drivin !