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About Maniac302

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  1. So, I land my medium chopper on the helipad, set the throttles to idle, get out of the helicopter to have a look around, when I get back in, the engines are running at full throttle. I tested this several times. I also noticed that If I run the starters on the medium chopper, then release them without engaging the throttle, the engines don't slow down until I press the throttle closed button. Don't know if that is a bug or intended, though.
  2. Maniac302

    Unable to view Manual

    Just what I needed, thanks.
  3. I am currently unable to view the .pdf manual for Take On Helicopters. After a few seconds of loading, the page turns completely blank, and stays that way. I have tried refreshing the page, and I have tried the "Download" link, which really isn't any different from the "view this online" link.