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About Stildawn

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  1. Hi All My mate and I have just recently made it to the Badlands mission in coop. We have managed to capture Novo Sobor and are ready to expand west, however I just have a few questions which I can't find answers for: - I have set up a base and a barracks etc. That's all good. My problem is that when I build a unit for example a simple rifleman, it adds them to my squad (group 1). When I select the new guy (using F5) and then go Communication, Send Units. The next menu is blank for me, there are no other groups to send them to, even though I have 3 other NAPA groups. What am I doing wrong? Alternatively is there a way to make a whole new group (say group 5 or 6?) - It seems when I start the next part of this mission (after taking Novo Sobor and building the base) I seem to lose control over the 3 other NAPA groups, their icons on the lower left turn black, and they don't take any of my orders anymore??? Am I ment to lose them? - How do you get units to board vehicles, I have a few technicals which are just sitting there since no one enters them to drive??? Thanks in advance for your help, at the moment the mission is practically unplayable. Cheers