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Everything posted by luckylegs

  1. If you use the Search Thread function at the top right above the posts, you'll find a lot of people asking/talking about the mortars and artillery system. This post should answer your question: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?190433-ACE3-A-collaborative-merger-between-AGM-CSE-and-ACE&p=2913897&highlight=artillery#post2913897 Off-topic: God, that video was difficult to watch for me, purely because RHS still haven't configured their inertia values. I have no idea how people can stand to actually properly play with RHS in its current early state without writing their own weapon configs.
  2. luckylegs

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader

    Thanks Rydygier :) I'll keep an eye out for it in my tests.
  3. luckylegs

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader

    Rydygier, in the HAL manual, in the 'Possible Missions' section under 'Rest mission', you say: Maybe it's just me, but I can't find any mention of this option in the config variables or anywhere else in the manual. Would you be able to shed some light?
  4. I thought the exact same thing when I saw the video; had a little "OMGOMGOMG" moment (on top of how much I was already jizzing uncontrollably at both the announcement and the merger itself) :p Rationally, though, I'd say what naizarak said is probably true and the guy was simply dead. I can understand why you were excited though, considering this GitHub thread you opened: https://github.com/KoffeinFlummi/AGM/issues/1929 For those who aren't aware, it is not currently possible to force a unit to ragdoll unless they are killed outright, or hit by something big (e.g. a car). In all seriousness, this is a pretty important issue (or at least IMO). Being able to easily spot the difference between dead and unconscious units kills a decent chunk of the gameplay value and tension that that mechanic added in ACE2's medical system. If it is indeed still the case that forcing ragdoll on a unit is not realistically possible within the ACE3 devs' scope, I would strongly encourage people to upvote this issue right now (for what it's worth) if you haven't done so already: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=4063 Or maybe there's more to this line than I had first assumed?
  5. luckylegs

    [R3F] Logistics

    Thank you for the detailed solution, and for the quick reply! You've potentially saved me heaps of time that I otherwise would have spent trying to find exactly where and how to edit your system. It doesn't help that it's been about 9 years since I've learned or spoken any French! :p Loving the creation factory and the logistics system. Definitely glad I looked into it.
  6. luckylegs

    [R3F] Logistics

    Brilliant bunch of scripts, although I have a question: is it currently possible to whitelist/blacklist classnames of specific objects available within the Creation Factory? I have tried and failed, but perhaps I'm simply missing something. If not, I'd like to (pretty please :o) make a request for this to be supported, as I'd very much prefer to have more control over which objects are available.
  7. luckylegs

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader

    RydHQ_DefRange has been working wonders for me - thank you! Managed to do something similar for your garrison script: I applied a variable to lines 56, 83, 90, and 155 of garrison.sqf. Lower values allow the garrisoned groups to find positions much closer to each other, especially for such a dense city environment.
  8. luckylegs

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader

    Just to update you on how I went, changing values in HQOrdersDef.sqf didn't seem to change anything as far as creating defense points went - no matter how small I made the numbers. The reserve groups were much simpler to rein in, but I must still be missing something with the defending groups. Will keep looking.
  9. luckylegs

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader

    Many thanks for your response, Rydygier. I especially appreciate the detail you've gone into; the insight will help me a lot with playing around with this. That makes sense. I'm designing this scenario mainly as an infantry brawl, and as a testing platform for various infantry AI enhancements. With this in mind, I'm using BIS_fnc_destroyCity with a random seed to simulate the work the artillery's already done in paving the way for the infantry push ;) Additionally, this also means that you get a slightly different battlefield every time you boot it up... but I digress! Thanks for the tip I can definitely see that it's designed really well for more open, conventional warfare. I realised somewhere along the line that I was going to have to bend HAL a little for this type of scenario :p Really keen to see what it adds, though. Thanks again for the help, and the prompt reply!
  10. luckylegs

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader

    Question for Rydygier, or for anyone who's familiar enough with HETMAN: Is there a simple way to reduce the radius at which leaders construct their defensive perimeters in custom defense mode? Or can this only be achieved by editing lots of values in a script (I'm assuming something like hqordersdef.sqf would be the script in question?)? I'm finding that, by default, HAL will send sentries too far afield for scenarios where I'd like the defending army - or at least, what's left of them - to be much more boxed in. Here's an example: http://i.imgur.com/mzvHErG.jpg In this scenario, BLUFOR has Zargabad surrounded, with forward positions set up thoroughly throughout the outskirts. Strategic points such as The Villa, Yarum, the airfield, are to be considered under BLUFOR control. Basically, BLUFOR is setting up for a final push, with OPFOR staging a last-ditch defense from the mosque compound and surrounding city blocks. I'll keep trying to figure out an answer myself, but in the meantime, does anybody know a way to change the size of the leader's defensive AO?
  11. luckylegs

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    In the v0.3.6 changelog: I assume that work on this part is still ongoing? There are still a lot of items in the config missing inertia values, with the most notable of these being weapon accessories. I say most notable because units usually have a couple accessories attached by default, and despite whether or not a weapon's inertia has been configured, the optic will render the weapon a complete sway-fest as soon as you start moving the mouse around.
  12. luckylegs

    L85a2 v3

    Oh really?! That's great news :) Kiory makes great stuff, and PWS is my mod-manager of choice, so this makes me a happy Legs.
  13. luckylegs

    L85a2 v3

    This will probably get taken down again soon, I assume. A pity, as PWS makes sharing mods like this with friends way less arduous.
  14. Thanks for the reply BangaBob :) You might want to update the 'Usage' notes on the Armaholic page if you hadn't already thought to do that. I spent a lot of time looking in the wrong file, wondering why I couldn't see it :p
  15. I had a look through the script but it wasn't clear to me how to do this. Could someone provide a clearer explanation please?
  16. luckylegs

    Stance Adjustment revised

    The game update that enabled players to continue walking with their rifle shouldered on the left side rendered this mod largely undesirable to me, as nowadays I use that feature frequently when rounding corners to the right, in order to expose as little of my body as possible when doing so. When using this addon, however, there's no way to keep adjust left or right locked whilst moving about. I'm currently trying to work out if it would be viable to create an addon which would allow you to assign the adjust stance left and right actions to separate, custom keys. I've worked out a control scheme which would allow the player to switch from left to right whilst moving through urban terrain very efficiently this way, as at the moment I find it awfully cumbersome to have to release the movement keys before adjusting stance and resuming movement. Obviously, though, the option to do this isn't standard.
  17. Excellent tool :) Just wondering why only one person is able to login at a time: is this a technical limitation, or a design decision? If it's the latter, is there a simple way to remove the restriction? I wouldn't be surprised is this has already been discussed, but I couldn't come up with any answers using the search terms I could think of.
  18. luckylegs

    [Early Preview] 3D Editor

    Was looking for a quick way to do the reverse - i.e. convert object placement data from an already existing mission file into .csv for easier editing. Is anybody aware of a method?
  19. Big Dawg, I'm confused about what you're using for the second parameter, i.e. the building to patrol. How are you identifying specific buildings without using their numeric IDs? I saw that in your example mission, the industrial building was referred to as insBldg in your script, so I did a quick Google search for this variable but came up with nothing. If this is a silly question, I apologise for digging up an old thread; if not, I hope it helps others out. Your script sounds really powerful - thank you for sharing it! I'm definitely very eager to utilise it.