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Everything posted by TSAndrey

  1. TSAndrey

    Terribly slow server browser

    Speaking of which, the Steam friend joining never works....
  2. What are you saying? Steam workshop will only ease the mod downloading and installing process, it won't allow people with mods to join servers.
  3. TSAndrey

    Arma 3 Lighting - Alpha vs. Final version

    The video posted in the "Lighting Tweaking" thread that shows the colored clouds timespan got removed, but the dev response to it is still there: AFAIK sometime after this the clouds got removed and we never got them back!
  4. TSAndrey

    Arma 3 Lighting - Alpha vs. Final version

    In Beta, clouds used to get colored, but they removed it cause of some issues at certain times. I don't know why they never brought it back! http://www.armaholic.com/datas/users/arma3_beta_pantherapc_4.jpg (575 kB)
  5. This happens to me and my friend too. I don't think it happens all the time, but when it does, it happens on the first server I join!
  6. TSAndrey

    Arma 3 Lighting - Alpha vs. Final version

    And what ever happened to the colored clouds?
  7. Isn't that sad considering Valve is a much bigger company than Gamespy?
  8. TSAndrey

    Slow listing in MP lobby!

    Indeed, I wish A3 gets a server browser like DayZ (it's not the best, but it's better than this)
  9. TSAndrey

    Slow listing in MP lobby!

    Usually yes, but the main problem is that a lot of servers don't show up (or take a long time to show up) and I have to manually filter search them in order to find them! Also, steam friend joining only works 0.1% of times.
  10. TSAndrey

    Slow listing in MP lobby!

    I don't experience the freezing you're describing, but the server listing is indeed slow!
  11. TSAndrey

    The new ARMA 3 DLC system - debate

    Yeah, but then people wouldn't want to buy the DLC's and all you would get is a game with randomly bad textures. That's not only bad for the player, but for the game's reputation!
  12. TSAndrey

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Shit guns? They're selling basic FPS gear: Grenades, LMG's and snipers! They keep make cops more annoying and then release these DLC's to probably make people buy them!
  13. TSAndrey

    Development Blog & Reveals

    @Sniperwolf572 You're comparing a coop game with an open world sandbox game, seriously? It's one thing to deny non DLC users from getting DLC content in a closed coop game, but you can't do that in a sandbox game... Btw. Overkill's DLC tactic sucks
  14. TSAndrey

    The new ARMA 3 DLC system - debate

    As much as you dislike the new system, you have to admit the old one is also bad. Bad textures? What?! Why make the game ugly for no reason? There needs to be a better way...
  15. TSAndrey

    Development Blog & Reveals

    The problem here isn't how to make people buy it, it's how not to split the community. I don't think there's a good way to do it in a game like Arma...
  16. TSAndrey

    Mysterious you were banned message

    If it's only 1 server, it's probably a problem in that server....
  17. TSAndrey

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I'm pretty sure there are no BI missions. Dwarden uses popular missions for his testing servers...
  18. A3 and DayZ have very different netcodes and very different purposes. That's not to say that A3 netcode doesn't need improvements
  19. TSAndrey

    Marksmens and Helicopters is free ?

    Features like firing from vehicles will be free, while DLC content like new vehicles will be paid.
  20. Because a full attack would escalate into a major war. CSAT didn't want a war, but when their weapon was stolen, they probably decided to attack the island to recover it!
  21. Smaller maps? No vehicles? If I wanted that I would play COD or BF. Arma with smaller maps and no vehicles isn't arma!
  22. TSAndrey

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    They can't switch Arma 3 to 64-bit at this point, the game has been released. Everybody using 32-bit could sue them! It's even shady in DayZ, but atleast that's Alpha so they have some right to switch...
  23. TSAndrey

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    DayZ is in Alpha though, while Arma 3 is released
  24. TSAndrey

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    That's funny, because in the DayZ community Arma 3 is considered "optimized".