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Posts posted by TSAndrey

  1. Quite serious, in fact. Everybody seems to demand some magical anti-cheat that detects everything and stops all hacking, but that's unfortunately impossible.

    In any case, $able does a very good job with finding the public hacks and releasing BE updates to combat them. That's all you can really expect an AC to do - private hacks are still going to be able to bypass everything, whether you're talking about BE, PB, VAC, or any other AC. I would also say that $able really does go the extra mile with the server-side features.

    Actually, PB busted all private BF3 hacks recently. But, BF3 is a closed game without modding tools. Arma 2 is an open and trusting game with mod tools, not to mention how BE needs time to adjust to DayZ! BE is already busting public hacks every few days, which is pretty good!

    So yeah, hopefully, BE will have an easier job in DayZ standalone!
