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About Skyfyre

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  1. Skyfyre

    Escaping a Fight

    i sorta managed to do it that way except for some reason the enemy carrier just sat on the edge of visual range, i used a walrus with a H.E.A.T. cannon to disable its weapons and one engine but when as i was fleeing i realized that the AI didnt have any factories so i just finished the carrier off
  2. Skyfyre

    Escaping a Fight

    thats what Ive been trying but even when my mantas are 3 meters above the water the AA still gets them I'm a bit hesitant to get close with my carrier but i guess I can try
  3. I seem to have terrible luck and end up in carrier fights right at the very beginning of the game, and considering how often I've lost these fights I've taken to trying to flee them, which turned out to be impossible. how do I avoid or escape these encounters? I've tried taking out the engines but either I don't seem to do any damage or my vehicles get shot down
  4. I believe steam can also provide beta access for pre-orders ive had beta access for one game i pre-ordered before on steam so it should be possible