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Everything posted by k3lt

  1. k3lt

    Arma 3 Lag Fix (Maybe?)

    When you people realize that nobody has issues in Editor (unless you add tons of AI) or in Infantry mission. Try populated MP server or atleast Helicopter showcase which is much heavier than Infantry mission.
  2. k3lt

    Server Browsing.

    AFAIK Arma3 will be integrated with Steam server browser.. atleast that's what i heard. Dont ask me when. :p
  3. k3lt

    Game only using 20% of CPU...

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147533-Low-CPU-utilization-amp-Low-FPS/page19 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=716&nbn=91#bugnotes
  4. Oh, actually good that you've mentioned it.. how it's actually possible that Multiplayer servers are affecting client's performance (fps wise).. i think Arma franchise is the only game around with that issue, could you put some light on it i mean how is that happening exactly ? Also if you could predict what kind of performance percentage gain we can expect with true dedicated servers? (obviously not asking for a exact number, just estimate) Drop some bone for us poor souls. ;)
  5. Personally i dont expect my CPU maxxed by Arma3 but also not like 30% utilization, homever since i have well over recommended specs i would expect atleast 30 fps on Low visual settings, instead i'm stuck with 15-20. (in populated multiplayer servers, or with large number of AI/Vehicles even lower than that) And if you noticed, even people with latest gen. intel i5/i7's have issues obtaining stable fps. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=716&nbn=83#bugnotes
  6. Right click Arma 3 alpha on Steam list and click "Launch in windowed mode"...
  7. But majority of people wouldn't wait a week, i'm not sure what is your point really..
  8. You dont know when it would be fixed if Steam didnt unload all the traffic from BI Store.
  9. k3lt

    Did BI push an update?

    This can be another placebo, personally it doesn't change anything for me.
  10. k3lt

    BSOD then death...

    There is so many things that can cause bsod, it's nearly impossible to find out by yourself. Can be drivers, defective hardware, application issue or simply overheating. If you google there are forums where you can get pretty good help if you include a memory dump which windows is creating with each crash / bsod.
  11. k3lt

    Should I buy Alpha?

    https://store.bistudio.com/ Which part of it you dont understand.. ? :eek:
  12. k3lt

    We need this to be optimized.

    Does it really matter what word you gonna use? Call it optimization, tweaking or improvement.. it doesn't matter, people just expect better performance and you can call it whatever you like.
  13. Is there any reason you why dont want to use Steam?
  14. Just report him and move along..
  15. k3lt

    We need this to be optimized.

    Then start to believe, because there are people with latest gen. i5's / i7's with same issues - http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=716&nbn=57#bugnotes ;)
  16. First of all thanks alot for this guide (didn't even know there is a free Ramdisk software without ridiculous limitations), obviously as the above guy mentioned you wont get better (fps) performance with this, homever the loading times with RAMDisk are amazing. If you dont have SSD, and have too much RAM give it a try. :)
  17. k3lt

    We need this to be optimized.

    So what are you saying is we shouldn't be mentioning abysmal performance issues just because it's Alpha and is not a time for optimizations? ... What about other bugs, following your logic we shouldn't be mentioning about them either? I mean it's Alpha after all and things are meant to be bugged / unfinished. Yeah... Tapatalked.
  18. People which are reporting fps issues, please also post your system specs. (or put them in signature)
  19. BI Store went down for like 12 hours after the countdown, some people managed to buy the game but was unable to retrieve keys which caused massive outrage on forums and official BI social channels. (after 6 hours of waiting support started to manually send the keys) Homever people which decided to get it from Steam, seemlessly bought the game and downloaded it minutes after the Alpha countdown.
  20. k3lt

    We need this to be optimized.

    Probably you're playing in Editor, or infantry Showcase which are running decently. Now go and try populated multiplayer server, or even helicopters showcase.
  21. MSI Afterburner is also running MSI On-Screen Display server (rivatuner server statistics)
  22. http://alpha.arma3.com/sitrep-001